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                         THIS WAY

    108 N Payne Street
      Alexandria, VA
The Bryce Harlow Foundation

Website:                   Challenges:                              Solutions:
www.bryceharlow.org        The Bryce Harlow Foundation              At 鍖rst, we planned on building the
                           reached out to Clikzy in need of a       new BHF site on a Joomla CMS
                           website redesign, an easy-to-            platform. As we pushed forward
Services Provided:         manage CMS platform, and some            with the design of the site, we
-Custom Website Redesign   advanced functionality. The previ-       suspected that Wordpress would be
                           ous Bryce Harlow website was built       a better 鍖t for their needs and for
-Wordpress CMS Platform
                           on a Cold Fusion (.cfm) platform,        their team to learn. Now they are
-Blog Design & Setup       which is an older technology that is     able to manage their site on their
-Donation Integration      difficult to manage, especially if you   own and create new blog posts with
                           are not a developer. The design itself   ease. The new design projects a
-Alumni Directory
                           was outdated and needed to be            modern, professional, and trustwor-
-Custom Interactive        revitalized to re鍖ect how BHF has        thy persona. The interactive aspects
 Team page                 grown and appeal to a younger            on the homepage and the Current
-Photo Gallery             audience. Lastly, they needed to         Fellows page appeal to this
                           implement a robust, searchable           generations tech-savvy audience. In
                           Alumni Directory, add in a Blog, and     the end, the Bryce Harlow Founda-
                           allow users to pay for and register      tion team was thrilled with their new
                           for their annual Awards Dinner          site.
LCME Clikzy Examples
LCME Clikzy Examples
NAPABA (National Asian Paci鍖c American Bar Association)

Website:                     Challenges:                              Solutions:
http://2012convention.na     The NAPABA annual conventions            To address all of NAPABAs needs,
paba.org/                    are held in high regard in the law       we built a website whose minimal
                             community, and as such, they             and inviting aesthetics mirrored its
Services Provided:           needed a website that re鍖ected           ease of use. Though the schedule
                             their esteem. Aside from creating a      portion of the site took a good
-Custom Website Redesign     clean and professional website           amount of planning and testing, we
-Wordpress CMS Platform      design, NAPABAs main concern            were able to create a successful
                             was to create a Schedule platform        platform that allowed users to sort
- Custom Schedule Database
                             within the site that was intuitive for   through the Convention by day,
-News & Media Setup          their users. This Schedule function      morning or night, and time. This
-Donation Integration          108 N Payne Street
                             had to allow a user to easily access     allowed users to easily access all of
-Sponsor scroll              any given Convention day and see         the information that was so hard to
                                 Alexandria, VA
                             the events being hosted, location,       digest on the old website. We also

                             and details. Lastly, we needed to
                             create a platform where the
                                                                      built a news & media section that
                                                                      was searchable and sortable by
                             NAPABA team could upload news            categories, date, and media type.
                             articles and different media pieces.     The clients were happy with the site
                                                                      and would like to create a mobile
                                                                      platform with us in the near future.
LCME Clikzy Examples
LCME Clikzy Examples
Fairvote Action

Website:                    Challenges:                            Solutions:
fairvoteaction.org          FairVote Action came to Clikzy         We approached the FairVote Action
                            with the goal of creating a new        custom website design with the
                            website that reached out to a new,     goal of creating a professional but
Services Provided:          youthful audience, that focused on     fun atmosphere for users who are
-Custom Website Design      their grassroots campaigns.            young and modern, but passionate
                            Though successful in their main        about playing a real and active role
-Wordpress CMS Platform
                            website, FairVote wanted the new       in our democratic society. We
-Blog Design & Setup        FairVote Action website to go in a     implemented a blog, donation page,
-Donation Integration       more creative direction that           and a community section that
                            engages their youth audience and       allows users to 鍖nd events and
-3rd party integration
                            encourages them to take action and     actions that are taking place nation-
-Interactive                promote an active, participatory,      wide. Another unique feature was
Problems/Solutions page   and fully representative democracy.    the Problems/Solutions page,
                            The site needed to be easy to          which lays out statements and
                            navigate, and very straightforward     questions that frequently arise, and
                            in their approach to get information   the answers or solutions to the
                            out to users clearly and concisely.    problem. Designing this page to be
                                                                   interactive emphasizes the idea that
                                                                   educating yourself can be fun and
LCME Clikzy Examples
LCME Clikzy Examples
Lollys Locks

