El documento habla sobre la importancia de la disciplina y el trabajo responsable en el aula. El profesor Julio L坦pez ense単a a sus estudiantes a utilizar materiales reciclados como el cart坦n para proyectos productivos que los mantienen ocupados y enfocados.
The document describes a patent for an anti-skid device for vehicle wheels. The device consists of multiple strap elements that extend transversely across the wheel, with each element having spaced projections with holes for studs. The elements are interconnected by two chains on either side and can be removably fitted to wheels. Individual elements or the entire assembly can be easily removed and replaced if needed.
Este documento describe varios recursos tecnol坦gicos 炭tiles para la educaci坦n, incluyendo videoconferencias, posters digitales, narraciones digitales, sitios de b炭squeda en l鱈nea, redes sociales y tiras c坦micas. Tambi辿n discute las implicaciones del uso de la tecnolog鱈a en la educaci坦n, se単alando que los maestros deben mantenerse actualizados sobre nuevas herramientas y aplicaciones y usar la tecnolog鱈a de manera efectiva en la ense単anza. Concluye que en el mundo moderno, es importante que los ma
Este documento lista los productos y precios de una tienda. Incluye yogurt de 2 litros en varios sabores por $4.500, bolsas de 8 yogures por $4.000, queso crema por $4.500, cuajada por $4.000, mozzarella por $5.000, chorizo monta単ero de 5 unidades por $5.500, chorizo de res de 4 unidades por $3.500, y chorizo con ternera de 8 unidades por $10.500.
Kanchanawadee Liemskul is seeking a position as a Procurement Manager utilizing over 25 years of experience in procurement and supply chain management in the oil and gas industry. She has held various procurement roles of increasing responsibility at companies such as Saipem, Thaipo, Chevron, and most recently Mubadala Petroleum where she was the Procurement Manager. Her experience includes managing procurement, logistics, import/export activities, developing strategic supplier relationships, and redesigning procurement processes and procedures.
This document provides driving directions from multiple locations to 1221 Innovation Drive in Whitewater, WI. From Madison, take I-39/90 south to exit 163, then follow a series of turns on highways and local roads for about an hour. From Janesville, take Hwy 26 east and Hwy 59 north through Whitewater for about 35 minutes. From Milwaukee, take I-794 east and I-94 west, following signs for I-43 south and Hwy 20 west, then Hwy 12 west for about an hour. From Chicago, take I-290 west and I-94 west, then follow signs for Hwy 50 west, Hwy 75, and Hwy 12 west for about two
Horarios master direcci坦n de arte 2015-16masterdirart
El documento presenta el horario de cursos de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicaci坦n para el curso 2015-2016, con los d鱈as, horarios y materias de los cursos del primer y segundo cuatrimestre, as鱈 como las fechas clave para la entrega y defensa de los Trabajos de Fin de M叩ster.
This document is a resume for Angela Di Ponio, who is seeking part time or full time teaching work in Ontario. She has over 10 years of experience as a secondary school teacher in both Canada and the UK. Her resume outlines her education, which includes a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Windsor, as well as her extensive teaching experience in various subjects such as communications technology, religion, media studies, and visual arts. She has a proven track record of engaging and motivating students, and has received additional training in areas like classroom management and technology integration.
This document provides various resources for a filmmaking unit, including lesson plans, classroom layout ideas, presentations on shot types, video examples of different shots, assignments on shots and student videos, rubrics, exemplar student videos, storyboarding materials, filming location lists, video editing tutorials, and more. The resources cover teaching film techniques, assigning video projects, and assessing student work.
This document describes a portfolio piece that includes a magazine front page, contents page, and double page spread. The front page and contents page would showcase the designer's style and ability to lay out information visually. The double page spread allows for a larger format to demonstrate skills in visual storytelling and multi-page design concepts.
1) The document provides an overview of the resources available in the Springwood High School B12 media classroom for a new media class teacher.
2) It describes equipment such as still digital cameras, camcorders, cameras, lighting equipment, costumes, and backgrounds that students can use for filming and photos.
