電影導演爸爸和設計師媽媽,帶著小孩旅居台灣,秉持「台灣的幸福旅行」設計理念,攜手台灣黃金年代裁縫師傅,製作限量真皮帆布包,將台灣文化融入設計,提升防水及收納功能,屢獲國內外獎項. 目前與許多品牌進行跨界聯名合作,開發加值商品,例如:台南林百貨/新光三越/博物館/動畫品牌/教育機構,並在自有通路或合作通路販售,或出國展覽協助推廣產品…
2014年,實踐國際【協力製包】計畫,教導柬埔寨貧困媽媽製包,迎向更美好的生活! 2015年,從台南小巷躍上了日本與香港舞台販售!為台灣文創品牌立下一個小小的里程碑!
La yoo make creative bags from Taiwan culture with multiple travel functions.
Our “bag for better life” projects teach Cambodia women hand-make bags, and help them have a better life! Now our bags are also sold in Japan and Hongkong!
This document discusses global water security challenges and outlines UNESCO's strategy and programs to address them. It notes that over 1 billion people lack access to clean water or sanitation and millions die each year from water-related disease. UNESCO's strategy includes lobbying for a UN Sustainable Development Goal on water and working through its International Hydrological Program on issues like improving water management, building capacity, and promoting sustainable solutions through ecohydrology. The goal is to help all communities achieve water security now and develop more sustainable water systems for the future.
This document provides an overview of content analysis as a research technique. It defines content analysis as objective, systematic analysis and categorization of communication content. The workshop covers the procedures of content analysis, including design, unitizing, sampling, coding, drawing inferences and validation. Examples of using content analysis to analyze text data from interviews are presented, showing coding categories, frequency calculations and correlations. Content analysis is described as a useful technique for making inferences from qualitative data in an objective and replicable manner.
International Conference on Peri-Urban Landscapes: Water, Food and Environmental Security, Sydney, Australia, July 8-10, 2014.
Anne-Maree Boland presentation
This document discusses extensive reading for children. It notes that Indonesian preschools and kindergartens currently focus more on "CALISTUNG" activities than book reading. This corresponds with unsatisfactory reading achievement on PIRLS assessments. The document outlines benefits of reading activities like reading aloud and shared reading for children's language development. It proposes extensive reading as an alternative, where children have wide access to comprehensible texts. Extensive reading is suggested to benefit students of all ages, including preschoolers. The document provides examples of book flood projects, book loans, and reading corners to facilitate extensive reading in early years classrooms.
Мы не мыслим шаблонами. Дизайн-направление Vein Technologies уверенно смотрит в будущее - и не мыслит шаблонами. Мы знаем, как качественно создавать фирменный стиль, лого и брендбуки, презентации, инфографики, различные виды полиграфии и веб-дизайна.
Presentation slides maria ping teflin 2012Lola Devung
This document summarizes a study on the use of blogs for language learning in an English course at a university in Indonesia. 24 students enrolled in the course created blogs in small groups to facilitate English language teaching and learning. The study found that the blog content included a variety of resources organized by language skills, and students used platforms like Twitter to promote their blogs. A student survey indicated that blogging made the course more interesting and helped students improve various language skills, though peers did not provide much feedback on each other's blogs. The study concluded blogging was a useful activity for language learning and suggested further research and more educational use of online platforms.
1. Diskusi fokus grup membahas model pembangunan daya saing daerah yang inklusif melalui penguatan landasan berpikir, rekonstruksi model, dan pengembangan model partisipatif sesuai konteks Indonesia.
2. Tujuan penelitian adalah menemukan indikator baru yang relevan, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan strategi, serta memperkuat tata kelola dan UMKM dalam pembangunan daerah.
3. Pembangunan ekonomi
This document discusses electrochemical sensors for detecting antibiotic residues in food. It begins with an introduction on the increasing global use of antibiotics and development of antibiotic resistance. It then discusses the working principles of electrochemical sensors and how they can be used to detect antibiotics. Specifically, it describes how electrochemical sensors use recognition elements like enzymes, antibodies, aptamers, and molecularly imprinted polymers to detect antibiotics. It also discusses using different electrode systems and materials like carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, and graphene to improve detection. The document aims to provide an overview of developing electrochemical sensor techniques for antibiotic residue detection in food.