Website:                    Challenges:                               Solutions:
www.lollyslocks.org         Holding this cause very dear to her       We chose a color palette that was
                            heart, Jaime of Lollys Locks             vivid and bright: using white, blue,
                            wanted a website designed for the         teal, pink, and yellow as the main
Services Provided:          new non-pro鍖t she was starting, in        colors. This color scheme is positive
-Custom Website Redesign    honor of her mother who lost her          and gives the site a feminine touch -
                            battle with cancer. The goal was to       without alienating any audiences. In
-Wordpress CMS Platform
                            create a website that allows women        order to allow users to interact with
-Blog Design & Setup        to obtain high quality wigs, who          one another and share their stories,
-Custom Donation Page and   would not be able to afford to            we built a forum where people can
                            otherwise. It was important for the       create an account and pro鍖le, and
                            Lollys Locks website to be bright,       start sharing. Regarding the applica-
-Forum                      inviting, and elegant: embodying all      tion for the wigs, we custom
-Video Integration          that Lolly was and her positive spirit.   designed the form and allowed the
                            Jaime wanted a place where users          applications to be easily stored and
                            could share their stories, view           sendable to the company that
                            upcoming news and events, apply           creates them. Lastly, we custom
                            for a wig, and donate to the cause.       designed and developed a Donation
                            With so many mundane donation             page with interactive amount
                            pages out there, Jaime wanted this        buttons, and the ability to donate in
                            page to be particularly special.          honor/memory of a loved one.
LCME Clikzy Examples
LCME Clikzy Examples
The Littlest Lamb

Website:                   Challenges:                              Solutions:
www.littlestlamb.org       The Littlest Lamb organization was       We decided to build the new web-
                           looking to redesign their very           site on a Wordpress CMS platform
                           outdated website, in hopes of            because of the amount of content
Services Provided:         establishing a more professional         Littlest Lamb planned to push out
-Custom Website Redesign   online presence and inspiring            through their site, and the fact that
                           others to join them in their efforts     Wordpress has a very user-friendly
-Wordpress CMS Platform
                           to improve the lives of orphans, a       back end. We used fun fonts and
-Blog Design & Setup       cause they are clearly passionate        images of lamby, their well known
-Donate Page               about. Being active bloggers and         mascot, to bring a personal and
                           hosting a variety of events, the         warm touch to a website that
-E-commerce Shop
                           news/blog portion of the website is      represents an organization with
-Photo gallery             very important. Their old site, how-     such a big heart. We also wanted to
                           ever, listed out all of the blog posts   capitalize on how frequently they
                           and events directly on the homep-        used Flickr, so we integrated a
                           age, in a chaotic and neverending        photo gallery that would pull from
                           scroll - with no 鍖ltering method.        their Flickr account. We made it
                           Clikzys goal was to give the website    easy for users to get involved and
                           a facelift, including improving the      purchase paraphenalia. Lastly, we
                           functionality and building a user-       designed a blog that was 鍖lterable
                           friendly and intuitive navigation.       by categories and archives
LCME Clikzy Examples
LCME Clikzy Examples
NCSC XLI Georgetown Model UN

Website:                     Challenges:                             Solutions:
http://ncsc.modelun.org/     The Georgetown International            We chose to work with Joomla for
http://naimun.modelun.org/   Relations Association hosts two         both the NCSC and NAIMUN web-
                             Model UN conferences annually,          sites because of the ease of use in
                             and came to Clikzy in order to have     the back end, and because both
Services Provided:           both conferences websites rede-        websites are small in size and easily
                             signed. The NCSC XLI and NAIMUN         manageable through Joomla. Taking
-Custom Website Redesign     Model UN conferences are well-          inspiration from the White House
-Joomla CMS Platform         renowned and a privilege to attend.     website, we created a professional
                             GIRA wanted to give both sites a        look that was modern and appeal-
-News Setup
                             facelift and establish a more profes-   ing to a younger audience. We
-3rd party integration for   sional online presence, that            made sure the information on how
registration                 attracted more students to the          to apply for the conference, and the
-Contact form                conferences. The registration and       login area were both easy to access
                             application process were also not       and prominent. As we are living in
-Homepage Image 際際滷r
                             very easy before, and GIRA wanted       an increasingly social media driven
                             to create a more straightforward        society, we included a Twitter feed
                             and clear process for this.             and a latest news feed - so users
                                                                     can quickly access the most recent
                                                                     happenings with both NCSC and
LCME Clikzy Examples
Hill Snowdon Foundation