3) The document also lists additional resources including an interactive whiteboard, printer, DVD/VCR player, curriculum materials, exam resources, and written materials that the teacher can utilize.
Angela Di Ponio has a portfolio that includes invitations, advertisements, logos, and business cards that she has designed. Her graphic design work covers a range of projects from invitations to advertisements to logos and business cards. She has experience creating graphic art for various purposes.
Formalist film theory analyzes the technical elements of a film like lighting, editing, sound and how they work together to create effects and communicate ideas to the audience. It looks at how individual elements or the synthesis of multiple elements like editing, shot composition and music in Sergio Leone's films build tension. Formalism embraces both ideological and auteurist criticism by focusing on style, either how socioeconomic pressures influence a style or how directors put their personal stamp on material. Alfred Hitchcock is cited as an example of an auteur with a distinct style seen in his editing, camerawork and themes.
Este documento lista los productos y precios de una tienda. Incluye yogurt de 2 litros en varios sabores por $4.500, bolsas de 8 yogures por $4.000, queso crema por $4.500, cuajada por $4.000, mozzarella por $5.000, chorizo monta単ero de 5 unidades por $5.500, chorizo de res de 4 unidades por $3.500, y chorizo con ternera de 8 unidades por $10.500.
Kanchanawadee Liemskul is seeking a position as a Procurement Manager utilizing over 25 years of experience in procurement and supply chain management in the oil and gas industry. She has held various procurement roles of increasing responsibility at companies such as Saipem, Thaipo, Chevron, and most recently Mubadala Petroleum where she was the Procurement Manager. Her experience includes managing procurement, logistics, import/export activities, developing strategic supplier relationships, and redesigning procurement processes and procedures.
This document provides driving directions from multiple locations to 1221 Innovation Drive in Whitewater, WI. From Madison, take I-39/90 south to exit 163, then follow a series of turns on highways and local roads for about an hour. From Janesville, take Hwy 26 east and Hwy 59 north through Whitewater for about 35 minutes. From Milwaukee, take I-794 east and I-94 west, following signs for I-43 south and Hwy 20 west, then Hwy 12 west for about an hour. From Chicago, take I-290 west and I-94 west, then follow signs for Hwy 50 west, Hwy 75, and Hwy 12 west for about two
Horarios master direcci坦n de arte 2015-16masterdirart
El documento presenta el horario de cursos de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicaci坦n para el curso 2015-2016, con los d鱈as, horarios y materias de los cursos del primer y segundo cuatrimestre, as鱈 como las fechas clave para la entrega y defensa de los Trabajos de Fin de M叩ster.
This document is a resume for Angela Di Ponio, who is seeking part time or full time teaching work in Ontario. She has over 10 years of experience as a secondary school teacher in both Canada and the UK. Her resume outlines her education, which includes a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Windsor, as well as her extensive teaching experience in various subjects such as communications technology, religion, media studies, and visual arts. She has a proven track record of engaging and motivating students, and has received additional training in areas like classroom management and technology integration.
This document provides various resources for a filmmaking unit, including lesson plans, classroom layout ideas, presentations on shot types, video examples of different shots, assignments on shots and student videos, rubrics, exemplar student videos, storyboarding materials, filming location lists, video editing tutorials, and more. The resources cover teaching film techniques, assigning video projects, and assessing student work.
This document describes a portfolio piece that includes a magazine front page, contents page, and double page spread. The front page and contents page would showcase the designer's style and ability to lay out information visually. The double page spread allows for a larger format to demonstrate skills in visual storytelling and multi-page design concepts.
1) The document provides an overview of the resources available in the Springwood High School B12 media classroom for a new media class teacher.
2) It describes equipment such as still digital cameras, camcorders, cameras, lighting equipment, costumes, and backgrounds that students can use for filming and photos.
3) The document also lists additional resources including an interactive whiteboard, printer, DVD/VCR player, curriculum materials, exam resources, and written materials that the teacher can utilize.
Angela Di Ponio has a portfolio that includes invitations, advertisements, logos, and business cards that she has designed. Her graphic design work covers a range of projects from invitations to advertisements to logos and business cards. She has experience creating graphic art for various purposes.
