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Root Word List
One of the most difficult things about studying science (especially biology and medicine) is the many names and terms that
seem difficult. Most of them are based on Latin or Greek words. By using the following glossary you may be able to figure
the meaning of many of these terms as you come across them, which might help you to understand
them and learn them. Keep this packet in your science notebook.

                                                                  carcin-                    tumor
   a- or an-                  without, lack of, not               cardi-                     heart
   ab-                        away from                           carn-                      flesh
   acro-                      height, extremity                   carp- (-carp)              wrist (fruit)
   acu-                       needle, sharp                       cata-                      down
   ad-                        toward, near, on                    cauda-                     stem
   aer-, aero-                air                                 caus-                      burn
   albu-                      white                               -cele                      tumor or swelling
   alg-, -algia               pain                                -centesis                  puncture, tap
   allo-                      different                           centi-                     hundredth
   alveol-                    a cavity                            centri-                    center; at the center
   ambi-, amphi-              both                                cephal-                    head
   amyl-                      starch                              cereb-, cerebro-           brain
   ana-                       up, back, or apart                  cervic-                    neck
   anemo                      wind, moving air                    chiasm-                    marked crosswise
   angio-                     vessel, case, closed                chel-                      claw
   annel                      ring                                chemo-                     by chemicals
   antho-, -anth              flower                              chlor-                     green
   anthro-, anthropo-         human                               choano-                    a funnel
   anti-                      against, opposed to                 chole-                     bile
   ante-, antero-             before, forward                     chondro-                   cartilage
   apo-                       away from, separation               chord                      string
   aqua                       water                               chrom-, chromat-           color
   arachn-                    spider                              chym-                      juice
   arch-, archaeo-            ancient, beginning                  -cide                      kill, destroy
   arthro-                    joint, jointed                      cilia-                     hair
   arteri-                    artery                              circum-                    around
   -ase                       an enzyme                           cocco-                     berry
   -asis, -osis               state of, condition of              cochl-                     snail
   aster, astro-              star                                coelo-, celo-              hollow, cavity
   atmo-                      breath                              coit-                      a coming together
   audi-, audio-              hear                                coll-                      glue
   auto-                      self                                co-, con-, com-, co-       with, together
   aux-                       grow, enlarge                       contra-                    against, opposite
                                                                  corpor-, corpus            body
                                                                  cost                       ribs
                     B                                            cotyl                      cup
                                                                  cranio-                    head, skull
   bac-                       rod, stick                          crypto-                    hidden
   bentho-                    depths (of the sea)                 -cule                      little
   bi-, bis-                  double, twice, two                  cuti-                      skin
   bio-                       life                                cyan-                      blue
   blasto-, -blast            germ                                cyclo-                     circle
   blephero-                  eyelid                              cysto-, cyst-              bag
   bot-                       graze, feed                         cyt-, cyto-, -cyte         cell
   brachi-                    arm
   brady-                     slow
   brevi-                     short                                              D
   bronchi                    windpipe
   bry-, bryo                 moss or grow                        dactyl-                    finger
                                                                  de-                        away from, down from
                                                                  deca-                      ten
                     C                                            deci-                      tenth
                                                                  deutero-                   second
   capi-, capit-              hair, head                          demi-                      half
   calor-                     heat                                demo-                      people
   capsa-                     a box                               dendr-                     tree
   carb-                      coal
dent-, -dont           teeth                         gon-                     sex or seed
