A farmer owed a moneylender a large debt. To repay the debt, the moneylender proposed marrying the farmer's daughter. The daughter did not want to marry the ugly moneylender. He suggested letting Providence decide by having the daughter pick a pebble from a bag containing one black and one white pebble. However, the moneylender secretly put two black pebbles in the bag. Faced with this dilemma, the clever daughter pretended to accidentally drop the pebble she picked so the moneylender could not tell its color, tricking him into forgiving her father's debt.
2. StoryStory
Many years ago in a small
Indian village, A farmer had
the misfortune Of owing a
large sum of money to a
village moneylender.
3. StoryStory
The Moneylender, who was
old and ugly, fancied the
farmer's beautiful
Daughter. So he proposed
a bargain.
4. StoryStory
He said he would forgo the
farmer's debt if he could
marry his Daughter.
Both the farmer and his
daughter were horrified by
the Proposal.
6. Logical SolutionLogical Solution
He told them that he would
put a black Pebble and a
white pebble into an empty
money bag. Then the girl
would Have to pick one
pebble from the bag.
7. StoryStory
He told them that he would
put a black Pebble and a
white pebble into an empty
money bag. Then the girl
would Have to pick one
pebble from the bag.
8. StoryStory
1) If she picked the black
pebble, she would become
his wife and her father's
debt would be forgiven.
9. StoryStory
2) If she picked the white
pebble she need not marry
him and her father's debt
would still be forgiven.
10. StoryStory
3) But if she refused to pick
a pebble, her father
would be thrown in a
11. StoryStory
They were standing on a
pebble strewn path in the
farmer's field.
As They talked, the
moneylender bent over to
pick up two pebbles. www.solaceworld.org
12. StoryStory
As he Picked them up, the
sharp-eyed girl noticed that
he had picked up two
Black pebbles and put them
into the bag.
13. StoryStory
He then asked the girl to
pick A pebble from the bag.
Now......... ., imagine that
you were standing in the
field. www.solaceworld.org
18. StoryStory
2. The girl should show
that there were two
black pebbles in the bag
And expose the money-
lender as a cheat.
19. StoryStory
3. The girl should pick a
black pebble and
sacrifice herself in order
To save her father from
his debt and
21. StoryStory
The above story is an
example that would bring
home the need for us to
appreciate the difference
between lateral And logical
thinking. www.solaceworld.org
31. StoryStory
"Oh, how clumsy of me,"
she said. "But never mind,
if you look into the Bag for
the one that is left, you
will be able to tell which
pebble I Picked."