3. 43. 犂 犂朽苅犂謹慣犂逗姦犁犂犁犂鰍犂犂犂犂犂犁犂む犂犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犂逗犂犁犂犂迦
(A)犂犂萎歓犂項歓犂犁犂む (B)犂朽歓犂犁犂萎堪犂鉦侃犂逗瓦犂 (C)犂朽歓犂萎款犂犁犂 (D)犂犂逗慣犂鉦寒犁犂む
44. 犂犂犂謹犂犁犂鉦寛犂逗犂鉦侃犂逗寒犂犂鉦姦犂垂犂犂犂萎歓犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犂
(A)犂犂犁犂朽完犂垂15 (B)犂犂犁犂朽完犂垂24 (C)犂犂犁犂朽完犂垂9 (D)犂犂犁犂朽完犂垂12
45. 犁犂萎款犂犂犁犂鉦堪犂犂犁犂む犂犂伍寒犁犂犂萎犂謹歓犂犁犂犂犂む犂萎款犂犂犂む犂も犂犂犂犂萎歓犂犂犁犂伍歓犂÷憾犂逗粥犂犁犂 ?
(A)7 (B)6 (C)5 (D)9
46. 2020犂犂霞犂犂橿歓犂犂犂逗犁犂伍歓犂犂犂朽侃犂逗姦犂鉦患犂犁犂犂
(A)犂犁犂犂犂鉦完犁犂 (B)犂犂犁犂犂鉦苅犂犂犂鐘 (C)犂犂鉦完犁犂呉 (D)犂犂犂鉦憾犂犂犂
47. 犂朽款犂項寒犂犁犂犂橿歓犂迦犂犂犂犂犂鉦犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂迦款犂伍犂伍歓犂犁
(A)犂 犁犂萎犂犁犂迦款犂伍犂伍歓犂犁 (B)犂犁犂迦歓犂犁犂犁犂迦款犂伍犂伍歓犂犁 (C)犂犂伍勧犁犂園犂園歓犂犁犂迦款犂伍犂伍歓犂犁 (D)犂犁犂萎犂犂呉犂犁犂迦款犂伍犂伍歓犂犁
48. 犂犂迦款犂犂む犂む歓犂犂霞犁犂犂犁犂も犂萎款犂劇犂犁犂萎
(A)犂迦犂犂犁 (B)犂犂伍犂萎款犂犂犂迦 (C)犂伍歓犂園歓犂 (D)犂犂犂逗勘犁犂
49. 犂犂萎款 犂犂犁犂む犂犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂犂伍堪犂犁犂萎患犂逗犂伍寒犂む犂む歓犂犂鉦姦犂垂犂犂犂犁犂犂犂犁犂о瓦犂垂(Peoples Plan)犂む姦犁犂犂鉦官犂鉦犂逗姦犂も?
(A)犂朽歓犂犂謹患犂謹完犂犁犂 (B)犂犂.犂犂犁.犂犂園款犂 (C)犂犂犂高犂園 (D)犂犂項寛犂犂犂鉦犂逗憾
50. 2013犂犂霞犂犂迦款犂犂伍犂犁犂犂萎歓犂犂犂む犂む歓犂犂犂萎犂項姦犂鉦姦犂も?
(A)犂犂犂犂犁犂犂 (B)犂犁犂犁犂犂朽寒犁犂伍歓犂 (C)犂犂逗寒犂犂鉦患犂迦犂萎歓 (D)犂犂犁犂萎歓犂犂犂霞犂犂伍犂迦完犁
51. He looked........... the word in the dictionary
(A) up (B) for (C) into (D) at
52. The correctly spelt word is
(A) resamblance (B) resemblance (C) resamblence (D) recemblance
53. This room is .................. lager than the other
(A) much (B) many (C) very (D) more
54. Iam sorry if the meat is ..............hard
(A) fairly (B) more (C) much (D) rather
55. If you tease the dog, it........... you
(A) bites (B) should bite (C) will bite (D) would bite
56. This PC is as good as new, it has ......... been used
(A) hardly (B) mostly (C) lately (D) most
57. Little progress has been made........... ?
(A) hasnt it? (B) has it? (C) has little ? (D) hasnt little ?
