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Special Report: Lead Generation Guide and Tip Sheet for the Affluent
Consumer Market
From:       Nicholas Loise, RSVP Chicago
            847-939-6065, nick@rsvpchicago.com


       One of the fundamental problems most business, entrepreneurs and
sales professionals face is the generation of new leads. Without a systematic
supply of leads they face a never-ending and energy zapping battle to
generate more sales and sufficient cash flow for the business to survive.

There are only four ways to increase revenues and drive sales:
1. Increase the number of customers with more leads coming in to the
business at all times.
2. Increase their frequency of purchase.
3. Increase the total value they spend.
4. Create new products and services for them to purchase from you and to
bring new customers into the business.

This is it there are no other ways.

      If you are a restaurant and you want to increase your sales you do it
by increasing the number of customers that come through the door every
day. You do it by bringing them back more often. And you do it by
increasing their average check size.

      If you painter you do it by: Increasing your number of jobs that you
do. You paint their home more often i.e. the inside this year, the outside next
year. You increase the total value by adding new products and services i.e.
Crown Molding, Deck Refinishing etc.

      There are no other ways to increase your revenues. No there are other
ways to increase profits and that is for another report. This reports focus is
on lead generation and the creation of a system to drive lead.
It All Start With A Lead

If everyone is Your Customer You have NO Customers

The first step in your Lead Generation Journey is to target your ideal
customer. Here you should be creating and ideal Customer Profile. The best
way to do this is to:
      First, rank your customers by the most profitable, best source of
revenues, easiest to do business with and highest source of referrals.
Second, look for patterns and characteristics, traits, patterns.
      Identify the key attributes of them, are their links.

Now you are ready to clearly define your target market. Once you have them
defined you need to answer the following questions:
          What keeps them up at night about your product or service?
          What are their fears about your product or service?
          What do they look for in your product or service?
          What motivates them to buy your product or service?

Now we need to create your companies USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
Here you need to answer the following question:
       Why should I (your target market) do business with you versus all my
other options and choices including doing NOTHING.

Along with our USP we also want to create our Value Proposition, as it
takes shape it should be focused on:
         o How it resonates with your ideal customer profile.
         o What issues, problems do you resolve?
         o What solution do you bring to them?
         o Your ideal customer must know the difference between opting
             for your solution vs. doing nothing at all.
         o Your customer must be convinced that you represent the best
Lead Generation Process

Once we have the above homework completed we can start our lead
generation process.

Here we want to distinguish between the two types of lead generation. One-
step and two-step lead generation.

One Step Lead Generation is an immediate call to action. Such has call
today for our services. Make your reservation today. Call today for a free
quote or estimate. (You should get the idea.)

Two Step Lead Generation is a call for a widget, or a softer call to action.
This looks like: Call today for your Free Report on the Secrets that Home
Improvement Companies Dont Want You to Now. Or Caution! Dont Hire
a Contactor Before Your Call for Our Free Report Today.

You can also incorporate a free-recorded message for video blog or another
source of media for them to opt into your lead generation system.

The best is really a combination of the two steps that way you capture all
immediate buyers and the secondary buyers that are still in the evaluation or
information gather stages are brought into your system also.

The Next Most Critical Step:

Once the lead in captured you either close them our place them into a follow
up system. Here you want to touch them has many times as possible in has
many ways has possible. Your want to create systems and process that
ensure you are set up to be positioned as the expert and only choice.

The follow up system can be automated through ACT, Sales force or
Goldmine or other CRM programs.

Here is a sample follow up system:

   1.   Inbound Call
   2.   Initial Meeting and Needs Assement
   3.   Thank you letter from first meeting.
   4.   Email newsletter goes out.
5. Postcard
   6. Sales letter with Free Report
   7. Second letter.
   8. Hardcopy newsletter
   9. Postcard with different message.
   10.Follow up phone call
   11. Continue all steps

The key is to follow a system and continue to follow up on your leads over
and over. And to keep the in a follow up/touch systems. Some systems that
we have created for our clients have has many of 21 touches.

