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A lattice is a poset where every pair of elements has both a
supremum and an infimum.
Definition Lattice: A poset (P,v) is called a lattice, if for all
x, y 2 P the subset {x, y} of P has a supremum and an
infimum. The supremum of x and y is denoted by x t y and
the infimum as x u y.
12/13/2015 1
 Supremum: We say that A is bounded above if there
is bR such that xA (x皎b). The number b is called
Supremum for A.
 Infimum : We say that A is bounded below if there
is cR such that xA (x皎c). The number c is called
an Infimum for A.
Sunday, December 13, 2015 2
 (R,) is a lattice. If x, y 2 R, then sup{x, y} = max{x, y}
and inf{x, y} =min{x, y}.
 If S is a set and P = P(S) the poset of all subsets of S
with relation , then P is a lattice with u =  and t = [.
 The poset (N, |) of natural numbers with order
relation | is a lattice with the least common multiple as
t and the greatest common divisor as u.
12/13/2015 3
12/13/2015 4
 Definition : The dual of a lattice  is the set  of all
vectors x  span() such that hx, yi is an integer for all
y  .
12/13/2015 5
 a set of elements of a lattice, in which each subset of
two elements has a least upper bound and a greatest
lower bound contained in the given set.
 A lattice (L,,) is distributive if the following
additional identity holds for all x, y, and z in L:
- x  (y  z) = (x  y)  (x  z).
12/13/2015 6
Modular Lattice: A modular lattice is
a lattice L=L,,р that satisfies the modular identity.
identity: ((xz)y)z=(xz)(yz)
Bounded Lattice: A bounded lattice is an algebraic
structure , such that is a lattice, and the
constants satisfy
The element 1 is called the upper bound, or top of and
the element 0 is called the lower bound or bottom of .
12/13/2015 7
Definition : A complemented lattice is a
bounded latticee (with least elementt 0 and greatest
elementt 1), in which every element a has
a complement, i.e. an element b satisfying a  b = 1
and a  b = 0. Complements need not be unique.
12/13/2015 8
Partial order and lattice theory now play an important role in
many disciplines of computer science and engineering.
For example-> they have applications in distributed
computing (vector clocks, global predicate detection),
concurrency theory (pomsets, occurrence nets),
programming language semantics (fixed-point semantics),
and data mining (concept analysis). They are also useful in
other disciplines of mathematics such as combinatorics,
number theory and group theory. In this book, I introduce
important results in partial order theory along with their
applications in computer science. The bias of the book is
on computational aspects of lattice theory (algorithms)
and on applications (esp. distributed systems).
12/13/2015 9
12/13/2015 10
12/13/2015 11
12/13/2015 12
12/13/2015 13
12/13/2015 14

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  • 1. A lattice is a poset where every pair of elements has both a supremum and an infimum. Definition Lattice: A poset (P,v) is called a lattice, if for all x, y 2 P the subset {x, y} of P has a supremum and an infimum. The supremum of x and y is denoted by x t y and the infimum as x u y. 12/13/2015 1
  • 2. Supremum: We say that A is bounded above if there is bR such that xA (x皎b). The number b is called Supremum for A. Infimum : We say that A is bounded below if there is cR such that xA (x皎c). The number c is called an Infimum for A. Sunday, December 13, 2015 2
  • 3. (R,) is a lattice. If x, y 2 R, then sup{x, y} = max{x, y} and inf{x, y} =min{x, y}. If S is a set and P = P(S) the poset of all subsets of S with relation , then P is a lattice with u = and t = [. The poset (N, |) of natural numbers with order relation | is a lattice with the least common multiple as t and the greatest common divisor as u. 12/13/2015 3
  • 5. Definition : The dual of a lattice is the set of all vectors x span() such that hx, yi is an integer for all y . Ex- 12/13/2015 5
  • 6. a set of elements of a lattice, in which each subset of two elements has a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound contained in the given set. A lattice (L,,) is distributive if the following additional identity holds for all x, y, and z in L: - x (y z) = (x y) (x z). 12/13/2015 6
  • 7. Modular Lattice: A modular lattice is a lattice L=L,,р that satisfies the modular identity. identity: ((xz)y)z=(xz)(yz) Bounded Lattice: A bounded lattice is an algebraic structure , such that is a lattice, and the constants satisfy The element 1 is called the upper bound, or top of and the element 0 is called the lower bound or bottom of . 12/13/2015 7
  • 8. Definition : A complemented lattice is a bounded latticee (with least elementt 0 and greatest elementt 1), in which every element a has a complement, i.e. an element b satisfying a b = 1 and a b = 0. Complements need not be unique. 12/13/2015 8
  • 9. Partial order and lattice theory now play an important role in many disciplines of computer science and engineering. For example-> they have applications in distributed computing (vector clocks, global predicate detection), concurrency theory (pomsets, occurrence nets), programming language semantics (fixed-point semantics), and data mining (concept analysis). They are also useful in other disciplines of mathematics such as combinatorics, number theory and group theory. In this book, I introduce important results in partial order theory along with their applications in computer science. The bias of the book is on computational aspects of lattice theory (algorithms) and on applications (esp. distributed systems). 12/13/2015 9