58. The synonym of condense is .....................
(A) digest (B) console (C) condemn (D) verdict
59. The antonym of antecedent is ......................
(A) precedent (B) anecdote (C) antidote (D) predecessor
60. In which part of the sentence is the mistake :
She would not (A) / say us (B) / how old (C) / she was (D)
61. In which part of the sentence is the mistake :
The toy (A) / which you (B) / gave my children (C)/ work perfectly (D)
62. The correctly spelt word is:
(A) crusifixion (B) crucifixion (C) crucifiction (D) crusification
63. The opposite of Transparent is
(A) Observe (B) Obtuse (C) Opaque (D) Translucent
64. The weather is clearing it is time to................
(A) sailing (B) set sail (C) start sail (D) begin sail
4. 65. As a man of action he is naturallly.......... with his words
(A) lavishing (B) frugal (C) complex (D) calculated
66. Iam reading a book is the active form of
(A) A book is being read by me (B) I am read by a book
(C) A book has been reading by me (D) A book is read by me
67. The noun form of perform is
(A) performing (B) perfume (C) perfumery (D) performance
68. He is the person........ saved the child
(A) which (B) whom (C) who (D) what
69. The correct spelt word is:
(A) beautiful (B) bueatiful (C) beutiful (D) bautiful
70. He always .................. his work on time:
(A) has complete (B) complete (C) completes (D) will complete
71. 犂伍歓犂÷乾犂犂犂巌犂む犂む犁犂犂犁犂犁犂萎憾犁犂犂鉦完犂犂迦喚犂逗犁犂犂も犂犂萎犂?
(A) 犂謹犂萎寒犂鉦犁犂犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂犂逗干 (B) 犁犂鉦寛犂鉦堪 犂逗姦犂
(C)犂犂鉦寛犂鐘犂犂鉦完犂鉦姦 犂犁犂犂鉦姦犂萎 (D)犂朽干犂犂む犂む款犂橿
72. 犂む侃犂逗瓦犂む犂む歓犂犂犂犂鉦換犂 犂犁犂も?
(A) 犂犂犁犂犂犂む犂む (B) 犂犁犂犂犁 (C)犂犂犁犂犂逗堪 (D) 犂犁犂む歓犂犂朽寒犁
73. 犂謹完犂逗姦犂迦犂迦款犂む犂も犂伍歓犂÷苅犂犂鉦犂犁犂も?
(A) 犂犂犂萎款犂萎犂む犂む完犁犂犂犂朽完犂朽完犁犂犂犁犂犂伍犂ム款犂犂む犂む歓犂萎歓犂 犂(B) 犂犂犂萎款犂犂橿犂犂橿犂犂犂朽完犂朽完犁犂犂犁犂犂伍犂ム款犂犂む犂む歓犂萎歓犂 犂
(C)犂犂犂萎款犂犂橿犂犂犂朽完犂朽完犁犂犂犁犂犂伍犂ム款犂犁犂む犂逗完犂逗 犂 (D) 犂犂迦犂迦款犂朽完犁犂犂犂朽完犂朽完犁犂犂犁犂犂伍犂ム款犂犂む犂む歓犂萎歓犂 犂
74. Forbidden fruit 犂犂む歓犂犂伍堪犂鉦寒犂犂鉦姦犂犂鉦慣犂鉦憾犂逗粥犂犂犂鉦犂犂犂も?
(A) 犂犂園犁犂犁犂犂朽犁犂犂犂犂垂 (B) 犂朽歓犂迦犂犂犁犂犂犂犂犂
(C)犂犂о犂萎歓犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犂犂犂垂 (D) 犂犂逗犂鉦犂犂垂犂犁犂橿歓犂犁犂犁犂
75. 犂犂鉦犂犂犂犂犂犁犂む犂朽歓犂犂鉦犂む犂む歓犂迦犂犂犁犂犂犁犂犁犂犁?