Filling the Funnel With Leads

We are now ready to fill our funnel with leads. The first step is to do the
methods that we have done in the past to reach our target market. DO
WHAT WORKS rather than chasing the SHINY NEW THING.

Secondly we will pick some lead generation methods from the listing in the
bonus section of over 100 lead generation techniques. (If we would like help
with implementation or selection please contact us at 847-939-6065 or email
me at nick@rsvpchicago.com)

I would like to highlight some of my favorite cost effective and those that
are seldom looked at. Please look at the bonus section for the entire list

   1. Complementary Partner Referrals: Work with partners that sell to
      your target markets and share leads and referrals. Also send endorsed
      letters to each other list from the other partners. (This is also referred
      to host/parasite relationship.)
   2. Links and Posting on websites with other partners and entrepreneurs
      that have the same target marketing has you. This will be each other
      more traffic.
   3. Free Reports and Mini Course. Something that helps your target
      market solve problems
   4. Teleseminars, Webinars, Free Recorded Message You Tube Videos.
      Let technology sell for you.
   5. Follow Up Multi Touch System. You may need to touch your target
      market and leads multiple times.
   6. Farming a small group of target market homes/business. Do multi-step
mailing to a small highly targeted group of you best targets most
      converted list of clients.
   7. Past Customer Appreciation Events and Bring a Referral. Host an
      event and have everyone that is to attend to bring a referral.
   8. Referral Program. Having a detailed program to garner referrals
   9. Strategic Alliances: Here you and another party enter into an
      agreement that you are going to sell each other services.
   10.Direct Mail and Co Op Mailing. Here I saved the best for last (plus a
      shameless plug for RSVP Chicago.) This is one of the most cost
      effective methods to drive leads into any business.

In Closing:

At the end of the day you need to drive sales to your door, phones to ring or
customers into your restaurant and shop. We have a saying that simply states
our CODA Nothing Happens until Somebody Sells Something. With us
that somebody is you our advertisers.

Direct Mail should be part of every companies marketing mix. It is the most
cost effective way to create leads and sales for any companies.

The Next Steps

We wish you well on your journey to serving this wonderful market. You
should go on many field trips to those that have done it well and those that
need some help along the way. Learn for everyone, create your own
community. Listen and learn do the best you can. Pick yourself up when you
make a mistake and learn from it.

We at RSVP Chicago are here to help if we can be of assistance of if you
would like more information about our products and services please contact
us at 847-939-6065 our website is www.rsvpchicago.com. If you would like
any other of our free reports or informational products please contact us.
Follow me on twitter.com/nicholasloise or Facebook.com/RSVPChicago.

You mail also email us at nick@rsvpchicago.com

Dedicated to helping your businesses grow

Bonus Section (The Goal is to use as many of these as you can.)
Ways to Fill Your Funnel by Creating Your Lead Generation Arsenal and
Checklist. Circle all that you do.

1. Direct Mail
2. RSVP Co-Op Mailings to Affluent Homeowners
3. Radio Interviews
4. Newspaper
5. Search Engine Optimatization
6. PPC
7. Mobile Marketing (text messaging)
8. Mobile Billboards
9. Samples
10. Bus Wraps
11. Host/Parcite Relationships
12. Leads Groups
13. Partnership Relationships (they sell to your clients also but are not
14. Trade Shows
15. Community Trade Shows
16. Inserts Newsletters (homeowners associations, chambers others)
17. Yellow Pages
18. Local Newspaper
19. Free standing interests
20. Co-Op Mailing like Money Mailer (low end)
21. Internet Listing like The Best of Chicagoland, Best of Park Ridge
22. Goggle Ad Words
23. Website sign in page
24. Links with other websites
25. Old leads of competitors
26. Lead Boxes
27. Auto Responders
28. Local Community Magazines
29. Flyers
30. Coupons
31. Goupon Like Websites
32. Daily Deal Websites
33. Give Away
34. Public Relations
35. Speeches
36. Write Articles and post online or submit to local papers
37. Cable Spots
38. Outbound Message recorded messages

