LaunchVox is an aggregate site that posts articles about public relations, social media, advertising, marketing, technology, gadgets, web 2.0, business and jobs. The founder started LaunchVox due to a passion for the social web and wanted to create a site where people can engage with related topics. LaunchVox aims to become more than just an aggregate site by searching for passionate contributors to break news, write reviews and conduct interviews.
2. What’s a LaunchVox?Today, LaunchVox is an aggregate site posting top articles and posts in social media, public relations, advertising, marketing, tech, gadgets, web 2.0, biz and jobs. Tomorrow, something much AWESOMER!
4. Why I Started LaunchVox I SOCIAL MEDIALaunchVox spawned out of my passion and enthusiasmfor the social web. I wanted to create a site where peoplecan fully engage in all of these related topics.
6. LaunchVox’s FutureLet’s face it, aggregate sites are LAME!LaunchVox is searching for passionate, innovative social butterflys pterodactyls to break news, give reviews and conduct killer interviews.