Program Java untuk mengambil alamat IP dan nama host lokal pada komputer menggunakan perintah InetAddress.getByName() dan mencetak hasilnya menggunakan println().
Laporan ambil nama pada PC menggunakan Pemograman JavaRara Ariesta
Program Java sederhana untuk mengambil nama komputer lokal dengan menggunakan class InetAddress dan method getLocalHost() dan getHostName(). Program disimpan dengan nama dan dieksekusi untuk menampilkan nama komputer.
Program Java sederhana untuk mengambil nama komputer berdasarkan alamat IP dengan menggunakan package dan method getLocalHost() dan getHostName(). Program mencetak nama komputer yang dijalankan.
Aplikasi Java sederhana untuk melihat nama komputer menggunakan perintah InetAddress.getLocalHost() dan host.getHostName() yang menampilkan nama komputer secara langsung.
Dokumen ini memberikan contoh kode program Java singkat untuk mengambil nama komputer lokal menggunakan method getLocalHost() dan getHostName(). Program tersebut dijalankan dan dikompilasi dengan menekan tombol ctrl+1 dan ctrl+2 untuk menampilkan nama komputer.
1) The document presents a novel algorithm to segment overlapped and touching human chromosome images automatically.
2) The algorithm first obtains chromosome contours and calculates a discrete curvature function to identify concave points on the contours.
3) It then detects interesting points like concave and convex points and uses these to plot possible separation lines between chromosomes.
4) The algorithm segments the overlapped chromosomes using a curvature function scheme to separate them, which previous studies have found to be successful.
El documento habla sobre blogs. Explica que un blog es un sitio web actualizado peri坦dicamente que sirve para publicar art鱈culos, textos, im叩genes y audios de manera cronol坦gica. Los bloggers son las personas que publican contenido en sus blogs, el cual puede incluir videos, textos, im叩genes y m叩s que pueden compartirse con otros.
The document summarizes an initiative to provide pre-service teachers opportunities to plan STEM-based learning activities for K-6 students using iPads. It aims to help future teachers gain confidence and knowledge in STEM fields so they can encourage their own students' success in these areas. Through a QEP grant, 34 pre-service teachers in an instructional technology course developed 16 hands-on STEM station activities addressing state standards and utilizing iPad apps related to topics like electrical circuits, sound, fractions, and more. These activities were showcased at two STEM events for K-6 students held at a school and community college in Knox County.
This document contains 5 similar right triangle problems solved by students. Each problem provides two ratios relating the sides of the triangle, and the students use these ratios to set up and solve equations to find the missing side lengths. All side lengths are provided in simplest radical form. The missing lengths found are 48, 15, 12, 9, and 36 respectively for each of the 5 problems.
C坦mo hablar con los ni単os acerca del terremotodaniela larenas
El documento ofrece sugerencias para que padres y profesores hablen con ni単os acerca de un terremoto, como crear un ambiente de confianza, dar explicaciones seg炭n la edad del ni単o y validar sus pensamientos y sentimientos, adem叩s de mantener la rutina diaria y buscar ayuda profesional si es necesario.
Este documento describe los conceptos b叩sicos de las redes inform叩ticas, incluyendo sus componentes hardware y software, tipos de redes, topolog鱈as y medios de transmisi坦n. Explica que una red permite compartir recursos entre ordenadores conectados y enumera los beneficios de instalar una red. Adem叩s, describe los roles de los servidores, estaciones de trabajo y usuarios en una red.
Langkah-langkah instalasi Linux Debian meliputi memasukkan CD installer, mengubah boot device ke CD-ROM, memilih bahasa dan layout keyboard, memartisi harddisk untuk pemasangan sistem, membuat akun pengguna dan root, serta memasang perangkat lunak dan boot loader untuk menyelesaikan proses instalasi.
Este documento describe las redes sociales, incluyendo su historia, tipos, diagramas y funciones. Explica que las redes sociales son estructuras sociales compuestas de grupos de personas conectadas por relaciones como amistad. Tambi辿n cubre el an叩lisis de redes sociales como metodolog鱈a en ciencias sociales y distingue entre redes sociales offline y online.