Let's Talk about the Book! - Teacher and Children's Responses towards the Imp...Lola Devung
This document discusses dialogic reading, a technique for shared book reading between adults and children. It involves the adult prompting the child to talk about the book and expanding on the child's responses. The document outlines the benefits of dialogic reading in increasing vocabulary and language skills. It then describes how dialogic reading was implemented in an early years language class in Indonesia, including the teacher's and children's positive responses to the technique. It concludes by recommending dialogic reading as an effective practice for teaching English to young learners, while requiring preparation and practice.
This document provides an overview of content analysis as a research technique. It defines content analysis as objective, systematic analysis and categorization of communication content. The workshop covers the procedures of content analysis, including design, unitizing, sampling, coding, drawing inferences and validation. Examples of using content analysis to analyze text data from interviews are presented, showing coding categories, frequency calculations and correlations. Content analysis is described as a useful technique for making inferences from qualitative data in an objective and replicable manner.
International Conference on Peri-Urban Landscapes: Water, Food and Environmental Security, Sydney, Australia, July 8-10, 2014.
Anne-Maree Boland presentation
This document discusses extensive reading for children. It notes that Indonesian preschools and kindergartens currently focus more on "CALISTUNG" activities than book reading. This corresponds with unsatisfactory reading achievement on PIRLS assessments. The document outlines benefits of reading activities like reading aloud and shared reading for children's language development. It proposes extensive reading as an alternative, where children have wide access to comprehensible texts. Extensive reading is suggested to benefit students of all ages, including preschoolers. The document provides examples of book flood projects, book loans, and reading corners to facilitate extensive reading in early years classrooms.
Мы не мыслим шаблонами. Дизайн-направление Vein Technologies уверенно смотрит в будущее - и не мыслит шаблонами. Мы знаем, как качественно создавать фирменный стиль, лого и брендбуки, презентации, инфографики, различные виды полиграфии и веб-дизайна.
Presentation slides maria ping teflin 2012Lola Devung
This document summarizes a study on the use of blogs for language learning in an English course at a university in Indonesia. 24 students enrolled in the course created blogs in small groups to facilitate English language teaching and learning. The study found that the blog content included a variety of resources organized by language skills, and students used platforms like Twitter to promote their blogs. A student survey indicated that blogging made the course more interesting and helped students improve various language skills, though peers did not provide much feedback on each other's blogs. The study concluded blogging was a useful activity for language learning and suggested further research and more educational use of online platforms.
1. Diskusi fokus grup membahas model pembangunan daya saing daerah yang inklusif melalui penguatan landasan berpikir, rekonstruksi model, dan pengembangan model partisipatif sesuai konteks Indonesia.
2. Tujuan penelitian adalah menemukan indikator baru yang relevan, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan strategi, serta memperkuat tata kelola dan UMKM dalam pembangunan daerah.
3. Pembangunan ekonomi
This document discusses electrochemical sensors for detecting antibiotic residues in food. It begins with an introduction on the increasing global use of antibiotics and development of antibiotic resistance. It then discusses the working principles of electrochemical sensors and how they can be used to detect antibiotics. Specifically, it describes how electrochemical sensors use recognition elements like enzymes, antibodies, aptamers, and molecularly imprinted polymers to detect antibiotics. It also discusses using different electrode systems and materials like carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, and graphene to improve detection. The document aims to provide an overview of developing electrochemical sensor techniques for antibiotic residue detection in food.
Let's Talk about the Book! - Teacher and Children's Responses towards the Imp...Lola Devung
This document discusses dialogic reading, a technique for shared book reading between adults and children. It involves the adult prompting the child to talk about the book and expanding on the child's responses. The document outlines the benefits of dialogic reading in increasing vocabulary and language skills. It then describes how dialogic reading was implemented in an early years language class in Indonesia, including the teacher's and children's positive responses to the technique. It concludes by recommending dialogic reading as an effective practice for teaching English to young learners, while requiring preparation and practice.