Formalist film theory analyzes the technical elements of a film like lighting, editing, sound and how they work together to create effects and communicate ideas to the audience. It looks at how individual elements or the synthesis of multiple elements like editing, shot composition and music in Sergio Leone's films build tension. Formalism embraces both ideological and auteurist criticism by focusing on style, either how socioeconomic pressures influence a style or how directors put their personal stamp on material. Alfred Hitchcock is cited as an example of an auteur with a distinct style seen in his editing, camerawork and themes.
Guy Debord argues that in modern societies, real social relations are replaced by relations between commodities and passive consumption of images. People identify with images and spectacles rather than each other. Reality becomes a representation observed from afar rather than something directly experienced. British youth construct identities on Facebook through selective sharing of images and experiences that shape how others perceive them similarly to the passive consumption and identification with spectacles Debord describes.
The document discusses how the introduction of "feeds" on Facebook, which display a running list of a user's activities and updates on their profile, has significant implications for how people view and curate their online identity on social networks. It notes that this makes Facebook less of a temporary representation of identity and more of a permanent archive, forcing users to reconsider how publicly and casually they share information. It may lead users to be more cautious about what traces of their identity they leave online and how openly they explore different identities and connections on social platforms.
This document contains sample exam practice questions for a critical perspectives course. Question 1A contains 4 sub-questions about how a student's creativity and skills have developed through digital media production coursework, including research, planning, post-production, and use of conventions. Question 1B contains 5 sub-questions about narrative approaches, media representation, genre conventions, and audience needs in one of the student's productions. Question 2 contains 7 sub-questions about representation of collective identity in the media, how representation changes over time, analysis of how media represents social groups, and effects of media representation on society.
In 1967, Guy Debord published Society of the Spectacle, arguing that images have come to dominate life under capitalism. He criticized wage labor, commodity production, and other forms of hierarchy as perpetuating through their absorption into the "spectacle." Society of the Spectacle influenced the 1968 student uprisings in Paris, with quotes from the text appearing as graffiti. Debord later updated the text in Commentaries on Society of the Spectacle and made a film version, demonstrating the work's enduring analysis of media and capitalism. The Situationist International, influenced by Marxism and surrealism, believed in transforming society by changing perceptions through disruptive situations and undermining consumer culture. Though the group disbanded in 1972,
David Buckingham argues that childhood is a changing social construct, not a fixed period. As media and society change, so does the concept of childhood. Now, children have greater access to electronic media like mobile phones, TVs, and computers earlier. While this exposes them to more adult content prematurely, changing economic conditions also lead children to depend on parents longer. The rise of private media consumption also blurs distinctions between children and adults.
This case study document outlines requirements for an exam preparation case study on collective British youth identity as represented in various media. Students must analyze a medium such as TV, music videos, or news using concepts from theorists including Debord, Hebdige and Buckingham. The analysis should consider how the media represents British youth, how it creates a collective identity, and how contemporary representation compares to the past and implications. Students must also discuss the medium historically, contemporarily, and speculate about its future in representing British youth identity. The case study is due May 17th and will account for 50% of the exam grade.
This document lists the blog URLs for 20 different students taking a media studies course. The blogs are hosted on Blogger and WordPress and cover a range of media related topics from video projects to zombies to drugs. Most blogs include the students' first and last names or initials in the blog URL.
The document provides guidance for creating an animation story including developing characters, setting, conflicts and story structure. It recommends planning the story through concept designs, storyboards and establishing shots, scenes, sequences and beats to structure the narrative. It also offers tips for shooting video including using a tripod, being aware of sound, planning for extra footage and batteries, and properly balancing white levels between locations.
This document provides a marking scheme for an Advanced Portfolio in Media Studies. It outlines four levels for both the Research and Planning and Production components. For Research and Planning, level 4 is for excellent work with well-researched target audiences, organized production elements, and excellent time management and presentation skills. For Production, level 4 is for excellence in technical skills like steady shots, framing, shot variety, appropriate content, effective editing, and selective use of effects and sound. It also notes excellent group contributions will be considered at level 4.