(A) 犂犁 犂犂鉦堪犂 (B) 犂犂犂犂犂鉦堪犂 (C)犂犁犂萎歓犂犂鉦寒犂鉦堪犂 (D) 犂伍完犁犂朽犂朽寒犂鉦堪犂
76. 犂犂劇完犂犂犂犁犂犂犂犂む犂む歓犂犂犁犂朽歓犂犂萎犂も犂犂犂犂犂も?
(A) 犂犂園患 (B) 犂犂萎犂犁犂萎 (C) 犂犂萎犂朽完犂 (D) 犂犂犂む款犂犁犂犁犂犂迦犂
77. '犂犂朽歓犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂犂犂鉦寛犁犂犂鉦犁犂犂橿' 犂犂萎犂犂犁犂犂犂む犂犂犂ム姦犂 ?
(A) 犂朽患犂犂迦款犂犁犂犂逗干犂 (B) 犂犂犁犂犂犁犂犁犂 (C) 犂犁犂犂鉦完犂犂鉦感犂鉦寒犁 (D) 犂犂.犂犁犂犁犂犂逗完犂鉦堪犂犁犂犂鉦姦犂萎
78. '犂' 犂伍歓犂÷瓦犂犂犂犂鉦姦犂朽歓犂犂犁犂む歓:
(A) 犂犂逗完犁犂犂犂謹歓犂 (B) 犂伍歓犂÷瓦犂逗犁犂萎款犂項歓犂 (C) 犂伍犂犂犂鉦犂逗 (D) 犂犂о款犂萎歓犂
79. '犂犂萎犂橿姦犁犂犁犂犂犂犂犁犂犂萎歓' 犂犂犁犂犂朽感犂迦歓犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂犂犂萎犂ム:
(A) 犂萎犂犂逗犂萎堪犂鉦姦犂犂犁犂 犂 (B) 犂む犂犂園犂犂犁犂犂 (C) 犂犂逗慣犁犂犂霞犂朽憾犁犂む (D) 犂犂犂萎犂朽歓犂犂萎犂む
80. 犂犂萎犂ム犂犂巌犂む犂 犂朽歓犂伍犂犁犂む歓?
(A) 犂む歓犂萎歓犂犁犂犂園歓犂汲 (B) 犂犁犂鉦冠犂 (C)犂犂園患犂 (D) 犂犂萎犂
81. 犂犂萎犂伍犂犂犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂 犂犂鉦犂朽犂犂犂園犂園款犂萎犂伍犂犂犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂 犂犂鉦犂朽犂伍堪犂犂 犂犂犂逗寛犁犂犂犂犂伍犂犂犂犁犂犁犂犂萎苅犁犂犂鉦堪犂犂む犂も犂伍犂犂犂犁犂犁犂
(A) 3:2 (B) 5:2 (C) 5:3 (D) 3:10
82. 135犂犁犂園犂園完犁犂犁犂橿堪犁犂鰍犂犂萎犂朽犂犁54犂犂逗苅犂迦款犂犁犂園犂園完犁/犂 犂逗犁犂犁犂萎犂犂朽犂む姦犂逗寛犁犂伍犁犂犂萎歓犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犂犂逗寛犁犂犂も犂犂萎犂犂犁犂犂迦歓犂 犂鉦苅犁
(A) 9 犂犂伍犂犁 (B) 10 犂犂伍犂犁 (C) 20 犂犂伍犂犁 (D) 25犂犂伍犂犁
83. IRAN 犂犂犁犂 犂朽款犂犂逗犂 RINA 犂犂犂犁犂犂巌犂む款犂犂犂犂逗寛犁RAVI 犂犂犁犂 犂朽款犂犂逗犂犂犂犁犂犂犂犂犂犂巌犂む款犂?
84. 犂む款犂犂癌犂犂犂鉦犁犂む犂む歓犂萎歓犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犂朽姦犂逗寛犁犁犂園犂園患犂犂犂犂園犂も犁犂も?
(A) 10.01 (B) 10.001 (C) 10.10 (D) 10.100