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L a n d s c a p e
L a n d s c a p e
N u m b e r . 1
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Idea - Reflection
L a n d s c a p e
N u m b e r . 2
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
L a n d s c a p e
N u m b e r . 3
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Artist statement
My artwork can be regarded close to Land Art or Earth Work since it is made of
natural objects in a natural space. The term 'Earth Work' is also called 'Land Art'
because it takes place on land of which its materials are natural objects themselves
with forms of earth, wood, and water, etc. My work are about a conjunction of
nature and arti鍖ciality; in other words, it captures moments of sculptural form us-
ing rubber plates, which is made of synthetic substance, with a camera as tool on
the natural space of land.
I pursue an Oriental painting-like work. work on a photographic paper
(which substitutes for a canvas) using the camera instead of brush,and by employ-
ing black and white color instead of 'muk' (Korean traditional black ink), I attempt
to express an object with abstract forms like one huge handwriting in real,natural
landscape/background, and seeking for a harmony and meaning in it.
First, I brought out the sculptural works and placed them in an appropriate
place. I used to work with full range of colors, but then, in the process of cap-
turing the one-day exhibit (or, installation ephemere) in photographs, my concern
was diverted from the color to the depth of black-and-white after I began to use
discarded rubbers that were found at a coal factory.
Then placed a rubber plate, which varies with its surroundings organically, in ap-
propriate places and took the pictures of it. I felt deep attachment to this rubber
plate which was dumped and collected at a coal factory. I began to work with it
by chance, and after that, it led my interest into the monochrome work rather
than the colored that I used to work on before. The rubber plate that has lost its
use was recognized as a property of matter- black colored, a variability changing
its form according to the surroundings. Indeed, it gave a strong impression that I
could imagine myself drawing one big stroke in the nature.
Situated in a place that reminds us of an Oriental ink-and-wash painting, the
鍖exibility of the substance of black rubber (changing its form according to where
it is placed,and assimilating itself into other materials such as water despite it does
not re鍖ect its surroundings) conveys a great expressional charm itself.
Dohee Yoo
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
L a n d s c a p e
N u m b e r . 4
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
Landscape by Dohee Yoo
2003 Masters degree in Formative Arts, University of ParisVIII, France
2000 Bachelors degree in Formative Arts, University of ParisVIII, France
1999 DNSEP ( Dip担me Nationale Sup辿rieur dExpression Plastique)
Fine Art College of Rouen, France
1997 DNAP ( Dip担me Nationale Arts Plastiques)
Fine Art College of Le Havre, France
2013 Invitation Exhibition 'Landscape' The K gallery, Seoul, Korea
2009  Anchor my hope gallery Lux, Seoul, Korea
2004 "Track" gallery Gaia, Seoul, Korea
2000 LEspace Saint Michel, Paris, France
2013 Exhibition of group " The marche of Kongjwi and Patjwi,Ami Art Museum,
Dang-jin. Chungnam, Korea
2012 Exhibition of group Triangle Palais de Seoul, Seoul
Exhibition of Seoul Arts Association. Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2011 Exhibition of group After Paris 80 image, Palais de Seoul, Seoul
Group invitational exhibition Exhibition opening,Ami Art Museum,
Dang-jin. Chungnam
Exhibition of Seoul Arts Association. Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Exhibition of Seoul Arts association,Modern Art Show, China
2010 Exhibition of group Decalge gallery Cerestar, Seoul
Group invitational exhibition gallery Logos , Gwacheon city, Korea
2009 Exhibition of group  Decalage horaire galleryYang, Seoul
2008 Participation of opening perfomence in Gwangju biennal
2007 Interior design and display for store opening
2006 Exhibition of group Puzzle project in Japan,England,USA
Prop Designer in a short 鍖lm  Morphine2006
Costume director in a short 鍖lm  Save picture whit other name
2005 Musical CARMEN, Prop Designer
Art department in a short 鍖lm Folding Paper
Art director of opening party for French Experimental Movie ` Festival
2004 Grand store Home Plus open display
Exhibition of group 2004 Global Art In NewYork in NY, USA
2003 Michael Lins assistant for the project Flower Power for The Consortium,
Lille, France.