Este documento describe los beneficios de unirse a Immunotec como organizaci坦n. Ofrece un producto certificado cient鱈ficamente llamado Immunocal que ayuda a mejorar la salud propia y de los dem叩s. Tambi辿n ofrece la oportunidad de generar ingresos a trav辿s de un sistema de marketing multinivel probado. Adem叩s, promete independencia al poder administrar el propio tiempo. Immunotec es una empresa canadiense de 30 a単os que comercializa Immunocal, un suplemento nutricional basado en ciste鱈na bioactiva avalado cient鱈ficamente.
Sele巽達o de fotografias das viagens gratuitas de Carro El辿trico promovidas pela STCP aquando da comemora巽達o dos 140 anos da inaugura巽達o da primeira linha de carro americano em Portugal, no passado m棚s de maio.
Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar membahas pengantar basis data dan data dictionary. Data dictionary adalah tempat penyimpanan metadata yang menggambarkan data dalam basis data, termasuk nama pemakai, item data, akses yang diijinkan, jenis dan ukuran item data, serta batasan untuk setiap item data. Sistem data dictionary dapat berupa aktif yang selalu konsisten dengan perubahan
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n al lenguaje de programaci坦n Java. Explica que Java es un lenguaje orientado a objetos e independiente de la plataforma, y describe algunas de sus caracter鱈sticas principales como la robustez, la gesti坦n autom叩tica de memoria y los mecanismos de seguridad incorporados. Tambi辿n introduce conceptos b叩sicos de programaci坦n orientada a objetos como clases, objetos, encapsulamiento y herencia. Finalmente, brinda instrucciones sobre c坦mo instalar el kit de desarrollo Java y ejecutar programas y applets simples de
Content Management, Blogging for Business, PR & Social Media Strategies for B...BARBARA ROZGONYI
The document discusses how blogging and public relations (PR) can be combined to establish authority and position oneself as a trusted expert in a particular niche or industry. It provides strategies for using blogging as a content platform, including publishing frequently on topics people search for and want to know about, linking content to drive traffic, getting other sites to share content, and continually improving efforts over time. The goal is to become the most valuable and prominent source of information in one's field through consistent blogging and PR activities.
Cloud-based file backup provides key benefits over local backups including accessibility, security, and reliability. It allows access to files from any location through internet access, protects data through encryption and passwords, and stores files virtually to ensure they can always be accessed. Additionally, cloud backup offers recoverability through file restoration, scalability as storage is never limited, simplicity through automatic and continuous backups, and affordability through free storage amounts and usage-based pricing.
The document discusses font and color choices for a redesign of the Irn-Bru soda can. It evaluates several fonts for suitability for the slogan, logo, and background text. An orange color similar to the existing Irn-Bru color will be used as the main background. A blue color will complement the orange. Words related to power will be placed subtly in the background using a font that conveys power. The chosen font will be used for the slogan in large text to ensure readability.
Tolerance is one of the biggest problems today. People often lack tolerance for others based on superficial qualities like appearance, clothing, or lifestyle. This intolerance can be seen everywhere from schools to public spaces. Even people who claim to be tolerant sometimes act in intolerant ways towards those with differences in beliefs, behaviors, or values. A lack of tolerance has historical roots and has led to issues and conflicts like the American Civil War over slavery and the atrocities of the Holocaust during World War II. Promoting tolerance in homes and societies remains an ongoing challenge.
Melihat Nama PC Menggunakan Aplikasi Pemograman Javayoyomay93
Aplikasi Java sederhana untuk mengambil nama komputer menggunakan kode InetAddress.getLocalHost() dan host.getHostName(). Program disimpan dengan nama "" dan dieksekusi untuk menampilkan nama komputer.
The document describes a program for creating a multi-client chatting application using Java Swing. It involves creating a chat server class with methods for accepting client connections, handling message passing between clients, and maintaining a list of connected clients. It also involves creating a chat client class with methods for connecting to the server, sending and receiving messages, and displaying messages and a list of connected clients. The program listing includes the code for the ChatServer and ChatClient classes to implement the client-server architecture for a graphical multi-user chat application.
1) The document presents a novel algorithm to segment overlapped and touching human chromosome images automatically.
2) The algorithm first obtains chromosome contours and calculates a discrete curvature function to identify concave points on the contours.
3) It then detects interesting points like concave and convex points and uses these to plot possible separation lines between chromosomes.
4) The algorithm segments the overlapped chromosomes using a curvature function scheme to separate them, which previous studies have found to be successful.