Social Media here you want to be active an also look at advertising
       39 Face book
40. Twitter
        41. My Space
        42. Linkd In
        43. You Tube Videos
44. Chamber Events and Meetings
45. Networking Events
46, Audio Brochure
47. Video Brochure
48. Infomercials
49. Newsletters (Email and Hardcopy)
50, Fax on Demand
51. Telemarketing
52. Appointment Setters
53. Celebrity Appearance
54. Customer Loyalty Programs
55. Holiday Cards
56 Sport Related Promotions
57. Big Discounts Special Sales
58 Customer Appreciation Red Tag Sales and promotions bring a referral
59. E-book
60. Creative Premiums
61. Sales Letters
62. Tear Sheets
63.Seasonal Tie In
64. Window Displays
65. Free Magazines
66. Press Release
67. Clubs and Memberships
68 Continuity Programs
69. Sales Reps
70. Ambassadors Programs
71. Follow Up Systems
72. Sign on Vehicles
73. Charity Donations/Giveaways
74. Affinity Groups
75. Joint Ventures
76. Testimonials
77. Free Recorded Messages (Inbound)
78. Postcards
79. Lumpy Mail
80. Referral Programs
81. Door Hangers
82. Special Events
84. Speeches
85. Workshops
86. Cold Calls
87. Networking with sources (CPA, Lawyers, Business Brokers)
88. Radio Advertising
89. Cable Advertising
90. Write Articles and post on article websites
91. Parties and Events
92. Customer Appreciation Parties to bring a friend
93. Craigs List Ads
94. Classified Ads
95 Local On line listings like Yodle
96. White Papers
97. Implement a follow up system
98. Thank you cards
99. We want you back campaigns
100. Teleseminars
101. Affiliate Programs
102. Free consultation programs
103. Complementary Partner Referrals
104 Strategic Alliances
105. Blogs
106. RSS
107. Podcast
108. Landing page and squeeze pages
109. Email (1:1 and 1 to Many)
110. Banner Ads
111 Internet Radio Shows and Advertisements
112. Self Mailer
113. Personal Letters
114. Endorsed letters and mailing
115. Host Parciate Relationships
116. Card Decks
117. Write a book
118. Informational Products
119. Killer Outlandish Guarantees
120. Direct Response advertising
121. Outbound Recorded Messages
122. Angles List
123. Yard Signs
124. Direct Mail
125. New Mover Program
126. Sponsoring Events
127. Outbound Fax Program
128. Speeches
129. Pass out flyers and postcards
130. Advertorials (in newspapers and direct mail)
                      The RSVP Advantage
Providing Your Company with More Sales Leads
                We will Prove It!
With the RSVP Direct Mail to the Affluent Advertising Program, your company
will receive an entire campaign designed to help drive clients to your business.

We Provide You with for pennies per home:
                A Response driven postcard beautifully designed
                Mailing list acquisition
                1,000 bonus postcards created with the same or a different
                   message. We provide you with a list of 124 ways to use
                   them to drive more sales to you door.
                Internet listing on RSVPChicago.com
                Email Blasts
                RSVP reader responses leads
                Names of our readers that want to do business with you
                   to add to your in house database.
                RSVP Marketing Program Guide
                RSVP Quick Start Guide
                Instant Promotions off our our Website
                Free Lisiting and PPC from the Best of Websits
                The ability to fit into any marketing budget.