derm, dermat-          skin                          -graph, -gram            writing, description
-desma-                band, bond                    gymn-                    naked
dextro                 right (not left, that is)     gyn-                     female
di-, diplo-, dicho-    double, two
dia-                   through
dino-                  terrible                                      H
dis-                   apart, reversal OR bad
dors-                  back                          hapl-                    single
duct                   lead                          helic-                   a spiral
-dynia                 pain                          helminth                 type of worm
dys-                   bad, difficult, painful       hemi-                    half
                                                     hem-, hemat-             blood
                                                     hepat-                   liver
                E                                    herb-                    non-woody plant
                                                     hetero-                  unlike; other
e-, ex-, ec-           out, away from                hiberna-                 winter
echino-                spiny                         histo-                   tissue
eco-, oeco-            house                         homo-, homeo-            similar OR man
ecto-                  outside                       homin-                   man
-elle                  small                         hormono-                 excite
em-, en-               in, into                      hydro-                   water OR hydrogen
-emia                  blood condition               hyper-                   over, above, excessive
enanti-                opposite                      hypo-                    under, below
encephalo-             brain                         hystero-, hyst-          uterus
endo-                  within
enter-                 intestine
epi-                   upon, on, beside                              I
equi-                  equal
ergo-, -rgy            energy OR organ               ichthy-                  fish
erythr-                red                           idio-                    distinct one
ex-, extra-            outside, beyond               im-, in-,                into, in (OR without)
eu-                    true, good                    immuno-                  safe, free
                                                     infra-                   below, beneath
                                                     insula                   island
                F                                    intra-                   within
                                                     inter                    between
-fer, -ferent          carry or bear                 -ism                     condition, doctrine
ferro-                 iron                          iso-                     equal, same
fibr-                  fibers                        -ist                     one who…
fiss-                  split                         -ite                     like, similar to
flagel-                whip                          -itis                    inflamed condition
flex-                  bend                          -ize                     combine with; to treat
flu-, flux             flow
foli- (with 1 L)       plant, leaf
folli- (with 2 L’s)    bag, sac                                      J&K
for-                   before
-form                  shaped like                   juxta-, junct            near
-fuge                  expelling                     -karyo                   nucleus
fusi-                  a spindle                     kilo-                    1000
                                                     kino-, kine-, kinesio-   move

gameto-                reproductive cell
-gamy                  marriage                      labi-                    lips
ganglio-               knot                          lact-                    milk
gastro-                stomach                       lamin-                   sheet, layer
gen-, -gen, -genesis   to produce; born; offspring   laryng-                  larynx
geo-                   earth                         later-                   side
germ                   seed                          lepido-                  a scale
gest                   carried                       leuco-, leuk-, leuko-    white
-glia                  glue                          liga-                    bind
glob                   ball                          lingua                   tongue
glosso-, -glotti       tongue                        lipo-                    fat
gluc-, glyc-           sugar, sweet                  -lith                    stone
gnath                  the jaw                       limn-                    a lake
littor-                        the seashore                oo-                      egg
loco-, loca-                   place                       op-, opto-, opthalmo-    eye
-logy                          study of                    opercul-                 a covering, lid
lopho-                         a crest, tuft               oro-, ora-, os           mouth
lyso-, -lyte, -lysis, lyto-    breakdown, dissolve         ortho-                   straight
                                                           -osis                    disease, condition
                                                           os-, osteo-              bone
                   M                                       -ostomy, -otomy          to make an opening into
                                                           oscul-                   a little mouth
macro-                         big, large                  ot-, oto-                ear
magna-                         great, large                -ous                     full of; similar to
mal-                           bad, poor                   ovi-, ova-               egg
-malacia                       softening
mamm-, mast-                   breast
-mania                         madness                                  P