Website:                     Challenges:                             Solutions:
http://hillsnowdon.org/      The Hill Snowdon Foundation             Our approach was to develop the
                             needed their website redesigned in      new website on a Wordpress CMS
                             a manner that allowed their team        platform. This allows Hill Snowdon
Services Provided:           to manage and update the website        to update and manage their own
-Custom Website Redesign     themselves. The previous Hill Snow-     site, especially after we provided
                             don website was built on a propri-      them with training videos showing
-Wordpress CMS Platform
                             etary CMS platform, which they          how to do just that. Being a 鍖exible
-Flash Homepage Intro        could not manage or update them-        platform, it was easy to implement
Banner                       selves and had to constantly pay the    two separate login areas - for board
                             CMS company in order to make            members and for current partners.
-Downloadable PDF Publica-
                             changes. The visual aesthetics were     Having this new login area allowed
tions                        outdated and the functionality of       us to nest the grant application
-News Setup                  the site needed to increase in order    behind the login, so the users who
-Board Members & Current     for the website to become a tool to     were 鍖lling out applications were
                             help coordinate with board mem-         able to do so in a private environ-
Partners Login
                             bers and facilitate the application     ment. Also, in the spirit of becoming
                             process for grants - all capabilities   a resource for its users, we added
                             that the old website lacked.            downloadable pdf publications to
                                                                     the website, that users can down-
                                                                     load freely.
LCME Clikzy Examples
LCME Clikzy Examples

