
ºÝºÝߣShare a Scribd company logo
took them to Litchfield, Connecticut, where they converted a                    Subsequently, eight percent of the company's pre-tax profits are
barn into their weekend getaway. Somewhere along the way,                       donated to |>rogra?ns and organizations that promote gardening as
they fell in love with gardening and developed a permanent                      a way to improve the quality of people's lives, as well as that of the
case of writer's block. Their search for unique plants convinced                environment. Each year, 21 people who are improving their commu-
them that gardening - at least in the late 1940s - was an                       nities through gardening also receive the company's Garden Crusader
untapped market. Thus, what began as a private garden that                      Awards that include "seed" money and products.
attracted other garden enthusiasts grew into a business called
White Flower Farm. Launched in 1950, its owners took pride                                                              Gardeners need protection
in the unique plants they were able to offer their customers. In                                                     from the sun and a stylish hat
1976, the business was sold to Eliot Wadsworth, who contin-                                                          always dimes in handy! Sherrill
ues the pledge to collect and evaluate plants from around the                                                        has a Gardner's Delight Sun
world. The retail store is located on 200 acres of land, where                                                       Hat that offers a lot of protec-
customers can enjoy self-guided tours of the gardens or attend                                                       tion — this hat has plenty of
educational events that are held on a year-round basis.                                                              brim to keep the sun out ot the
                                                                                                                     eyes, but the real difference is
                                               How about a gift of a handmade                                        in the back of the hat, where a
                                               brooch? For spring, choose one                                        long, sort-of ruffled "veil" keeps
                                                tnat  futures                                                        the sun off the neck and upper
                                                brightly                                                             back. The fabric is comfortable
                                                colored                         and breathable; a c h i n --trap N UK iuJrJ tor windv Jaw > iT.95 +
                                                                                 S&.H. From High Country Gardens. Call 800-925-9387 or visit
                   fWWW''       flovvcrs'
      f    <-'      K^          leaves and
                              a ladybug.

                         Silversmiths                                               About High Country Gardens: There's more to see in Santa Fe,
            from British Sterling craft this                                    New Mexico besides art and Native-made jewelry. David and Ava
from jewelers' enamel, cubic zirconia and mar-                                  Salman own a renowned garden center — Santa Fe Greenhouses - as
casite. $138 + S&.H. Nothing exemplifies                                        well as its mail-order/online counterpart, High Country Gardens.
summer like a sunflower and this hrooch,                                        David is considered to be one of the country's foremost experts on
also from a London-based jeweler, sparkles                                      xeriscaping, which became part of gardening lingo about 10 years ago,
with Swarovski crystals. $98 + S&.H. From Uno Alia Volta. Call                  when drought conditions were causing municipalities to ration water.
800-625-1866 or visit www.UnoAUaVoha.com.                                       Thus began Salman's crusade to incorporate native and water-wise
                                                                                plants into landscapes.(An agastache variety he developed is named
     About Uno Alia. Volta: Company founder Terri Alpert aimed to               in honor of Ava.) His expertise has made him a favorite on the lec-
fill her catalogues with items that are made "one at a time," thus her          ture circuit and his words of wisdom have been shared in countless
company prides itself on items that are made by master artisans from            magazines, newspapers and television networks such as HGTV. Last
all over the world. The choices cover the gamut and touch on fashion ,          year, he was the recipient of the American Horticultural Society's
home decor and gift giving. The company is based in North Branford,             Great American Gardeners Award. Stores are located in Santa Fe
Connecticut.                                                                    and Albuquerque, where tours of the gardens, workshops and lectures
                                                                                are offered.
    Do you know a gardener who is
always hunting for a piece of twine                                                 The delicate beauty of Bleeding Hearts is displayed in this set
to tie up a plant? Here's a handy                                               of seven ornaments. Each of the 1-1/2 to 2-inch tall, pink-and-
new tool: a Pocket Clothespin                                                   white glass ornaments are realistic portrayals of their namesake
Cutter with Twine. The roll ot                                                  flowers - the Bleeding Heart (Dicentra). A truly romantic gift
all-natural twine is sized to fit into                                          for the nature lover! $14-95 + S&.H. From Gardener's Supply
the front pocket of a pair of pants.                                            Company. Call 800-427-3363 or visit www.gardeners.com.
The clothespin, with a cutting
blade set into its head, hooks onto
the pants pocket. After the desired
length of twine is pulled out, it is
easily cut by inserting it into the
head of the clothespin. Comes
with two rolls of jute; great for
tying up tomatoes, coneflowers,
you name it! $19.95 + S&.H. Fro?n Gardener's Supply Company.
Call 800-427-3363 or visit www.gardeners.com.

