Pendekatan rasional emotif terapi bertujuan untuk memperbaiki cara berpikir irasional menjadi rasional dengan mengubah sikap, persepsi, dan keyakinan klien. Terapi ini menekankan pada aspek kognitif dan emosional klien dengan menggunakan teknik kognitif, behavioristik, dan emotif seperti role playing, pemberian tugas, dan penguatan untuk merubah pola pikir dan perilaku klien.
i need url for ppt for html ............................................................................................................................................................
Jayne Lowndes cv Sales Management update july 2015Jayne Lowndes
A results-driven, dedicated professional with solid management experience gained in Marketing, Artist Management, Business Development, Customer Sales, Service and Retention, within the Financial / Compliance Insurance Industry and Call Center Sales / Employment / Recruitment Operations and Field Financial Sales.
An effective communicator at all levels, good problem solving, analytical and organisational skills, and a highly motivated leader with excellent people management skills.
Este documento presenta un proyecto de aula llamado "Mejoremos nuestra expresi坦n oral" llevado a cabo por 4 docentes en la Instituci坦n Educativa El Hobo con el objetivo de desarrollar la competencia argumentativa en 52 estudiantes de sexto grado a trav辿s del uso de las TIC. El proyecto busca mejorar la expresi坦n oral de los estudiantes mediante diversas estrategias como cuentos, exposiciones, recitales po辿ticos y soluci坦n de problemas.
El documento define el medio ambiente y explica que la ONU busca lograr el desarrollo sostenible para promover el desarrollo de los pueblos sin da単ar el medio ambiente. Explica que el desarrollo sostenible se refiere al desarrollo socioecon坦mico que satisface las necesidades del presente sin comprometer las necesidades de las generaciones futuras. Tambi辿n menciona algunas formas de contaminaci坦n como la del aire, suelo y agua, as鱈 como problemas ambientales como la deforestaci坦n y el agujero en la cap
The document discusses how previous research has found that static moduli are typically lower than dynamic moduli for rocks under low confining pressure due to the presence of cracks, and the ratio of static to dynamic moduli increases and approaches unity with increasing confining pressure as cracks close. It also notes that past research has established relationships for estimating physical and mechanical rock properties from ultrasonic testing, though typically static properties were obtained from uni-axial compression tests while dynamic properties came from ultrasound tests. The author aims to study how sandstone rock properties change under cyclic loading conditions using both static and dynamic testing methods.
Sunthorn Phu was a Thai poet born in 1786 during the reign of King Rama I of the Ratanakosin Era. While imprisoned, he began writing his epic poem Phra Aphai Mani, which followed the romantic adventures of the Byronic hero Prince Aphai Mani throughout ancient Thailand, publishing it in installments over the next 20 years.
The document appears to be a series of social media posts by someone named Janine Morgan detailing her life experiences and background. The posts discuss how she learned to cook, sew, and type from her grandmother and gained knowledge in school. She enjoys creating, asking questions, and has faced trials in her life. Morgan is now a life coach who started a music business and works to help artists. She aims to pass knowledge to future generations and continue learning in a changing industry.
This document summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of an individual with over 10 years of experience in retail audit and accounting roles. It outlines his most recent roles as Deputy Manager of Accounts/Treasury for STYLO Group from 2014 to present, and prior to that as Section Head of Retail Audit for STYLO Private Limited from 2012 to 2014. In this latter role, he established monitoring processes that identified over $100,000 in costs and theft. The document also lists accounting and audit roles with KPMG and STYLO, as well as academic and technical qualifications.
This curriculum vitae is for Muhammad Ishaq, who is applying for the position of IT/Networks Engineer. He has over 5 years of experience in IT and networking roles in Pakistan and the UAE. His experience includes positions as a Network Engineer at PTCL Pakistan, as an IT Engineer at DP World Dubai and ADNOC, and as a Tally/Logistics Clerk also at DP World Dubai. He has qualifications including a Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems/IT Engineering and various technical certifications. He has skills in areas such as Microsoft Windows, Office, networking, routing, cabling, and programming languages.
Pendekatan rasional emotif terapi bertujuan untuk memperbaiki cara berpikir irasional menjadi rasional dengan mengubah sikap, persepsi, dan keyakinan klien. Terapi ini menekankan pada aspek kognitif dan emosional klien dengan menggunakan teknik kognitif, behavioristik, dan emotif seperti role playing, pemberian tugas, dan penguatan untuk merubah pola pikir dan perilaku klien.
i need url for ppt for html ............................................................................................................................................................
Jayne Lowndes cv Sales Management update july 2015Jayne Lowndes
A results-driven, dedicated professional with solid management experience gained in Marketing, Artist Management, Business Development, Customer Sales, Service and Retention, within the Financial / Compliance Insurance Industry and Call Center Sales / Employment / Recruitment Operations and Field Financial Sales.
An effective communicator at all levels, good problem solving, analytical and organisational skills, and a highly motivated leader with excellent people management skills.
Este documento presenta un proyecto de aula llamado "Mejoremos nuestra expresi坦n oral" llevado a cabo por 4 docentes en la Instituci坦n Educativa El Hobo con el objetivo de desarrollar la competencia argumentativa en 52 estudiantes de sexto grado a trav辿s del uso de las TIC. El proyecto busca mejorar la expresi坦n oral de los estudiantes mediante diversas estrategias como cuentos, exposiciones, recitales po辿ticos y soluci坦n de problemas.
