This document summarizes key facts about Latinas in the United States that were reported in a 2013 American Progress Report. It outlines demographic trends showing that the Latina population will continue growing significantly. It also highlights health disparities like higher rates of diabetes and unintended pregnancy compared to white women. Regarding education and careers, the document notes that while educational attainment and college graduation rates for Latinas are rising, they still lag behind white women. Fewer Latinas work in STEM fields or hold political leadership positions. The presentation encourages Latinas to define their own identity and break stereotypes.
5. Facing the Facts:
In November 2013, the American Progress
Report released a report outlining several facts
about Latinas in the U.S., this is what they
found (American Progress Report, 2013)
6. The Latina share of the female
population in the United States
will increase from 16.4 percent
today to 25.7 percent in 2050.
Facing the Facts: Health
9. Latinas are 17 times more likely to
die from diabetes than non-
Hispanic white women. Latinas
also have higher rates of
gestational diabetes, which puts
them at greater risk for type 2
diabetes later in life.
Facing the Facts: Health
10. The level of educational
attainment for Latinas has risen in
the past few years, yet it still sits
at a level significantly lower than
that of white women
Facing the Facts: Education
11. College graduation rates for
Latinas have increased faster
than any other group of
Facing the Facts: Education
12. Graduation rates for Latinas
were at 31.3% in 2008, still
significantly lower than
graduation rates for white
women, at 45.8%.
Facing the Facts: Education
13. Only 3 percent of Latina women
are represented in science,
technology, engineering, and
mathematics, or STEM, fields,
while women in total make up 24
percent of the STEM workforce.
Facing the Facts: Education
14. Latina women make 55 cents to
the dollar when compared to
white, non-Hispanic males. In
comparison, white women make
78.1 cents to the same dollar.
Facing the Facts: Entrepreneurship
15. Latina women make 88 percent of
their male counterparts annual
full-time earnings.
Facing the Facts: Entrepreneurship
16. 32.2 percent of Latina women
work in the service sector,
compared with only 20 percent of
white women, and service workers
are almost 20 percent less likely to
have either paid sick leave or
retirement benefits.
Facing the Facts: Entrepreneurship
17. In Latina households, about 4 in
10 working wives were the
primary breadwinners for their
families, according to a 2010 CAP
report. This doubles the rate from
Facing the Facts: Entrepreneurship
18. Today, only 9 of the 98 women in
Congress are Latina; all serve in
the House of Representatives. Five
of those nine women represent
Facing the Facts: Political Leadership
19. From 1996 to 2010, the number of
Latina elected officials increased
by 105 percent.
Facing the Facts: Political Leadership