3. AnDramaDoe, 2001, J Doe
Project, Omahas first public
art project
Douglas County
Court House, Omaha,
fiberglass figure with
ceramic tile
Currently in residence at
The Rose Theater for
Young People, Omaha, NE
Rear view
4. Iron Tail , Elements, Fontenelle Forest, Omaha, NE 2003
Resides at Hotshops Arts
Center, Omaha. 6x 12
Tile, tesserae, and steel.
Steel frame fabricated by
Loken Forge, Omaha
5. The First Meeting, Lewis and Clark Memorial
Icon, N.P. Dodge Park, Omaha, NE 2004
Clay relief pieces created to fill
one of eight Icon monuments
placed along both sides of the
Missouri River in Nebraska and
Panel is 48 x 25
Stoneware and porcelain, salt-
fired and oxidation glazes
6. The Seasons Clock, Omaha Hilton Hotel Lobby, 2007
Slip cast and wood fired porcelain with glass
tesserae, hand blown glass blubs, and clock
7. Blue Willow Tale in Tangrams, ArtisTree, Joslyn Art Museum 2005
Plates, tile, sand-blasted glass,
wood, cast and wrought iron
4 views, 1 view w/shadows, 1 detail,
Dimensions 36 x 36
9. Childrens Hospital Waiting Room, Omaha, NE 1999
Collaboration with Joslyn Art Museum students and Community,
Low fired clay and glaze, commercial ceramic tile 4x16.
10. Dragon Bench, Omaha Childrens Museum, 2003
Collaboration with Shop Class students
and Ceramic students at
Bryan Senior High, Omaha, NE
40x 48x 24
Low fire clay and re cycled porcelain
tesserae on wood and concrete.
15. Endangered Species, 2 views, salt-fired cast porcelain and wheel thrown clay, a vine
16. Bountiful Babe, wheel thrown, cast ceramic and found
object, and seamstress mannequin, 18x 28
17. Making the Political Personal, Kimmel Harding Nelson, Nebraska City, NE 2009
Installation views
The pedestal sculptures represent the diverse places and situations the students in my classroom came
from. They are bricolage, made from discarded student work and other found objects which I treated to
create the desired effect.
18. Reaching, hand-built and slip cast ceramic,
with found objects and glass
Hiding, hand-built and slip cast ceramic,
with found objects
19. Shotgun, hand-built and cast ceramic and
found object
Cozy, hand-built and cast ceramic and found object
20. Seeking, hand built and slip cast ceramic,
with found objects and glass
Seeking, 2nd view
21. Pope Pius Xll , Bound and Blind Pope John Pauls Ascendency
24. Personal Art Work
Since 2004 Ive taken classic and kitsch imagery found in commercial
plates and ceramic decals, combined them with overglaze decals
lusters, as well as other ceramic additions for purposes of fun, fantasy
and sometimes, for critical reflection.