    About Gardener's Supply Company: This is another New
England-based company - Burlington, Vermont - that boasts both a
catalogue and storefronts. Founded in 1983 by several garden enthu-
siasts, the company continues to be employee-owned. Gardener's
Supply takes pride in the /act that its research and development team
has devised products that are innovative, earth-friendly and a help
to gardeners of all levels. Essentially, the company views gardening              Does your gardening friend like to have note cards on
as a way to make the world a better place one backyard at a time.               hand to keep in touch with friends and family.' If so, a set

44   LAM .  - n i < l .  sn - DECEMBER 2CW
(if nature-themed note cards is just
the thins - the designs feature wild
hirds such as goldfinches and cedar
waxwings. The cards are also environ-
mentally friendly, as they are made of
handmade paper that is derived from
mulberry shrubs. Inside, there is a
special gift of seeded paper that can be
planted. Next year's crop of wildflow-
ers produced from that seed will serve
as a special reminder of the person
from whom the note was received.
Box of 16 cards, $38 + S&H. From
Una Alia Volta. Call 800-625-1866
or visit www.UnoAllaVoha.com.

   For the more practical-minded,
there's a way to move those big, heavy
containers without straining your
back. The straps of the Pot Lifter are
placed around the pot. Two people
can grab the handles (one on each
side) and easily move a pot weigh-
ing up to 200 pounds! Now, it'll be
so much easier to take those pots of
tender plants inside for the winter.
$29.95 + S&H. From Gardener's Supply
Company. Call 800-427-3363 or visit
www.gardeners.com. •«•

                    Sherrill and Jim Kroeck
                                              From The Deerskin Leather Shop
                    have applied their
                    passion for plants by                " • Park City Center, Lancaster,
                    being involved in the
                    horticulture industry
                                                 THE       (717)393-5259
                    for many years. They
                    enjoy gardening,
                                              DEERSKIN     • Kitchen Kettle Village, Intercourse,
                                                         1(717)768-8261                         ^
                    birdwatching and
                    renovating their          LEATHER      • Exton Square Mall, Exton,       .^ <
                                                 SHOP      (610)363-0184                ^A-i^l