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LCME Clikzy Examples

  • 1. WEB THIS WAY DESIGN EXAMPLES 108 N Payne Street Alexandria, VA 703.567.4330 contact@clikzy.com
  • 2. The Bryce Harlow Foundation Website: Challenges: Solutions: www.bryceharlow.org The Bryce Harlow Foundation At 鍖rst, we planned on building the reached out to Clikzy in need of a new BHF site on a Joomla CMS website redesign, an easy-to- platform. As we pushed forward Services Provided: manage CMS platform, and some with the design of the site, we -Custom Website Redesign advanced functionality. The previ- suspected that Wordpress would be ous Bryce Harlow website was built a better 鍖t for their needs and for -Wordpress CMS Platform on a Cold Fusion (.cfm) platform, their team to learn. Now they are -Blog Design & Setup which is an older technology that is able to manage their site on their -Donation Integration difficult to manage, especially if you own and create new blog posts with are not a developer. The design itself ease. The new design projects a -Alumni Directory was outdated and needed to be modern, professional, and trustwor- -Custom Interactive revitalized to re鍖ect how BHF has thy persona. The interactive aspects Team page grown and appeal to a younger on the homepage and the Current -Photo Gallery audience. Lastly, they needed to Fellows page appeal to this implement a robust, searchable generations tech-savvy audience. In Alumni Directory, add in a Blog, and the end, the Bryce Harlow Founda- allow users to pay for and register tion team was thrilled with their new for their annual Awards Dinner site. online.
  • 5. NAPABA (National Asian Paci鍖c American Bar Association) Website: Challenges: Solutions: http://2012convention.na The NAPABA annual conventions To address all of NAPABAs needs, paba.org/ are held in high regard in the law we built a website whose minimal community, and as such, they and inviting aesthetics mirrored its Services Provided: needed a website that re鍖ected ease of use. Though the schedule their esteem. Aside from creating a portion of the site took a good -Custom Website Redesign clean and professional website amount of planning and testing, we -Wordpress CMS Platform design, NAPABAs main concern were able to create a successful was to create a Schedule platform platform that allowed users to sort - Custom Schedule Database within the site that was intuitive for through the Convention by day, -News & Media Setup their users. This Schedule function morning or night, and time. This -Donation Integration 108 N Payne Street had to allow a user to easily access allowed users to easily access all of -Sponsor scroll any given Convention day and see the information that was so hard to Alexandria, VA the events being hosted, location, digest on the old website. We also 703.567.4330 and details. Lastly, we needed to create a platform where the built a news & media section that was searchable and sortable by contact@clikzy.com NAPABA team could upload news categories, date, and media type. articles and different media pieces. The clients were happy with the site and would like to create a mobile platform with us in the near future.
  • 8. Fairvote Action Website: Challenges: Solutions: fairvoteaction.org FairVote Action came to Clikzy We approached the FairVote Action with the goal of creating a new custom website design with the website that reached out to a new, goal of creating a professional but Services Provided: youthful audience, that focused on fun atmosphere for users who are -Custom Website Design their grassroots campaigns. young and modern, but passionate Though successful in their main about playing a real and active role -Wordpress CMS Platform website, FairVote wanted the new in our democratic society. We -Blog Design & Setup FairVote Action website to go in a implemented a blog, donation page, -Donation Integration more creative direction that and a community section that engages their youth audience and allows users to 鍖nd events and -3rd party integration encourages them to take action and actions that are taking place nation- -Interactive promote an active, participatory, wide. Another unique feature was Problems/Solutions page and fully representative democracy. the Problems/Solutions page, The site needed to be easy to which lays out statements and navigate, and very straightforward questions that frequently arise, and in their approach to get information the answers or solutions to the out to users clearly and concisely. problem. Designing this page to be interactive emphasizes the idea that educating yourself can be fun and easy!
  • 11. Lollys Locks Website: Challenges: Solutions: www.lollyslocks.org Holding this cause very dear to her We chose a color palette that was heart, Jaime of Lollys Locks vivid and bright: using white, blue, wanted a website designed for the teal, pink, and yellow as the main Services Provided: new non-pro鍖t she was starting, in colors. This color scheme is positive -Custom Website Redesign honor of her mother who lost her and gives the site a feminine touch - battle with cancer. The goal was to without alienating any audiences. In -Wordpress CMS Platform create a website that allows women order to allow users to interact with -Blog Design & Setup to obtain high quality wigs, who one another and share their stories, -Custom Donation Page and would not be able to afford to we built a forum where people can otherwise. It was important for the create an account and pro鍖le, and Function Lollys Locks website to be bright, start sharing. Regarding the applica- -Forum inviting, and elegant: embodying all tion for the wigs, we custom -Video Integration that Lolly was and her positive spirit. designed the form and allowed the Jaime wanted a place where users applications to be easily stored and could share their stories, view sendable to the company that upcoming news and events, apply creates them. Lastly, we custom for a wig, and donate to the cause. designed and developed a Donation With so many mundane donation page with interactive amount pages out there, Jaime wanted this buttons, and the ability to donate in page to be particularly special. honor/memory of a loved one.
  • 14. The Littlest Lamb Website: Challenges: Solutions: www.littlestlamb.org The Littlest Lamb organization was We decided to build the new web- looking to redesign their very site on a Wordpress CMS platform outdated website, in hopes of because of the amount of content Services Provided: establishing a more professional Littlest Lamb planned to push out -Custom Website Redesign online presence and inspiring through their site, and the fact that others to join them in their efforts Wordpress has a very user-friendly -Wordpress CMS Platform to improve the lives of orphans, a back end. We used fun fonts and -Blog Design & Setup cause they are clearly passionate images of lamby, their well known -Donate Page about. Being active bloggers and mascot, to bring a personal and hosting a variety of events, the warm touch to a website that -E-commerce Shop news/blog portion of the website is represents an organization with -Photo gallery very important. Their old site, how- such a big heart. We also wanted to ever, listed out all of the blog posts capitalize on how frequently they and events directly on the homep- used Flickr, so we integrated a age, in a chaotic and neverending photo gallery that would pull from scroll - with no 鍖ltering method. their Flickr account. We made it Clikzys goal was to give the website easy for users to get involved and a facelift, including improving the purchase paraphenalia. Lastly, we functionality and building a user- designed a blog that was 鍖lterable friendly and intuitive navigation. by categories and archives
  • 17. NCSC XLI Georgetown Model UN Website: Challenges: Solutions: http://ncsc.modelun.org/ The Georgetown International We chose to work with Joomla for http://naimun.modelun.org/ Relations Association hosts two both the NCSC and NAIMUN web- Model UN conferences annually, sites because of the ease of use in and came to Clikzy in order to have the back end, and because both Services Provided: both conferences websites rede- websites are small in size and easily signed. The NCSC XLI and NAIMUN manageable through Joomla. Taking -Custom Website Redesign Model UN conferences are well- inspiration from the White House -Joomla CMS Platform renowned and a privilege to attend. website, we created a professional GIRA wanted to give both sites a look that was modern and appeal- -News Setup facelift and establish a more profes- ing to a younger audience. We -3rd party integration for sional online presence, that made sure the information on how registration attracted more students to the to apply for the conference, and the -Contact form conferences. The registration and login area were both easy to access application process were also not and prominent. As we are living in -Homepage Image 際際滷r very easy before, and GIRA wanted an increasingly social media driven to create a more straightforward society, we included a Twitter feed and clear process for this. and a latest news feed - so users can quickly access the most recent happenings with both NCSC and NAIMUN.
  • 19. Hill Snowdon Foundation Website: Challenges: Solutions: http://hillsnowdon.org/ The Hill Snowdon Foundation Our approach was to develop the needed their website redesigned in new website on a Wordpress CMS a manner that allowed their team platform. This allows Hill Snowdon Services Provided: to manage and update the website to update and manage their own -Custom Website Redesign themselves. The previous Hill Snow- site, especially after we provided don website was built on a propri- them with training videos showing -Wordpress CMS Platform etary CMS platform, which they how to do just that. Being a 鍖exible -Flash Homepage Intro could not manage or update them- platform, it was easy to implement Banner selves and had to constantly pay the two separate login areas - for board CMS company in order to make members and for current partners. -Downloadable PDF Publica- changes. The visual aesthetics were Having this new login area allowed tions outdated and the functionality of us to nest the grant application -News Setup the site needed to increase in order behind the login, so the users who -Board Members & Current for the website to become a tool to were 鍖lling out applications were help coordinate with board mem- able to do so in a private environ- Partners Login bers and facilitate the application ment. Also, in the spirit of becoming process for grants - all capabilities a resource for its users, we added that the old website lacked. downloadable pdf publications to the website, that users can down- load freely.