This production schedule outlines key deadlines for a film/video project, including January 29th for filming, February 8th for editing, February 9th for a full rough cut and completing ancillary tasks like research and marketing, February 26th for ancillary production and gathering audience feedback on the rough cut, March 11th for the final film/video, and March 22nd for turning in an evaluation and transitioning to a new unit on collective identity.
The document provides instructions for a film trailer assignment where students must create a trailer for a spoof film. Students are asked to research existing spoof films to understand how they modify genres in a comedic way. They must then plan their trailer by developing a basic story, detailed storyboard, and prop/costume list. The production involves shooting based on the storyboard. Finally, post-production involves editing the footage, adding music and effects to complete the trailer.
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls...Lviv Startup Club
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of business, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just incremental improvements. Companies must rethink and fundamentally transform their processes to achieve substantial gains in performance. This is where Business Process Reengineering (BPR) comes into play. BPR is a strategic approach that involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, efficiency, and quality. By challenging traditional assumptions and eliminating inefficiencies, redundancies, and bottlenecks, BPR enables organizations to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance profitability.
For non-performing organizations, BPR serves as a powerful weapon for reinvigoration. By crafting a compelling narrative around the need for change, leaders can inspire and galvanize their teams to embrace the transformation journey. BPR fosters a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and agility, allowing companies to align their processes with strategic goals and respond swiftly to market trends and customer needs.
Ultimately, BPR leads to substantial performance improvements across various metrics, driving organizations towards renewed purpose and success. Whether it's faster turnaround times, higher-quality outputs, or increased customer satisfaction, the measurable and impactful results of BPR provide a blueprint for sustainable growth and competitive advantage. In a world where change is the only constant, BPR stands as a transformative approach to achieving business excellence.
Tran Quoc Bao - Best and Most Influential Healthcare Leaders in Vietnam 2024Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: Redefining Healthcare Leadership in Vietnam and Promoting Global Medical Tourism He is recognized by Google as one of the Best and Most Influential Healthcare Leaders in Vietnam in 2024.
Bao stands as a visionary force in transforming the countrys healthcare landscape. From spearheading groundbreaking partnerships to raising Vietnams profile in global medical tourism, Dr. Baos leadership has left an indelible mark on the industry.
Dr. Baos extensive influence spans across several key organizations, including Prima Saigon, PwC Consulting, City International Hospital, TMMC Healthcare, and Cao Thang Hospital. His work has been integral in shaping a modern, innovative healthcare ecosystem that leverages international collaborations to improve Vietnams medical standards and attract global attention.
A cornerstone of Dr. Baos strategy has been fostering partnerships with leading global entities. Through TMMC Healthcare, he facilitated cutting-edge technology transfer and medical staff training in collaboration with international partners, particularly from Japan. These collaborations have propelled Vietnam into the global healthcare conversation, offering patients world-class treatments and medical expertise.
At City International Hospital, Dr. Baos vision came to life as the institution became a hub for medical tourism, known for providing high-quality healthcare at competitive prices. His leadership in ensuring the integration of international best practices, advanced technology, and patient-centered care has made the hospital a sought-after destination for medical tourists worldwide. Under his guidance, Cao Thang Hospital has also grown into a key player in delivering exceptional healthcare services, while Prima Saigon and PwC Consulting have provided strategic insights into enhancing Vietnam's healthcare infrastructure and business practices.
Dr. Baos efforts extend beyond healthcare facilities. He has been a catalyst for international conferences and medical tourism initiatives, positioning Vietnam as an emerging global destination for health services. By collaborating with global experts and medical institutions, Dr. Bao has created opportunities for knowledge exchange, advancing the countrys reputation as a hub for innovation and quality care.
In 2024, as one of Vietnams leading healthcare figures, Dr. Baos contributions have positioned the country as a key player in the medical tourism market. His strategic vision continues to bridge the gap between healthcare excellence and global recognition, cementing Vietnams place on the world stage. Through his work, Dr. Tran Quoc Bao is not only shaping the future of healthcare in Vietnam but also driving international collaboration and establishing the nation as a beacon of medical innovation.