El documento define el medio ambiente y explica que la ONU busca lograr el desarrollo sostenible para promover el desarrollo de los pueblos sin da単ar el medio ambiente. Explica que el desarrollo sostenible se refiere al desarrollo socioecon坦mico que satisface las necesidades del presente sin comprometer las necesidades de las generaciones futuras. Tambi辿n menciona algunas formas de contaminaci坦n como la del aire, suelo y agua, as鱈 como problemas ambientales como la deforestaci坦n y el agujero en la cap
The document discusses how previous research has found that static moduli are typically lower than dynamic moduli for rocks under low confining pressure due to the presence of cracks, and the ratio of static to dynamic moduli increases and approaches unity with increasing confining pressure as cracks close. It also notes that past research has established relationships for estimating physical and mechanical rock properties from ultrasonic testing, though typically static properties were obtained from uni-axial compression tests while dynamic properties came from ultrasound tests. The author aims to study how sandstone rock properties change under cyclic loading conditions using both static and dynamic testing methods.
Sunthorn Phu was a Thai poet born in 1786 during the reign of King Rama I of the Ratanakosin Era. While imprisoned, he began writing his epic poem Phra Aphai Mani, which followed the romantic adventures of the Byronic hero Prince Aphai Mani throughout ancient Thailand, publishing it in installments over the next 20 years.
The document appears to be a series of social media posts by someone named Janine Morgan detailing her life experiences and background. The posts discuss how she learned to cook, sew, and type from her grandmother and gained knowledge in school. She enjoys creating, asking questions, and has faced trials in her life. Morgan is now a life coach who started a music business and works to help artists. She aims to pass knowledge to future generations and continue learning in a changing industry.
This document summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of an individual with over 10 years of experience in retail audit and accounting roles. It outlines his most recent roles as Deputy Manager of Accounts/Treasury for STYLO Group from 2014 to present, and prior to that as Section Head of Retail Audit for STYLO Private Limited from 2012 to 2014. In this latter role, he established monitoring processes that identified over $100,000 in costs and theft. The document also lists accounting and audit roles with KPMG and STYLO, as well as academic and technical qualifications.
This curriculum vitae is for Muhammad Ishaq, who is applying for the position of IT/Networks Engineer. He has over 5 years of experience in IT and networking roles in Pakistan and the UAE. His experience includes positions as a Network Engineer at PTCL Pakistan, as an IT Engineer at DP World Dubai and ADNOC, and as a Tally/Logistics Clerk also at DP World Dubai. He has qualifications including a Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems/IT Engineering and various technical certifications. He has skills in areas such as Microsoft Windows, Office, networking, routing, cabling, and programming languages.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre varias criaturas y dioses de la mitolog鱈a griega. Brevemente describe a la Quimera, Pan, Morfeo, Hermes, las Musas, la ninfa Eco, las Harp鱈as, Caos y Medusa. Tambi辿n incluye preguntas en catal叩n sobre el significado de expresiones y t辿rminos relacionados con estas figuras mitol坦gicas.
M叩ximo, un general leal al emperador Marco Aurelio, se convierte en esclavo despu辿s de que el hijo de Marco, C坦modo, lo traiciona y mata a su familia para apoderarse del trono. M叩ximo se entrena como gladiador y gana fama en la arena con la intenci坦n de vengarse de C坦modo. Finalmente, M叩ximo y C坦modo luchan en el Coliseo, donde M叩ximo mata a C坦modo pero muere de sus heridas.
1. Tots els camins porten a Roma
2.1 Les vies Romanes
1)Per qu竪 els romans van construir carreteres? Per unir els diversos pobles de la regi坦 de Laci
amb Roma.
2)Explica els diferents tipus de vies que tenien els romans
Via: Cam鱈 for巽a ampla per a carros
Iter: Cam鱈 per anar a peu, amb un animal de crrega o amb llitera
Actus: Cam鱈 per a un sol vehicle o animal de crrega
Semita: Cam鱈 petit
3)Qu竪 es fa avui dia per construir una carretera? Un equip denginyers estudia els possibles
tra巽ats, impactes socials i ambientals
4) Com ho feien els romans? Dibuixaven el recorregut en l鱈nia recta, per嘆 aquesta es desviava
perqu竪 el terreny ho exigia
5)Fes un dibuix i una explicaci坦 de la construcci坦 duna via romana
6)Qu竪 significa la frase tots els camins porten a Roma? Que vagis per on vagis acabaras en
7)Quin era el punt zero de la xarxa viaria?
8)Quin nom tenia la via?
9)Qu竪 eren els mil揃liaris?
10)I el mil揃liari daurat?
11)Com es feien els despla巽aments? Sota el terra
12)Qu竪 s坦n les hostalgeries?
13)Situa en un mapa la via Augusta (anotant el nom de les ciutats importants)
14)Quin 辿s laltre nom daquesta via
15)Qu竪 辿s la via de Capsacosta
16)Per a qu竪 es va construir? Per a una millora
2.2Els ponts romans
17)Quan es constru誰en els ponts?
18)Com es constru誰a un pont?
19)Existien les grues en temps dels romans? Com eren? Il揃lustra-les
2.3Altres obres denginyeria
20)Descriu un aq端educte amb il揃lustracions
21)El transport de grans mercaderies , com es feia? Per qu竪?
22)Perills de la navegaci坦
23)Com subsanaven alguns perills els romans?
24)Qu竪 辿s la torre dH竪rcules?