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Powerful Communication
Final Presentation
Yuka Kawano
Which term do you prefer?
People System
Flexibility Structure
Which term do you prefer?
How did you feel about
the opposite?
Acceptable Anger
Which term do you prefer?
Research outcomes
Polychronic Monochronic
Research outcomes
Polychronic Time Culture
Many things = At a time
Be Flexible
People > Schedule
Research outcomes
Monochronic Time Culture
One event = At a time
Events = Sequentially
Schedule > People and Relationship
Whats our goal?
As a successful global leader
To schedule a team project
Across diverse cultures
My Best Practice
 Learn about your culture
 Be confident with it
 Make friends from different cultures
 Learn from them
 Be respectful
 Be knowledgeable about intercultural differences
 Create team rules
 Share your concern with your teammates
My Best Practice
What You Do
Be confident
Be respectful
My Best Practice
How You Will Be
My Best Practice
What We Do
 Create team rules
 Share your concern
with your teammates
Thank You For Listening
Q & A

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