marsupi-                       bag, pouch
med-, medio-                   middle                      paleo-                   ancient
medulla                        marrow                      -palp                    lip
mega                           large                       palpit-                  flutter
megaly                         enlargement                 pan-                     all
meio-                          less                        para-                    beside, beyond; or, against
mela-, melano-                 black                       par-, paro, -parous      to bear, to bring forth
mer                            part                        path, patho              disease, suffer
meri-, meristo-                divide                      ped-                     foot (or child, sometimes)
meso-                          middle                      paed, paedo-             child
meta-                          beyond/after OR change      pelag-                   the sea
meter                          measure                     -penia                   decrease
mito-                          thread                      per-                     by, with
micro-                         small                       perfora-                 bore through
mono-                          one                         peri-                    around
morph                          form                        phago-, -phage           eat
multi-                         many                        -phas-                   speak
muta-                          change                      pheno-                  appear
myco                           fungus                      -phil-,                 attraction to, love
myelo-                        spinal cord or bone marrow   phleb, phlebo-           vein
myo-                           muscle                      -phobia                  fear
                                                           phone                    sound
                                                           -phore                   carry, bearer
                   N                                       photo-                   light
                                                           phre-                    diaphragm OR mind
narco-                         stupor, numbness            phyll (2 L’s)            leaf
naso-                          nose                        phylo- (1 L)             tribe
necro-                         death                       phyto-, -phyte           plant
nemato                         thread                      pil-, pilo-, pillo-      hair
neo                            new                         pino-                    drink
neph-, nephro-                 kidney                      placo-                   a plate
neuro-                         nerve                       plankt-,                 wandering
neutro-                        neither                     plas-, -plasia, plasm    form, grow
nitro-                         nitrogen                    -plasty                  repair, reconstruction
noci-                          harm                        platy                    flat, broad
nocti-                         night                       -plegia                  paralyze
nomo-, -nomy                   name                        pleio-                   more
non-                           not                         pluri-                   many
noto-                          back                        pne-, pneu-              breath
nucleo-                        walnut, kernel              pneumo-                  lung, air
                                                           pod-, podi-              foot
                                                           poie-                    make
                                                           poly-                    many
                   O                                       pom                      apple
                                                           -pore, poro-             passage
ob-                            against                     post-                    after, behind
oculo-                         eye                         -potent-                 powerful
-oid, -ous, -ode               like, full of, resembling   pre-, pro-               before, in front of, forward
oligo-                         few                         procto-                  anus
olfact-                        smell                       proto-                   first
-oma                           tumor                       pseudo-                  false
omni-                          all
psych-                    mind                         thio-                       sulfur
-pter-                    wing                         thorac-                     chest
-ptosis                   fall, drop                   thrombo-                    a clot
pulmo-                    lung                         thylaco-                    sac, pouch
pyo-                      pus                          thyro-                      oval shield
pyro-                     fire, fever                  -tion                       process of
                                                       -tom, -tomy                 cutting
                                                       topo-                       place
                Q&R                                    toti-                       all
                                                       toxi                        poison
quad, quadri-             four                         trache-                     windpipe
radio-                    wheel, spoke, ray            trans-                      across, through, beyond
re-                       back, again                  tri-                        three
ren-                      kidneys                      trocho-                     a wheel
retro-                    backward, located behind     tropo-, -trope, -trophy   nutrition, growth; or, turning
