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               Hot I
               H Issue Presentation
                       P        i                                 
                 on ASEM 9 Summit
Presenter: LAngsith THANASOUK (GMPA  GSPA  SNU on 02.05.2012)
Outline of Presentation
1 Overview

2   ASEM Members
3   ASEM logo and Significant
4   Achievements
5   Meetings

6    ASEM 9

7    References and Discussions
I. Overview

The AsiaEurope Meeting (ASEM) was officially established
in 1996 at the first summit in Bangkok.

ASEM is an Interregional forum which consists of the Europ
ean Commission, the 27 members of the European Union
(EU), the thirteen members of the ASEAN + 3 regional grou
ping India, Mongolia, and Pakistan, and 3 Countries as
Australia, Russia and N
A t li R        i   d New Z l d.

The initial ASEM partnership in 1996 consisted of 15 EU
member states and 7 ASEAN member states plus China,
Republic of Korea Japan and the European Commission
             Korea,                         Commission.
The ASEM dialogue addresses political, economic
     AS M
and cultural issues, with the objective of
strengthening the relationship between our two
regions, in a spirit of mutual respect and equal

The main components of the ASEM process
which has so far been loosely organized, include:

  political dialogue
  security and the economy
  education and culture

                 And so called 3 pillars

II. ASEM Members
ASEM currently has 48 partners:
46 countries and 2 international organizations.
The partners are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei
Darussalam, Bulgaria, C b di Chi
        l      l i Cambodia, China, C      Cyprus, C
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan,
Greece Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan
Republic of Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithonia, Luxembourg,
Malaysia, Malta Mongolia Myanmar Netherlands
Malaysia Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal,
Rumania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Vietnam,
European Commission and ASEAN Secretariat.

ASEM Members Map


                                  2010 (+3) = 48

                 2007 ( 6) = 45

     2004 (+10 New EU, 3 New ASEAN) = 39

1996 (+15 EU, EU, 7 ASEAN and ASEAN+3)26
     (+15                     ASEAN
III. ASEM logo and Significant
                  g        g

ASEM logo expresses the idea of interaction between Europe
and Asia through the intertwined forms of an Asian brush-
stroke and a simplified roman "E". These also combine to form
letter "A" and "E", symbolising Asia and Europe. The logo
represents two different yet intertwined cultures of East and
West seeking ways to come together to interact The colours of
the logo - blue and red - represent Europe and Asia respectably.
IV. Achievements
    A Dialogue Facilitator
    A P li M ki Laboratory
      Policy-Making L b t
    Managing Growing Europe-Asia Relations
  Asia-Europe Cooperation Framework 2000
ASEM established the Asia-Europe Cooperation Framework (AECF) was
adopted at the ASEM 3 Summit in Seoul, Korea (20-21 Oct. 2000) to set the
vision, Principles, Objectives, Priorities and mechanisms for the ASEM
process for the first decade of the new millennium.

  Key Characteristics
Key characteristics of the ASEM process include:
 Emphasis on equal partnership;
 Dual focus on high level and people to people
                 high-level    people-to-people.

V. Meetings

ASEM Summit is held every second year in Asia and
Europe alternatively. This is the highest level of decision
making body in the process.

Besides th tt d
B id the attendance of the Heads of St t or
                         f th H d f State
Government from Asia and Europe, the Summit also
features accompanying ministers, Head of the European
Commission and the Secretary-General of ASEAN. The
dates and venues of the ASEM Summits which had been
held since the establishment of ASEM are as:

The summits, attended by the heads of state and
    summits,             y
government of respective members, have been held in:
 ASEM 1: March 12, 1996, Bangkok, Thailand;
 ASEM 2: April 34, 1998, London, United Kingdom;
              l      1998,     d         d      d
 ASEM 3: October 2021, 2000, Seoul, ROK;
                  2021, 2000,
 ASEM 4: September 22-24, 2002, Copenhagen Denmark;
                      22-24, 2002, Copenhagen,
 ASEM 5: October 8-9, 2004, Hanoi, Vietnam;
 ASEM 6: September 1011, 2006, Helsinki, Finland;
                      1011, 2006,
 ASEM 7: October 2425, 2008, Beijing, China;
                  2425, 2008,
 ASEM 8: October 5-6, 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
                       2010,              g

