This document contains biographical information about Dr. Mehdi Sadeghzadeh including his contact information, education history, publications, experiences, and interests. It lists his email, phone number, and years of education received. It also provides a detailed list of 19 journal publications and 11 conference papers authored by Dr. Sadeghzadeh spanning the years 2008 to 2016. His experiences include designing systems for Amirkabir Industrial University and Export Development Bank of Iran. He has taught at several universities as well. His research interests include data mining, semantic web, image processing, distributed systems, and cloud computing.
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B. .cS computer engineering (hardware) from Amirkabir University, Tehran, IRAN
M. Sc. in computer engineering (software) from Tarbiat modarres University, Tehran,
Phd in computer engineering (software) from Islamic azad university,science and
research branch, Tehran, IRAN
Conferences Papers
1- Sadeghzadeh. M and Shenasa M.H., Correlation Based Feature Selection Using
Evolutionary Programming, Proceedings of the Twelfth IASTED International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Palma de Mallorca,
Spain , 2008, 185-190.
2- Sadeghzadeh. M and Shenasa M.H., Correlation Based Feature Selection Using
Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on
Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, Sharjah, U.A.E. , 2009.
3- Sadeghzadeh M., Task Scheduling in distributed environment using genetic
algorithm, Proceedings of the 9th
wseas international conference on applied
informatics and communications, Moscow, Russia , 2009 ,118-122.
4- Sadeghzadeh M., Teshnehlab M., Correlation based feature selection using ant
colony optimization, International conference on data mining, Rome, Italy, 2010.
5- Sadeghzadeh M., A new method for cipher text decryption using genetic
algorithm, International conference on scientific research and experimental
developement, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011.
6- Sadeghzadeh M., Rostami M., Afshari N., Chobdaran N., Designing expert
system to diagnose and suggest about esophagus cancer treatment method, 2nd
international conference on management and artificial intelligence, Bangkok,
Thailand, 2012, pp. 40-45.
7- Sadeghzadeh M., Farzalivand H., A new text classification algorithm based on
SARSA in persian language, 9th
international conference on computer science
and information technology (CSIT) , Yerevan, Armenia, 2013,
8- Sadeghzadeh M., Taherbaghal M., A new method for watermarking using genetic
algorithms, International conference on machine learning, electrical and
mechanical engineering, Dubai, UAE, 2014, pp. 1-5.
9- Sadeghzadeh M., navaezadeh S., Improving replica in data grid by using firefly
algorithm, International conference on challenges in IT, engineering and
technology, Phuket, Thailand, 2014, pp. 1-4.
10- Sadeghzadeh M., Jafarian S., Black hole attack detection using trap packet, 5th
international conference on intelligent systems, Bali, Indonesia, 2015, pp. 49-52.
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11- Sadeghzadeh M., Data clustering using improved fire fly algorithm, 13th
international conference on information technology, Las vegas, NV USA, 2016,
pp. 801-809.
Journals Papers
1- Sadeghzadeh. M , Teshnehlab.M , Correlation based feature selection using Ant colony
Optimization, World academy of science, engineering and technology, volume 64, April
2010 ,pp. 391-396.
2- Sadeghzadeh. M , Teshnehlab.M , Feature selection using combine of genetic algorithm
and ant colony optimization, Soft Computing in Industrial Applications Advances in
Intelligent and Soft Computing Volume 75, 2010, pp 127-135 .
3- Sadeghzadeh M. , Davani A. ,Ranjbar R. , Alimi M. " A Data Mining Approach To
Gen Dynamic Behavioral Process", Int. Journal of soft computing and software
engineering , USA, 2011, pp 18-24.
4- Sadeghzadeh M., Dejam S., Mirabedini S.J. , Combining cuckoo and tabu algorithms for
solving quadratic assignment problems, Journal of academic and applied studies, Vol
2(12) , 2012, pp. 1-8 .
5- Kazemi A., M., sadeghzadeh M., Rahmani A. M., Kazemi H., Optimization of non-
structured query in semantic web by use of the monitor structure, International journal of
advanced research in computer science, No.1, 2012, pp. 175-181.
6- Taherkhani H., Sadeghzadeh M., jafari M., New approach for routing algorithm with
mobile agent for reduce energy consumption in wireless sensor networks, Journal of
basic applications science research, Vol. 3, 2013, pp. 515-521.
7- Hafizpour H., Sadeghzadeh M., Mirabedini S. J., Using Apriori algorithm to prevent
blach hole attack in mobile ad hoc networks, Management Science Letters, Vol. 3 , Issue
1, 2013, pp. 351-358.
8- Ramzannezhad Ghaleh M., sadeghzadeh M., Cluster heads optimum choice and route
discovery by using fuzzy logic in wireless sensor networks, Management Science Letters ,
Vol. 3 , Issue 2, 2013, pp. 715-720.
9- Bahadori M. Harounabadi A., Sadeghzadeh M., Modeling user navigation behavior in
web by colored petri nets to determine the user's interest in recommendation web pages,
Management science Letters, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 359-366.
10- Navaezadeh S., sadeghzadeh M., harounabadi A., Increasing efficiency in grid by using
glow worm algorithm, International journal of computer applications technology and
research, Vol.2 Issue 5, 2013, pp. 606-608.
11- Kiamarzpour F., Dianat R., Bahrani M., Sadeghzadeh M., Improving the methods of
email classification based on words ontology, International journal of computer science
issues , Vol. 10, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 262-266.
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12- Jafarzadeh H., sadeghzadeh M., Improved apriori Algorithm using fuzzy logic,
International journal of advanced research in computer science and software
engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 6, 2014, pp. 439-447.
13- Maleki A., Sadeghzadeh M., Improved AODV route recovery in mobile adhoc networks
using a genetic algorithm, Management Science Letters, Vol. 4, Issue 6, 2014, pp. 2171-
14- Ashrfian V., Harounabadi A., Sadeghzadeh M., A new method for reducing energy
consumption in wireless sensor networks using fuzzy clustering and fault tolerance,
International journal of computer applications technology and research, Vol.3, issue
2. ,2014, pp. 109-113.
15- Hosseini M., Sadeghzadeh M., Nourmandi pour R., An efficient approach based on
deifferential evolution algorithm for data clustering, Decision Science Letters, Vol. 3,
2014, pp.319-324.
16- Shomalnasab F., sadeghzadeh M., Esmaeilpour M., An optimal similarity measure for
collaborative filtering using firefly algorithm, Journal of advances in computer research,
Vol.5, No.3 , 2014, pp. 101-111
17- Sadeghzadeh M., Taherbaghal M., a new method for decoding an encrypted text by
genetic algorithms and its comparision with tabu search and simulated annealing,
Management Science Letters, Vol.4, pp. 213-220.
18- Heidarinia N., Harounabadi A., Sadeghzadeh M., An intelligent anti-money laundering
method for detecting risky users in the banking systems, International Journal of
computer applications, Vol. 97, No. 22, 2014, pp. 35-39.
19- Sadeghzadeh M., Data clustering using improved fire fly algorithm, Advances in
intelligent systems and computing, Vol. 448, 2016, pp. 801-809.
4- Design and Implementation of tokten system in amirkabir industrial university.
5- Design and Implementation Letter of credit system in export development bank of
1- Instructure trainer university
2- Data processing University
3- Kish island University
4- Islamic Azad University
Data mining, Semantic web, Image Processing, Distributed systems, Cloud computing