1999 Exhibition of group, 束 Stamp 損, Rouen,France
Exhibition of group for Dipoma, Rouen,France
1998 Erasmus with Staatliche Academie der Bildenden K短nste karlsruhe
` In Germany
Exhibition of group 即Sculpture Photograph即 , Rouen, France
Tangram, Rouen, France
Erasmus  Stipendiaten, Karlsruhe, Germany
1997 Workshop for 即Sculpture Photograph即, Harcourt, France
1991  1993 Display Artist of Apparel Shin- Han international Corporation, Seoul,Korea
d o h e e . y @ g m a i l . c o m

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Landscape by Dohee Yoo

  • 1. L a n d s c a p e
  • 2. L a n d s c a p e N u m b e r . 1
  • 6. L a n d s c a p e N u m b e r . 2
  • 10. L a n d s c a p e N u m b e r . 3
  • 15. Artist statement My artwork can be regarded close to Land Art or Earth Work since it is made of natural objects in a natural space. The term 'Earth Work' is also called 'Land Art' because it takes place on land of which its materials are natural objects themselves with forms of earth, wood, and water, etc. My work are about a conjunction of nature and arti鍖ciality; in other words, it captures moments of sculptural form us- ing rubber plates, which is made of synthetic substance, with a camera as tool on the natural space of land. I pursue an Oriental painting-like work. work on a photographic paper (which substitutes for a canvas) using the camera instead of brush,and by employ- ing black and white color instead of 'muk' (Korean traditional black ink), I attempt to express an object with abstract forms like one huge handwriting in real,natural landscape/background, and seeking for a harmony and meaning in it. First, I brought out the sculptural works and placed them in an appropriate place. I used to work with full range of colors, but then, in the process of cap- turing the one-day exhibit (or, installation ephemere) in photographs, my concern was diverted from the color to the depth of black-and-white after I began to use discarded rubbers that were found at a coal factory. Then placed a rubber plate, which varies with its surroundings organically, in ap- propriate places and took the pictures of it. I felt deep attachment to this rubber plate which was dumped and collected at a coal factory. I began to work with it by chance, and after that, it led my interest into the monochrome work rather than the colored that I used to work on before. The rubber plate that has lost its use was recognized as a property of matter- black colored, a variability changing its form according to the surroundings. Indeed, it gave a strong impression that I could imagine myself drawing one big stroke in the nature. Situated in a place that reminds us of an Oriental ink-and-wash painting, the 鍖exibility of the substance of black rubber (changing its form according to where it is placed,and assimilating itself into other materials such as water despite it does not re鍖ect its surroundings) conveys a great expressional charm itself. Dohee Yoo
  • 17. L a n d s c a p e N u m b e r . 4
  • 20. EDUCATION 2003 Masters degree in Formative Arts, University of ParisVIII, France 2000 Bachelors degree in Formative Arts, University of ParisVIII, France 1999 DNSEP ( Dip担me Nationale Sup辿rieur dExpression Plastique) Fine Art College of Rouen, France 1997 DNAP ( Dip担me Nationale Arts Plastiques) Fine Art College of Le Havre, France
  • 21. SOLO EXHIBITION 2013 Invitation Exhibition 'Landscape' The K gallery, Seoul, Korea 2009 Anchor my hope gallery Lux, Seoul, Korea 2004 "Track" gallery Gaia, Seoul, Korea 2000 LEspace Saint Michel, Paris, France WORK EXPERIENCE 2013 Exhibition of group " The marche of Kongjwi and Patjwi,Ami Art Museum, Dang-jin. Chungnam, Korea 2012 Exhibition of group Triangle Palais de Seoul, Seoul Exhibition of Seoul Arts Association. Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul 2011 Exhibition of group After Paris 80 image, Palais de Seoul, Seoul Group invitational exhibition Exhibition opening,Ami Art Museum, Dang-jin. Chungnam Exhibition of Seoul Arts Association. Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul Exhibition of Seoul Arts association,Modern Art Show, China 2010 Exhibition of group Decalge gallery Cerestar, Seoul Group invitational exhibition gallery Logos , Gwacheon city, Korea 2009 Exhibition of group Decalage horaire galleryYang, Seoul 2008 Participation of opening perfomence in Gwangju biennal 2007 Interior design and display for store opening 2006 Exhibition of group Puzzle project in Japan,England,USA Prop Designer in a short 鍖lm Morphine2006 Costume director in a short 鍖lm Save picture whit other name 2005 Musical CARMEN, Prop Designer Art department in a short 鍖lm Folding Paper Art director of opening party for French Experimental Movie ` Festival 2004 Grand store Home Plus open display Exhibition of group 2004 Global Art In NewYork in NY, USA 2003 Michael Lins assistant for the project Flower Power for The Consortium, Lille, France. 1999 Exhibition of group, 束 Stamp 損, Rouen,France Exhibition of group for Dipoma, Rouen,France 1998 Erasmus with Staatliche Academie der Bildenden K短nste karlsruhe ` In Germany Exhibition of group 即Sculpture Photograph即 , Rouen, France Tangram, Rouen, France Erasmus Stipendiaten, Karlsruhe, Germany 1997 Workshop for 即Sculpture Photograph即, Harcourt, France 1991 1993 Display Artist of Apparel Shin- Han international Corporation, Seoul,Korea
  • 22. d o h e e . y @ g m a i l . c o m