El documento habla sobre blogs. Explica que un blog es un sitio web actualizado peri坦dicamente que sirve para publicar art鱈culos, textos, im叩genes y audios de manera cronol坦gica. Los bloggers son las personas que publican contenido en sus blogs, el cual puede incluir videos, textos, im叩genes y m叩s que pueden compartirse con otros.
The document summarizes an initiative to provide pre-service teachers opportunities to plan STEM-based learning activities for K-6 students using iPads. It aims to help future teachers gain confidence and knowledge in STEM fields so they can encourage their own students' success in these areas. Through a QEP grant, 34 pre-service teachers in an instructional technology course developed 16 hands-on STEM station activities addressing state standards and utilizing iPad apps related to topics like electrical circuits, sound, fractions, and more. These activities were showcased at two STEM events for K-6 students held at a school and community college in Knox County.
This document contains 5 similar right triangle problems solved by students. Each problem provides two ratios relating the sides of the triangle, and the students use these ratios to set up and solve equations to find the missing side lengths. All side lengths are provided in simplest radical form. The missing lengths found are 48, 15, 12, 9, and 36 respectively for each of the 5 problems.
C坦mo hablar con los ni単os acerca del terremotodaniela larenas
El documento ofrece sugerencias para que padres y profesores hablen con ni単os acerca de un terremoto, como crear un ambiente de confianza, dar explicaciones seg炭n la edad del ni単o y validar sus pensamientos y sentimientos, adem叩s de mantener la rutina diaria y buscar ayuda profesional si es necesario.
Este documento describe los conceptos b叩sicos de las redes inform叩ticas, incluyendo sus componentes hardware y software, tipos de redes, topolog鱈as y medios de transmisi坦n. Explica que una red permite compartir recursos entre ordenadores conectados y enumera los beneficios de instalar una red. Adem叩s, describe los roles de los servidores, estaciones de trabajo y usuarios en una red.
Langkah-langkah instalasi Linux Debian meliputi memasukkan CD installer, mengubah boot device ke CD-ROM, memilih bahasa dan layout keyboard, memartisi harddisk untuk pemasangan sistem, membuat akun pengguna dan root, serta memasang perangkat lunak dan boot loader untuk menyelesaikan proses instalasi.
Este documento describe las redes sociales, incluyendo su historia, tipos, diagramas y funciones. Explica que las redes sociales son estructuras sociales compuestas de grupos de personas conectadas por relaciones como amistad. Tambi辿n cubre el an叩lisis de redes sociales como metodolog鱈a en ciencias sociales y distingue entre redes sociales offline y online.
Este documento describe los beneficios de unirse a Immunotec como organizaci坦n. Ofrece un producto certificado cient鱈ficamente llamado Immunocal que ayuda a mejorar la salud propia y de los dem叩s. Tambi辿n ofrece la oportunidad de generar ingresos a trav辿s de un sistema de marketing multinivel probado. Adem叩s, promete independencia al poder administrar el propio tiempo. Immunotec es una empresa canadiense de 30 a単os que comercializa Immunocal, un suplemento nutricional basado en ciste鱈na bioactiva avalado cient鱈ficamente.
Sele巽達o de fotografias das viagens gratuitas de Carro El辿trico promovidas pela STCP aquando da comemora巽達o dos 140 anos da inaugura巽達o da primeira linha de carro americano em Portugal, no passado m棚s de maio.
Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar membahas pengantar basis data dan data dictionary. Data dictionary adalah tempat penyimpanan metadata yang menggambarkan data dalam basis data, termasuk nama pemakai, item data, akses yang diijinkan, jenis dan ukuran item data, serta batasan untuk setiap item data. Sistem data dictionary dapat berupa aktif yang selalu konsisten dengan perubahan
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n al lenguaje de programaci坦n Java. Explica que Java es un lenguaje orientado a objetos e independiente de la plataforma, y describe algunas de sus caracter鱈sticas principales como la robustez, la gesti坦n autom叩tica de memoria y los mecanismos de seguridad incorporados. Tambi辿n introduce conceptos b叩sicos de programaci坦n orientada a objetos como clases, objetos, encapsulamiento y herencia. Finalmente, brinda instrucciones sobre c坦mo instalar el kit de desarrollo Java y ejecutar programas y applets simples de
Content Management, Blogging for Business, PR & Social Media Strategies for B...BARBARA ROZGONYI
The document discusses how blogging and public relations (PR) can be combined to establish authority and position oneself as a trusted expert in a particular niche or industry. It provides strategies for using blogging as a content platform, including publishing frequently on topics people search for and want to know about, linking content to drive traffic, getting other sites to share content, and continually improving efforts over time. The goal is to become the most valuable and prominent source of information in one's field through consistent blogging and PR activities.
