Op 10 november 2010 heeft MVO Nederland een bijeenkomst georganiseerd rondom Het Nieuwe Werken. 50 aanwezigen zijn actief aan de slag gegaan met dit onderwerp samen met experts van Finext, Conclusion, Microsoft, Ahrend en TNO.
Op 10 november 2010 heeft MVO Nederland een bijeenkomst georganiseerd rondom Het Nieuwe Werken. 50 aanwezigen zijn actief aan de slag gegaan met dit onderwerp samen met experts van Finext, Conclusion, Microsoft, Ahrend en TNO.
The document discusses the production process for a magazine article and design. It describes using Microsoft Word for the initial draft and editing, then Photoshop for the final layout and design of the front cover and double page spread. Key aspects of design discussed include font size, image placement, masthead prominence, lead article formatting, and ensuring elements follow conventions to attract readers. The target audience is identified as 15-24 year olds, likely from lower-middle class backgrounds, interested in indie/folk music. Females are the primary audience but males may also be attracted by prominent female artists featured.
The document summarizes what the author learned from reviewing film reviews in two issues of the magazine Empire. In the first issue from October 2011, the author read a review of the crime film Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows that discussed how the film needed to have its own style rather than copying the popular TV show. The second issue from May 2012 reviewed the action/thriller The Dark Knight Rises and also focused on how it would live up to its predecessor and couldn't rely on the same formula as fans would notice. The main lessons for the author's own project were about the importance of originality and bold new ideas rather than conventions or sticking to set formulas.
Computing as a Service - 7 Insights on the Future of Cloud ComputingOpsCamp
This presentation discusses the future of cloud computing. It makes the following key points:
1. Most business computing will move from private data centers to public clouds, marking a shift to a new "cloud era" of centralized and large-scale computing.
2. While older models still have relevance, cloud computing will drive technology to be "better, faster, cheaper." Not all clouds are equal due to varying fine print details.
3. Cloud is a new tool, not a panacea, and the appropriate solution depends on specific computing needs and applications. Cloud will spark innovation but is not always the answer.
This document provides instructions for creating a basic website page with Pedro Ernesto MartÃn Castro and John Caraballo from Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra. The instructions are to first go to the Notepad program and write additional keyword labels to categorize school subjects. These keyword labels can be found on the Aula.Clic HTML website which contains learning units. The file should then be saved as "INDEX.HTML" and opened to see the initial website page generated.
O documento discute sistemas de informação integrados para gestão de processos, mencionando ERP SAP, implementações ASAP e desejando sucesso a todos. Aborda tópicos como orientação a processos, serviços de informação no Brasil, players de ERP no Brasil, módulos de ERP SAP e consultoria funcional em ERP.
Este documento presenta estadÃsticas sobre el número de casos de infarto agudo de miocardio atendidos por los servicios de emergencias extrahospitalarios en España entre 2009 y 2014. Incluye datos como el número total de casos atendidos cada año, los tiempos de respuesta del sistema de emergencias y las tasas de pacientes tratados en menos de 90 y 60 minutos. Finalmente, propone algunas áreas para mejorar la atención como obtener un mayor apoyo institucional, establecer estándares para evitar desigualdades en la atención y realizar controles