Next summit to be held: ASEM 9: November 56, 2012
@ Vientiane, Laos.
Throughout these years, ASEM has gone through the period of complex and rapid changes. It has
faced with many challenges such as climate change, economic and financial crisis, high prices
of food and energy, natural disasters, outbreak of infectious diseases and others, which have
negatively impacted the socio-economic development of the two regions. Despite the challenges,
today ASEM remains relevant and continues to be an important         forum for ASEM partners to
share their thoughts exchange views and explore ways and
            thoughts,                                           means in promoting better
understanding and enhancing cooperation between Asia and         Europe and in addressing the
various challenges.

The 9th Asia-Europe Meeting Summit or ASEM 9 will be held on 5 - 6 November 2012 in Vientia
ne, Lao PDR under the theme: Friends for Peace, Partners for Prosperity. It will provide yet
another important occasion for Leaders of Asia and Europe to discuss regional and international
issues of common interest and concern, including, among others, food and energy security,
sustainable development, financial and economic crisis, climate change, natural disaster
response, socio-cultural cooperation and future direction of ASEM.

Besides the hosting of ASEM 9, the Lao PDR will also organise other important ASEM
sideline events, namely Asia-Europe Peoples Forum(AEPF), Asia-Europe Parliamentary
Partnership Meeting (ASEP) and for leaders of Asia-Europe Business Forum (AEBF) in
Vientiane in 2012. The Government and multi-ethnic people of the Lao PDR feel
honored to be entrusted to host the ASEM 9 and related events and are looking forward
to warmly welcoming all ASEM Leaders and delegates to Vientiane in 2012.
More info.
M    i f
  Information from the coordinators: ASIA Laos,
  Pakistan and EUROPE  European Commission and D
  htt //           i f b d      /
  http://www asem9 la;
             P f

       Students    Presenter

螳 for your kind share knowledge^^
                         Hot Issue Presentation  LAngsith 28.04.2012

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LAngsith Present Hot issue on ASEM (ASEM 9 on November 5-6, 2012 in Laos) @ GSPA, SNU, Seoul, Korea 2012