Who we Target (Our Demographics):
The selection of a target market is the most important step in any successful
marketing campaign and strategy. RSVP Chicago will mail your postcard to
homeowners with:
                         Average home values over $425,000
                            Incomes in excess of $125,000
                        84% are between the ages of 34 to 64
                85% of our mailers is open and acted on by women.
                        They dine out at least two time a week
                                Own at least two cars
                                  Travel Frequently
               Have money to invest and make home improvements
            Are looking for services and goods to make their lives easier

  Call today to get our mailing program started for you
  (847) 939-6065 or email me at nick@rsvpchicago.com.
         More Leads-Bigger Sales- Well Prove It

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Lead generation guide and bonus sheet

  • 1. Special Report: Lead Generation Guide and Tip Sheet for the Affluent Consumer Market From: Nicholas Loise, RSVP Chicago 847-939-6065, nick@rsvpchicago.com Introduction: One of the fundamental problems most business, entrepreneurs and sales professionals face is the generation of new leads. Without a systematic supply of leads they face a never-ending and energy zapping battle to generate more sales and sufficient cash flow for the business to survive. There are only four ways to increase revenues and drive sales: 1. Increase the number of customers with more leads coming in to the business at all times. 2. Increase their frequency of purchase. 3. Increase the total value they spend. 4. Create new products and services for them to purchase from you and to bring new customers into the business. This is it there are no other ways. If you are a restaurant and you want to increase your sales you do it by increasing the number of customers that come through the door every day. You do it by bringing them back more often. And you do it by increasing their average check size. If you painter you do it by: Increasing your number of jobs that you do. You paint their home more often i.e. the inside this year, the outside next year. You increase the total value by adding new products and services i.e. Crown Molding, Deck Refinishing etc. There are no other ways to increase your revenues. No there are other ways to increase profits and that is for another report. This reports focus is on lead generation and the creation of a system to drive lead.
  • 2. It All Start With A Lead If everyone is Your Customer You have NO Customers The first step in your Lead Generation Journey is to target your ideal customer. Here you should be creating and ideal Customer Profile. The best way to do this is to: First, rank your customers by the most profitable, best source of revenues, easiest to do business with and highest source of referrals. Second, look for patterns and characteristics, traits, patterns. Identify the key attributes of them, are their links. Now you are ready to clearly define your target market. Once you have them defined you need to answer the following questions: What keeps them up at night about your product or service? What are their fears about your product or service? What do they look for in your product or service? What motivates them to buy your product or service? Now we need to create your companies USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Here you need to answer the following question: Why should I (your target market) do business with you versus all my other options and choices including doing NOTHING. Along with our USP we also want to create our Value Proposition, as it takes shape it should be focused on: o How it resonates with your ideal customer profile. o What issues, problems do you resolve? o What solution do you bring to them? o Your ideal customer must know the difference between opting for your solution vs. doing nothing at all. o Your customer must be convinced that you represent the best solution!