Businesses must optimize their supply chain to remain competitive. Seamlessly integrating freight forwarding, trucking, and warehousing services can significantly improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. A well-coordinated logistics strategy is essential for businesses dealing with large shipments, furniture storage, and distribution operations.
The Importance of an Integrated Logistics Approach
A logistics service provider in Singapore must ensure a seamless flow of goods from the manufacturer to the end customer. This process involves multiple stages, including freight forwarding, trucking, and warehousing. When these elements operate in isolation, inefficiencies arise, leading to delays and increased costs. However, integrating them into a cohesive system offers several benefits:
Cost Efficiency: Reduced handling, storage, and transportation costs through streamlined operations.
Faster Delivery: Optimized transit times due to better coordination between different logistics components.
Improved Inventory Management: Centralized storage and real-time tracking enhance stock control.
Better Resource Utilization: Trucks and warehouses are used efficiently, reducing idle time and wastage.
Enhanced Scalability: Businesses can scale operations more effectively by utilizing integrated logistics services.
Customer Satisfaction: Faster deliveries and accurate order fulfillment enhance the overall customer experience.
Freight Forwarding: The First Step in Logistics Optimization Freight forwarding is the backbone of global supply chains. It involves managing the transportation of goods across international borders using various modes, including air, sea, and land. A logistics service provider specializing in freight forwarding plays a crucial role in:
Customs Clearance: Handling documentation and compliance requirements to ensure smooth international trade.
Carrier Selection: Choosing the most cost-effective and reliable transportation options.
Cargo Consolidation: Combining smaller shipments to optimize container space and reduce costs.
Route Optimization: Selecting the best routes to minimize transit time and costs.
Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating potential risks such as delays, damage, and unforeseen expenses.
By partnering with a reliable freight forwarder, businesses can streamline their global shipping processes and reduce the risks associated with international logistics.
Trucking: Bridging the Gap Between Freight and Warehousing
Once goods arrive at ports or distribution centers, trucking services become essential for last-mile delivery. Efficient trucking operations ensure timely deliveries and minimize disruptions. Key strategies for optimizing trucking include:
Fleet Management: Using GPS tracking and route optimization software to reduce delays and fuel consumption.
Load Optimization: Maximizing truck capacity to lower transportation costs per unit.
Timely Scheduling: Coordinating truc
Professor Paul Allieu Kamara is a distinguished academic and practitioner specializing in
Leadership Development, Financial Crime Prevention and Christian Leadership, with over 18
years of experience spanning administration, media, teaching and ministry, he has significantly
contributed to both academic and practical fields.
Academic Qualifications:
Fields of studies: Philosophy, Journalism, Leadership and Organizational Development, Business
Administration, Christian Business Administration, Christian Leadership, Curriculum Designing
and Research Education Years of experience: 19 years in Administration, Media, Teaching,
(Offices: Admin, Media, Classrooms).
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Vitaly Bondar: Are GANs dead or alive? (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
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The Will-Skill Matrix is an essential framework for managers and consultants aiming to optimize team performance. This model divides employees into four quadrants based on their levels of motivation (Will) and competencies (Skill):
1.Contributors (Guide): High Will, Low Skill
2.High Performers (Challenge): High Will, High Skill
3.Low Performers (Direct): Low Will, Low Skill
4.Potential Detractors (Motivate): Low Will, High Skill
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2025 CEO Impact Index: Business Transformation Drives Executive ImpactGolin
In summary, the traditional playbook for CEO communications has been completely rewritten. While CEOs once balanced business performance with social purpose and personal branding, today's leaders must focus primarily on articulating their business transformation story. Golin's 2025 CEO Impact Index reveals that the most influential CEOs are those who can effectively communicate their transformation vision while navigating complex regulatory environments and combating misinformation.
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Avoid these personal branding mistakes:
Being inconsistent (confusing messaging = lost trust).
Only posting sales content (value first, sales later).
Not engaging with your audience (ghosting your followers isnt good for business).
Branding is more than a logo; its your reputation.
Follow for more branding tips.