                                                                              I. si STER COUNTY - DECEMBER 2009   45

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  • 1. took them to Litchfield, Connecticut, where they converted a Subsequently, eight percent of the company's pre-tax profits are barn into their weekend getaway. Somewhere along the way, donated to |>rogra?ns and organizations that promote gardening as they fell in love with gardening and developed a permanent a way to improve the quality of people's lives, as well as that of the case of writer's block. Their search for unique plants convinced environment. Each year, 21 people who are improving their commu- them that gardening - at least in the late 1940s - was an nities through gardening also receive the company's Garden Crusader untapped market. Thus, what began as a private garden that Awards that include "seed" money and products. attracted other garden enthusiasts grew into a business called White Flower Farm. Launched in 1950, its owners took pride Gardeners need protection in the unique plants they were able to offer their customers. In from the sun and a stylish hat 1976, the business was sold to Eliot Wadsworth, who contin- always dimes in handy! Sherrill ues the pledge to collect and evaluate plants from around the has a Gardner's Delight Sun world. The retail store is located on 200 acres of land, where Hat that offers a lot of protec- customers can enjoy self-guided tours of the gardens or attend tion — this hat has plenty of educational events that are held on a year-round basis. brim to keep the sun out ot the eyes, but the real difference is How about a gift of a handmade in the back of the hat, where a brooch? For spring, choose one long, sort-of ruffled "veil" keeps tnat futures the sun off the neck and upper brightly back. The fabric is comfortable colored and breathable; a c h i n --trap N UK iuJrJ tor windv Jaw > iT.95 + S&.H. From High Country Gardens. Call 800-925-9387 or visit fWWW'' flovvcrs' f <-' K^ leaves and a ladybug. wuw.highcountrygardens.com. Silversmiths About High Country Gardens: There's more to see in Santa Fe, from British Sterling craft this New Mexico besides art and Native-made jewelry. David and Ava from jewelers' enamel, cubic zirconia and mar- Salman own a renowned garden center — Santa Fe Greenhouses - as casite. $138 + S&.H. Nothing exemplifies well as its mail-order/online counterpart, High Country Gardens. summer like a sunflower and this hrooch, David is considered to be one of the country's foremost experts on also from a London-based jeweler, sparkles xeriscaping, which became part of gardening lingo about 10 years ago, with Swarovski crystals. $98 + S&.H. From Uno Alia Volta. Call when drought conditions were causing municipalities to ration water. 800-625-1866 or visit www.UnoAUaVoha.com. Thus began Salman's crusade to incorporate native and water-wise plants into landscapes.(An agastache variety he developed is named About Uno Alia. Volta: Company founder Terri Alpert aimed to in honor of Ava.) His expertise has made him a favorite on the lec- fill her catalogues with items that are made "one at a time," thus her ture circuit and his words of wisdom have been shared in countless company prides itself on items that are made by master artisans from magazines, newspapers and television networks such as HGTV. Last all over the world. The choices cover the gamut and touch on fashion , year, he was the recipient of the American Horticultural Society's home decor and gift giving. The company is based in North Branford, Great American Gardeners Award. Stores are located in Santa Fe Connecticut. and Albuquerque, where tours of the gardens, workshops and lectures are offered. Do you know a gardener who is always hunting for a piece of twine The delicate beauty of Bleeding Hearts is displayed in this set to tie up a plant? Here's a handy of seven ornaments. Each of the 1-1/2 to 2-inch tall, pink-and- new tool: a Pocket Clothespin white glass ornaments are realistic portrayals of their namesake Cutter with Twine. The roll ot flowers - the Bleeding Heart (Dicentra). A truly romantic gift all-natural twine is sized to fit into for the nature lover! $14-95 + S&.H. From Gardener's Supply the front pocket of a pair of pants. Company. Call 800-427-3363 or visit www.gardeners.com. The clothespin, with a cutting blade set into its head, hooks onto the pants pocket. After the desired length of twine is pulled out, it is easily cut by inserting it into the head of the clothespin. Comes with two rolls of jute; great for tying up tomatoes, coneflowers, you name it! $19.95 + S&.H. Fro?n Gardener's Supply Company. Call 800-427-3363 or visit www.gardeners.com. About Gardener's Supply Company: This is another New England-based company - Burlington, Vermont - that boasts both a catalogue and storefronts. Founded in 1983 by several garden enthu- siasts, the company continues to be employee-owned. Gardener's Supply takes pride in the /act that its research and development team has devised products that are innovative, earth-friendly and a help to gardeners of all levels. Essentially, the company views gardening Does your gardening friend like to have note cards on as a way to make the world a better place one backyard at a time. hand to keep in touch with friends and family.' If so, a set 44 LAM . - n i < l . sn - DECEMBER 2CW
  • 2. (if nature-themed note cards is just the thins - the designs feature wild hirds such as goldfinches and cedar waxwings. The cards are also environ- mentally friendly, as they are made of handmade paper that is derived from mulberry shrubs. Inside, there is a special gift of seeded paper that can be planted. Next year's crop of wildflow- ers produced from that seed will serve as a special reminder of the person from whom the note was received. Box of 16 cards, $38 + S&H. From Una Alia Volta. Call 800-625-1866 or visit www.UnoAllaVoha.com. For the more practical-minded, there's a way to move those big, heavy containers without straining your back. The straps of the Pot Lifter are placed around the pot. Two people can grab the handles (one on each side) and easily move a pot weigh- ing up to 200 pounds! Now, it'll be so much easier to take those pots of tender plants inside for the winter. $29.95 + S&H. From Gardener's Supply Company. Call 800-427-3363 or visit www.gardeners.com. •«• Sherrill and Jim Kroeck From The Deerskin Leather Shop have applied their passion for plants by " • Park City Center, Lancaster, being involved in the horticulture industry THE (717)393-5259 for many years. They enjoy gardening, DEERSKIN • Kitchen Kettle Village, Intercourse, 1(717)768-8261 ^ birdwatching and renovating their LEATHER • Exton Square Mall, Exton, .^ < turn-of-the-century home. SHOP (610)363-0184 ^A-i^l I. si STER COUNTY - DECEMBER 2009 45