  • 3. Lead Generation Process Once we have the above homework completed we can start our lead generation process. Here we want to distinguish between the two types of lead generation. One- step and two-step lead generation. One Step Lead Generation is an immediate call to action. Such has call today for our services. Make your reservation today. Call today for a free quote or estimate. (You should get the idea.) Two Step Lead Generation is a call for a widget, or a softer call to action. This looks like: Call today for your Free Report on the Secrets that Home Improvement Companies Dont Want You to Now. Or Caution! Dont Hire a Contactor Before Your Call for Our Free Report Today. You can also incorporate a free-recorded message for video blog or another source of media for them to opt into your lead generation system. The best is really a combination of the two steps that way you capture all immediate buyers and the secondary buyers that are still in the evaluation or information gather stages are brought into your system also. The Next Most Critical Step: Once the lead in captured you either close them our place them into a follow up system. Here you want to touch them has many times as possible in has many ways has possible. Your want to create systems and process that ensure you are set up to be positioned as the expert and only choice. The follow up system can be automated through ACT, Sales force or Goldmine or other CRM programs. Here is a sample follow up system: 1. Inbound Call 2. Initial Meeting and Needs Assement 3. Thank you letter from first meeting. 4. Email newsletter goes out.
  • 4. 5. Postcard 6. Sales letter with Free Report 7. Second letter. 8. Hardcopy newsletter 9. Postcard with different message. 10.Follow up phone call 11. Continue all steps The key is to follow a system and continue to follow up on your leads over and over. And to keep the in a follow up/touch systems. Some systems that we have created for our clients have has many of 21 touches. Filling the Funnel With Leads We are now ready to fill our funnel with leads. The first step is to do the methods that we have done in the past to reach our target market. DO WHAT WORKS rather than chasing the SHINY NEW THING. Secondly we will pick some lead generation methods from the listing in the bonus section of over 100 lead generation techniques. (If we would like help with implementation or selection please contact us at 847-939-6065 or email me at nick@rsvpchicago.com) I would like to highlight some of my favorite cost effective and those that are seldom looked at. Please look at the bonus section for the entire list 1. Complementary Partner Referrals: Work with partners that sell to your target markets and share leads and referrals. Also send endorsed letters to each other list from the other partners. (This is also referred to host/parasite relationship.) 2. Links and Posting on websites with other partners and entrepreneurs that have the same target marketing has you. This will be each other more traffic. 3. Free Reports and Mini Course. Something that helps your target market solve problems 4. Teleseminars, Webinars, Free Recorded Message You Tube Videos. Let technology sell for you. 5. Follow Up Multi Touch System. You may need to touch your target market and leads multiple times. 6. Farming a small group of target market homes/business. Do multi-step
  • 5. mailing to a small highly targeted group of you best targets most converted list of clients. 7. Past Customer Appreciation Events and Bring a Referral. Host an event and have everyone that is to attend to bring a referral. 8. Referral Program. Having a detailed program to garner referrals 9. Strategic Alliances: Here you and another party enter into an agreement that you are going to sell each other services. 10.Direct Mail and Co Op Mailing. Here I saved the best for last (plus a shameless plug for RSVP Chicago.) This is one of the most cost effective methods to drive leads into any business. In Closing: At the end of the day you need to drive sales to your door, phones to ring or customers into your restaurant and shop. We have a saying that simply states our CODA Nothing Happens until Somebody Sells Something. With us that somebody is you our advertisers. Direct Mail should be part of every companies marketing mix. It is the most cost effective way to create leads and sales for any companies. The Next Steps We wish you well on your journey to serving this wonderful market. You should go on many field trips to those that have done it well and those that need some help along the way. Learn for everyone, create your own community. Listen and learn do the best you can. Pick yourself up when you make a mistake and learn from it. We at RSVP Chicago are here to help if we can be of assistance of if you would like more information about our products and services please contact us at 847-939-6065 our website is www.rsvpchicago.com. If you would like any other of our free reports or informational products please contact us. Follow me on twitter.com/nicholasloise or Facebook.com/RSVPChicago. You mail also email us at nick@rsvpchicago.com Dedicated to helping your businesses grow Bonus Section (The Goal is to use as many of these as you can.)
