This document provides information about upcoming elections for leadership positions at AIESEC VUB, including the timing, process, and requirements. The Leadership Committee Project (LCP) elections will take place on March 6th with a deadline of March 17th. Candidates must fill out a booklet with general, functional, and AIESEC-specific knowledge and include two endorsement letters, a CV, and motivational letter. Candidates will give a 10-minute presentation and answer questions from a selection panel. The Executive Board (EB) elections will follow on April 3rd. Only full AIESEC members who meet attendance and participation requirements can vote.
2. Contact details for elections
Margot Vanfleteren (LCP)
0479615194 or
All your VPs are also available for any questions or experience sharing
6. Elections
6th March
Lets go over it!
17th March 23h59
18th of March
20th March
The LCP elections
27th March
3th of April
EB elections
24th April
Youll be invited to the
events per mail &
7. The election flow
Fulfill questions
Content of the booklet
General information
Functional knowledge
AIESEC knowledge
8. Specific for LCP elections
What do you have to add to your answers
2 endorsement letters
MC member
EB member
Motivational letter
The presentation
15 min Q&A
60 sec to answer
Final 3 minutes to summarize
General discussion
Presentation of 10 minutes
Full majority
EB elections
Selection panel
11. Who can vote
Full member
Attended 60% of LCMs
One conference attended or been to an exchange
Part of a track within AIESEC VUB
In responsibility stage
Every EB member
14. Elections AI
Vinicius Tsugue: President Elect 2014-2015
For me I see an organization that is getting all
those dreams connected to 2015, the entire
dream from every single entity, all the dream
from every single member and connect them all
to focus into action
That is the reason why I believe that the time now
is for the organization to be turning dream into
In order to do so, three main focuses are needed
in the organization: to be simple , to be people
oriented and to be connected.