Cloud-based file backup provides key benefits over local backups including accessibility, security, and reliability. It allows access to files from any location through internet access, protects data through encryption and passwords, and stores files virtually to ensure they can always be accessed. Additionally, cloud backup offers recoverability through file restoration, scalability as storage is never limited, simplicity through automatic and continuous backups, and affordability through free storage amounts and usage-based pricing.
The document discusses font and color choices for a redesign of the Irn-Bru soda can. It evaluates several fonts for suitability for the slogan, logo, and background text. An orange color similar to the existing Irn-Bru color will be used as the main background. A blue color will complement the orange. Words related to power will be placed subtly in the background using a font that conveys power. The chosen font will be used for the slogan in large text to ensure readability.
Tolerance is one of the biggest problems today. People often lack tolerance for others based on superficial qualities like appearance, clothing, or lifestyle. This intolerance can be seen everywhere from schools to public spaces. Even people who claim to be tolerant sometimes act in intolerant ways towards those with differences in beliefs, behaviors, or values. A lack of tolerance has historical roots and has led to issues and conflicts like the American Civil War over slavery and the atrocities of the Holocaust during World War II. Promoting tolerance in homes and societies remains an ongoing challenge.
Melihat Nama PC Menggunakan Aplikasi Pemograman Javayoyomay93
Aplikasi Java sederhana untuk mengambil nama komputer menggunakan kode InetAddress.getLocalHost() dan host.getHostName(). Program disimpan dengan nama "" dan dieksekusi untuk menampilkan nama komputer.
The document describes a program for creating a multi-client chatting application using Java Swing. It involves creating a chat server class with methods for accepting client connections, handling message passing between clients, and maintaining a list of connected clients. It also involves creating a chat client class with methods for connecting to the server, sending and receiving messages, and displaying messages and a list of connected clients. The program listing includes the code for the ChatServer and ChatClient classes to implement the client-server architecture for a graphical multi-user chat application.
Topik 11 Employee Engagement dan Analitik SentimenSeta Wicaksana
Di era digital, keterlibatan karyawan (Employee Engagement) menjadi faktor kunci dalam menentukan produktivitas, inovasi, dan retensi tenaga kerja dalam suatu organisasi. Karyawan yang terlibat secara emosional dengan pekerjaannya cenderung lebih produktif, loyal, dan memiliki kontribusi lebih besar terhadap keberhasilan bisnis.
Namun, tantangan utama yang dihadapi organisasi adalah bagaimana mengukur engagement karyawan secara objektif dan real-time. Pendekatan tradisional seperti survei tahunan sering kali tidak memberikan gambaran yang akurat tentang perasaan dan pengalaman kerja karyawan sehari-hari.
HR Analytics telah membawa perubahan besar dengan menghadirkan Analitik Sentimen (Sentiment Analysis) yang memungkinkan organisasi untuk menganalisis data keterlibatan karyawan secara lebih mendalam, berbasis data, dan real-time. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi seperti Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), dan Natural Language Processing (NLP), organisasi kini dapat:
Mengukur tingkat kepuasan dan emosi karyawan berdasarkan data komunikasi digital dan feedback.
Memprediksi kemungkinan disengagement dan turnover karyawan menggunakan predictive analytics.
Menyesuaikan strategi keterlibatan karyawan dengan program yang lebih personal dan berbasis data.
Dengan pendekatan berbasis HR Analytics dan Analitik Sentimen, perusahaan dapat mengoptimalkan pengalaman kerja karyawan, meningkatkan retensi tenaga kerja, serta membangun lingkungan kerja yang lebih sehat dan produktif.
Mengambil IP Pada PC Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Java
1. Mengambil IP Pada PC
Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Java
Oleh :
Yohana Damayanti
2. Pada laporan kali ini, saya membuat perintah menggunakan java untuk
memanggil local host pada PC saya. Berikut adalah listing programnya dan
eksekusi programnya:
public class AmbilIP{
public static void main(String[]arg){
InetAddress ip =
catch(UnknownHostException e){