6. For many phenomena, 80%
of consequences stem from
20% of the causes.
Pareto Principle
7. In a hierarchy, every
employee tends to rise to his
level of incompetence.
The Peter
8. Any piece of software reflects
the organizational structure
that produced it.
Conways Law
9. The time taken to acquire a
target is a function of the
distance to and the size of the
Fitts Law
10. You cannot reduce the complexity
of a given task beyond a certain
point. Once youve reached that
point, you can only shift the
burden around.
Teslers Law
12. A task always takes longer
than you expect, even when
you take into account
Hofstadters Law.
Hofstadters Law
13. The first 90% of the code
accounts for the first 10% of the
development time. The remaining
10% of the code accounts for the
90% of the development time.
Ninety-ninety Law
14. Whatever the state of a
project, the time a project足
leader will estimate for
completion is constant.
Hartrees Law
15. Users spend most of their time on
other sites. This means that users
prefer your site to work the same
way as all the other sites they
already know.
Jakobs Law
16. The more highly adapted an
organism becomes, the less
adaptable it is to any new
Fishers Fundamental