-rhea                     discharge                    tympan                      drum
rhin-, rhino-             nose                         turg-                       swollen
rhizo-                    root

                S                                      ultra-                      beyond, excess
                                                       un-                         not, back
sacchar-                  sugar
                                                       uni-                        one
salta-                    leap
                                                       ur-                         earliest
sapiens                   thinking
                                                       uro-, -uria                 tail (or urine)
sapro-                    rotten
-saur-                    lizard
schiz-                    split
sclero-                   hard
                                                       vacci-                      cow
scolio-                   twisted
                                                       vacu-                       empty
-scope                    examine; to show
                                                       vario                       change
sect-                     cut
                                                       vas, vaso-                  vessel, duct, vein
semen, semin              seed
                                                       ven-                        vein
semi-                     half
                                                       ventr-                      stomach
septic                    rotted
                                                       vermi                       worm
-simi-                    an ape
                                                       vert-                       to change or turn
soma-, somato-, -some     body
                                                       vestigi-                    trace
soph                      wisdom/knowledge
                                                       viru                        slime, ooze
-spasm                    to cramp or convulse
                                                       virul-                      poisonous
speci-                    type
                                                       vis-, vid-                  see
sperm, spermato-          seed
                                                       viv, vivi-                  living
spiro-, spira-            breathe
                                                       vort-, -volv                to change or turn
spleno-                   spleen
                                                       -vore, -vorous              eat
sporo-                    seed
stamen                    threads
-stasis, -stat, stato-   standing, stoppage, balance                    X&Z
steno-                    narrow
                                                       xantho-                     yellow
stimul                    tease, touch
                                                       xero-                       dry
-stom-                    mouth
                                                       xylo                        phone
sub-                      rear, less than, below
                                                       zona-                       a belt
super-, supra-            above or excessive
                                                       zoo-                        animal
sym-, syn-                similar, with
                                                       zygo-                       united or yolk
                                                       zyme                        ferment, leaven
tachy                     fast
tars                      ankle, foot                                   Extras
taxo-                     arrangement
tele-, telo-              end
ten                       to hold fast
teno-, tendo-             stretching
tetan                     spasm
tetra-                    four
therap-                   treatment
-therm, thermo-           heat
thigmo-                   a touch

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Latin root word list

  • 1. Root Word List One of the most difficult things about studying science (especially biology and medicine) is the many names and terms that seem difficult. Most of them are based on Latin or Greek words. By using the following glossary you may be able to figure the meaning of many of these terms as you come across them, which might help you to understand them and learn them. Keep this packet in your science notebook. A carcin- tumor a- or an- without, lack of, not cardi- heart ab- away from carn- flesh acro- height, extremity carp- (-carp) wrist (fruit) acu- needle, sharp cata- down ad- toward, near, on cauda- stem aer-, aero- air caus- burn albu- white -cele tumor or swelling alg-, -algia pain -centesis puncture, tap allo- different centi- hundredth alveol- a cavity centri- center; at the center ambi-, amphi- both cephal- head amyl- starch cereb-, cerebro- brain ana- up, back, or apart cervic- neck anemo wind, moving air chiasm- marked crosswise angio- vessel, case, closed chel- claw annel ring chemo- by chemicals antho-, -anth flower chlor- green anthro-, anthropo- human choano- a funnel anti- against, opposed to chole- bile ante-, antero- before, forward chondro- cartilage apo- away from, separation chord string aqua water chrom-, chromat- color arachn- spider chym- juice arch-, archaeo- ancient, beginning -cide kill, destroy arthro- joint, jointed cilia- hair arteri- artery circum- around -ase an enzyme cocco- berry -asis, -osis state of, condition of cochl- snail aster, astro- star coelo-, celo- hollow, cavity atmo- breath coit- a coming together audi-, audio- hear coll- glue auto- self co-, con-, com-, co- with, together aux- grow, enlarge contra- against, opposite corpor-, corpus body cost ribs B cotyl cup cranio- head, skull bac- rod, stick crypto- hidden bentho- depths (of the sea) -cule little bi-, bis- double, twice, two cuti- skin bio- life cyan- blue blasto-, -blast germ cyclo- circle blephero- eyelid cysto-, cyst- bag bot- graze, feed cyt-, cyto-, -cyte cell brachi- arm brady- slow brevi- short D bronchi windpipe bry-, bryo moss or grow dactyl- finger de- away from, down from deca- ten C deci- tenth deutero- second capi-, capit- hair, head demi- half calor- heat demo- people capsa- a box dendr- tree carb- coal