  • 1. Hot I H Issue Presentation P i Presenter: on ASEM 9 Summit Presenter: LAngsith THANASOUK (GMPA GSPA SNU on 02.05.2012) 02.05.2012) 1
  • 2. Outline of Presentation 1 Overview 2 ASEM Members 3 ASEM logo and Significant 4 Achievements 5 Meetings 6 ASEM 9 7 References and Discussions 2
  • 3. I. Overview The AsiaEurope Meeting (ASEM) was officially established Asia in 1996 at the first summit in Bangkok. Bangkok. ASEM is an Interregional forum which consists of the Europ ean Commission, the 27 members of the European Union (EU), the thirteen members of the ASEAN + 3 regional grou ping India, Mongolia, and Pakistan, and 3 Countries as Pakistan, Australia, Russia and N A t li R i d New Z l d. Zealand. Zealand The initial ASEM partnership in 1996 consisted of 15 EU member states and 7 ASEAN member states plus China, Republic of Korea Japan and the European Commission Korea, Commission. 3
  • 4. ASEM The ASEM dialogue addresses political, economic AS M and cultural issues, with the objective of strengthening the relationship between our two regions, in a spirit of mutual respect and equal partnership. partnership. 4
  • 5. ASEM The main components of the ASEM process process, which has so far been loosely organized, include: political dialogue security and the economy education and culture And so called 3 pillars 5
  • 6. II. ASEM Members ASEM currently has 48 partners: 46 countries and 2 international organizations. The partners are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, C b di Chi l l i Cambodia, China, C Cyprus, C Czech h Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan, Greece Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan Republic of Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithonia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta Mongolia Myanmar Netherlands Malaysia Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, European Commission and ASEAN Secretariat. 6
  • 8. Enlargement g 2010 (+3) = 48 (+3 2007 ( 6) = 45 (+6 (+ 2004 (+10 New EU, 3 New ASEAN) = 39 (+10 1996 (+15 EU, EU, 7 ASEAN and ASEAN+3)26 ( (+15 ASEAN ASEAN+3 8
  • 9. III. ASEM logo and Significant g g ASEM logo expresses the idea of interaction between Europe and Asia through the intertwined forms of an Asian brush- brush- stroke and a simplified roman "E". These also combine to form letter "A" and "E", symbolising Asia and Europe. The logo represents two different yet intertwined cultures of East and West seeking ways to come together to interact The colours of interact. the logo - blue and red - represent Europe and Asia respectably. 9
  • 10. IV. Achievements A Dialogue Facilitator A P li M ki Laboratory Policy-Making L b t Managing Growing Europe-Asia Relations Asia-Europe Cooperation Framework 2000 ASEM established the Asia-Europe Cooperation Framework (AECF) was adopted at the ASEM 3 Summit in Seoul, Korea (20-21 Oct. 2000) to set the vision, Principles, Objectives, Priorities and mechanisms for the ASEM process for the first decade of the new millennium. Key Characteristics Key characteristics of the ASEM process include: Informality; Multi-dimensionality; Emphasis on equal partnership; Dual focus on high level and people to people high-level people-to-people. 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. V. Meetings g ASEM Summit is held every second year in Asia and Europe alternatively. This is the highest level of decision making body in the process. Besides th tt d B id the attendance of the Heads of St t or f th H d f State Government from Asia and Europe, the Summit also features accompanying ministers, Head of the European ministers Commission and the Secretary-General of ASEAN. The Secretary- dates and venues of the ASEM Summits which had been held since the establishment of ASEM are as: Next 12
  • 13. ASEM SUMMITs The summits, attended by the heads of state and summits, y government of respective members, have been held in: ASEM 1: March 12, 1996, Bangkok, Thailand; 1996, ASEM 2: April 34, 1998, London, United Kingdom; l 1998, d d d ASEM 3: October 2021, 2000, Seoul, ROK; 2021, 2000, ASEM 4: September 22-24, 2002, Copenhagen Denmark; 22-24, 2002, Copenhagen, ASEM 5: October 8-9, 2004, Hanoi, Vietnam; 2004, ASEM 6: September 1011, 2006, Helsinki, Finland; 1011, 2006, ASEM 7: October 2425, 2008, Beijing, China; 2425, 2008, ASEM 8: October 5-6, 2010, Brussels, Belgium. 2010, g Next summit to be held: ASEM 9: November 56, 2012 @ Vientiane, Laos. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. VI. ASEM 9 Throughout these years, ASEM has gone through the period of complex and rapid changes. It has faced with many challenges such as climate change, economic and financial crisis, high prices of food and energy, natural disasters, outbreak of infectious diseases and others, which have negatively impacted the socio-economic development of the two regions. Despite the challenges, today ASEM remains relevant and continues to be an important forum for ASEM partners to share their thoughts exchange views and explore ways and thoughts, means in promoting better understanding and enhancing cooperation between Asia and Europe and in addressing the various challenges. The 9th Asia-Europe Meeting Summit or ASEM 9 will be held on 5 - 6 November 2012 in Vientia ne, Lao PDR under the theme: Friends for Peace, Partners for Prosperity. It will provide yet another important occasion for Leaders of Asia and Europe to discuss regional and international issues of common interest and concern, including, among others, food and energy security, sustainable development, financial and economic crisis, climate change, natural disaster response, socio-cultural cooperation and future direction of ASEM. Besides the hosting of ASEM 9, the Lao PDR will also organise other important ASEM sideline events, namely Asia-Europe Peoples Forum(AEPF), Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting (ASEP) and for leaders of Asia-Europe Business Forum (AEBF) in Vientiane in 2012. The Government and multi-ethnic people of the Lao PDR feel honored to be entrusted to host the ASEM 9 and related events and are looking forward to warmly welcoming all ASEM Leaders and delegates to Vientiane in 2012. 16
  • 17. 17
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21
  • 22. More info. M i f Information from the coordinators: ASIA Laos, Pakistan and EUROPE European Commission and D enmark; http://www.aseminfoboard.org/upco; htt // i f b d / Ming-events/even/344-asem-9-summit.html; http://www.asem9.la; http://www asem9 la; Etc. 22
  • 23. Professor P f Students Presenter 螳 for your kind share knowledge^^ Hot Issue Presentation LAngsith 28.04.2012