  • 6. Ways to Fill Your Funnel by Creating Your Lead Generation Arsenal and Checklist. Circle all that you do. 1. Direct Mail 2. RSVP Co-Op Mailings to Affluent Homeowners 3. Radio Interviews 4. Newspaper 5. Search Engine Optimatization 6. PPC 7. Mobile Marketing (text messaging) 8. Mobile Billboards 9. Samples 10. Bus Wraps 11. Host/Parcite Relationships 12. Leads Groups 13. Partnership Relationships (they sell to your clients also but are not competitiors.) 14. Trade Shows 15. Community Trade Shows 16. Inserts Newsletters (homeowners associations, chambers others) 17. Yellow Pages 18. Local Newspaper 19. Free standing interests 20. Co-Op Mailing like Money Mailer (low end) 21. Internet Listing like The Best of Chicagoland, Best of Park Ridge 22. Goggle Ad Words 23. Website sign in page 24. Links with other websites 25. Old leads of competitors 26. Lead Boxes 27. Auto Responders 28. Local Community Magazines 29. Flyers 30. Coupons 31. Goupon Like Websites 32. Daily Deal Websites 33. Give Away 34. Public Relations 35. Speeches 36. Write Articles and post online or submit to local papers 37. Cable Spots 38. Outbound Message recorded messages Social Media here you want to be active an also look at advertising 39 Face book
  • 7. 40. Twitter 41. My Space 42. Linkd In 43. You Tube Videos 44. Chamber Events and Meetings 45. Networking Events 46, Audio Brochure 47. Video Brochure 48. Infomercials 49. Newsletters (Email and Hardcopy) 50, Fax on Demand 51. Telemarketing 52. Appointment Setters 53. Celebrity Appearance 54. Customer Loyalty Programs 55. Holiday Cards 56 Sport Related Promotions 57. Big Discounts Special Sales 58 Customer Appreciation Red Tag Sales and promotions bring a referral 59. E-book 60. Creative Premiums 61. Sales Letters 62. Tear Sheets 63.Seasonal Tie In 64. Window Displays 65. Free Magazines 66. Press Release 67. Clubs and Memberships 68 Continuity Programs 69. Sales Reps 70. Ambassadors Programs 71. Follow Up Systems 72. Sign on Vehicles 73. Charity Donations/Giveaways 74. Affinity Groups 75. Joint Ventures 76. Testimonials 77. Free Recorded Messages (Inbound) 78. Postcards 79. Lumpy Mail 80. Referral Programs 81. Door Hangers 82. Special Events 84. Speeches 85. Workshops 86. Cold Calls
  • 8. 87. Networking with sources (CPA, Lawyers, Business Brokers) 88. Radio Advertising 89. Cable Advertising 90. Write Articles and post on article websites 91. Parties and Events 92. Customer Appreciation Parties to bring a friend 93. Craigs List Ads 94. Classified Ads 95 Local On line listings like Yodle 96. White Papers 97. Implement a follow up system 98. Thank you cards 99. We want you back campaigns 100. Teleseminars 101. Affiliate Programs 102. Free consultation programs 103. Complementary Partner Referrals 104 Strategic Alliances 105. Blogs 106. RSS 107. Podcast 108. Landing page and squeeze pages 109. Email (1:1 and 1 to Many) 110. Banner Ads 111 Internet Radio Shows and Advertisements 112. Self Mailer 113. Personal Letters 114. Endorsed letters and mailing 115. Host Parciate Relationships 116. Card Decks 117. Write a book 118. Informational Products 119. Killer Outlandish Guarantees 120. Direct Response advertising 121. Outbound Recorded Messages 122. Angles List 123. Yard Signs 124. Direct Mail 125. New Mover Program 126. Sponsoring Events 127. Outbound Fax Program 128. Speeches 129. Pass out flyers and postcards 130. Advertorials (in newspapers and direct mail) The RSVP Advantage
  • 9. Providing Your Company with More Sales Leads We will Prove It! With the RSVP Direct Mail to the Affluent Advertising Program, your company will receive an entire campaign designed to help drive clients to your business. We Provide You with for pennies per home: A Response driven postcard beautifully designed Printing Postage Mailing list acquisition 1,000 bonus postcards created with the same or a different message. We provide you with a list of 124 ways to use them to drive more sales to you door. Internet listing on RSVPChicago.com Email Blasts RSVP reader responses leads Names of our readers that want to do business with you to add to your in house database. RSVP Marketing Program Guide RSVP Quick Start Guide Instant Promotions off our our Website Free Lisiting and PPC from the Best of Websits The ability to fit into any marketing budget. Who we Target (Our Demographics): The selection of a target market is the most important step in any successful marketing campaign and strategy. RSVP Chicago will mail your postcard to homeowners with: Average home values over $425,000 Incomes in excess of $125,000 84% are between the ages of 34 to 64 85% of our mailers is open and acted on by women. They dine out at least two time a week Own at least two cars Travel Frequently Have money to invest and make home improvements Are looking for services and goods to make their lives easier Call today to get our mailing program started for you (847) 939-6065 or email me at nick@rsvpchicago.com. More Leads-Bigger Sales- Well Prove It