  • 2. dent-, -dont teeth gon- sex or seed derm, dermat- skin -graph, -gram writing, description -desma- band, bond gymn- naked dextro right (not left, that is) gyn- female di-, diplo-, dicho- double, two dia- through dino- terrible H dis- apart, reversal OR bad dors- back hapl- single duct lead helic- a spiral -dynia pain helminth type of worm dys- bad, difficult, painful hemi- half hem-, hemat- blood hepat- liver E herb- non-woody plant hetero- unlike; other e-, ex-, ec- out, away from hiberna- winter echino- spiny histo- tissue eco-, oeco- house homo-, homeo- similar OR man ecto- outside homin- man -elle small hormono- excite em-, en- in, into hydro- water OR hydrogen -emia blood condition hyper- over, above, excessive enanti- opposite hypo- under, below encephalo- brain hystero-, hyst- uterus endo- within enter- intestine epi- upon, on, beside I equi- equal ergo-, -rgy energy OR organ ichthy- fish erythr- red idio- distinct one ex-, extra- outside, beyond im-, in-, into, in (OR without) eu- true, good immuno- safe, free infra- below, beneath insula island F intra- within inter between -fer, -ferent carry or bear -ism condition, doctrine ferro- iron iso- equal, same fibr- fibers -ist one who… fiss- split -ite like, similar to flagel- whip -itis inflamed condition flex- bend -ize combine with; to treat flu-, flux flow foli- (with 1 L) plant, leaf folli- (with 2 L’s) bag, sac J&K for- before -form shaped like juxta-, junct near -fuge expelling -karyo nucleus fusi- a spindle kilo- 1000 kino-, kine-, kinesio- move G L gameto- reproductive cell -gamy marriage labi- lips ganglio- knot lact- milk gastro- stomach lamin- sheet, layer gen-, -gen, -genesis to produce; born; offspring laryng- larynx geo- earth later- side germ seed lepido- a scale gest carried leuco-, leuk-, leuko- white -glia glue liga- bind glob ball lingua tongue glosso-, -glotti tongue lipo- fat gluc-, glyc- sugar, sweet -lith stone gnath the jaw limn- a lake
  • 3. littor- the seashore oo- egg loco-, loca- place op-, opto-, opthalmo- eye -logy study of opercul- a covering, lid lopho- a crest, tuft oro-, ora-, os mouth lyso-, -lyte, -lysis, lyto- breakdown, dissolve ortho- straight -osis disease, condition os-, osteo- bone M -ostomy, -otomy to make an opening into oscul- a little mouth macro- big, large ot-, oto- ear magna- great, large -ous full of; similar to mal- bad, poor ovi-, ova- egg -malacia softening mamm-, mast- breast -mania madness P marsupi- bag, pouch med-, medio- middle paleo- ancient medulla marrow -palp lip mega large palpit- flutter megaly enlargement pan- all meio- less para- beside, beyond; or, against mela-, melano- black par-, paro, -parous to bear, to bring forth mer part path, patho disease, suffer meri-, meristo- divide ped- foot (or child, sometimes) meso- middle paed, paedo- child meta- beyond/after OR change pelag- the sea meter measure -penia decrease mito- thread per- by, with micro- small perfora- bore through mono- one peri- around morph form phago-, -phage eat multi- many -phas- speak muta- change pheno- appear myco fungus -phil-, attraction to, love myelo- spinal cord or bone marrow phleb, phlebo- vein myo- muscle -phobia fear phone sound -phore carry, bearer N photo- light phre- diaphragm OR mind narco- stupor, numbness phyll (2 L’s) leaf naso- nose phylo- (1 L) tribe necro- death phyto-, -phyte plant nemato thread pil-, pilo-, pillo- hair neo new pino- drink neph-, nephro- kidney placo- a plate neuro- nerve plankt-, wandering neutro- neither plas-, -plasia, plasm form, grow nitro- nitrogen -plasty repair, reconstruction noci- harm platy flat, broad nocti- night -plegia paralyze nomo-, -nomy name pleio- more non- not pluri- many noto- back pne-, pneu- breath nucleo- walnut, kernel pneumo- lung, air pod-, podi- foot poie- make poly- many O pom apple -pore, poro- passage ob- against post- after, behind oculo- eye -potent- powerful -oid, -ous, -ode like, full of, resembling pre-, pro- before, in front of, forward oligo- few procto- anus olfact- smell proto- first -oma tumor pseudo- false omni- all
  • 4. psych- mind thio- sulfur -pter- wing thorac- chest -ptosis fall, drop thrombo- a clot pulmo- lung thylaco- sac, pouch pyo- pus thyro- oval shield pyro- fire, fever -tion process of -tom, -tomy cutting topo- place Q&R toti- all toxi poison quad, quadri- four trache- windpipe radio- wheel, spoke, ray trans- across, through, beyond re- back, again tri- three ren- kidneys trocho- a wheel retro- backward, located behind tropo-, -trope, -trophy nutrition, growth; or, turning -rhea discharge tympan drum rhin-, rhino- nose turg- swollen rhizo- root U S ultra- beyond, excess un- not, back sacchar- sugar uni- one salta- leap ur- earliest sapiens thinking uro-, -uria tail (or urine) sapro- rotten -saur- lizard schiz- split V sclero- hard vacci- cow scolio- twisted vacu- empty -scope examine; to show vario change sect- cut vas, vaso- vessel, duct, vein semen, semin seed ven- vein semi- half ventr- stomach septic rotted vermi worm -simi- an ape vert- to change or turn soma-, somato-, -some body vestigi- trace soph wisdom/knowledge viru slime, ooze -spasm to cramp or convulse virul- poisonous speci- type vis-, vid- see sperm, spermato- seed viv, vivi- living spiro-, spira- breathe vort-, -volv to change or turn spleno- spleen -vore, -vorous eat sporo- seed stamen threads -stasis, -stat, stato- standing, stoppage, balance X&Z steno- narrow xantho- yellow stimul tease, touch xero- dry -stom- mouth xylo phone sub- rear, less than, below zona- a belt super-, supra- above or excessive zoo- animal sym-, syn- similar, with zygo- united or yolk zyme ferment, leaven T tachy fast tars ankle, foot Extras taxo- arrangement tele-, telo- end ten to hold fast teno-, tendo- stretching tetan spasm tetra- four therap- treatment -therm, thermo- heat thigmo- a touch