In-person sales kickoffs were declared forever dead at the start of the pandemic. But now theyre back with a vengeance.
Done right, SKOs are magical experiences that drive alignment, engagement, and motivation. They require a magical combination of strategic thinking and tactical execution.
To help you succeed, weve gathered insight on why now is the perfect time for new thinking when it comes to SKOs. If youre not planning a fundamentally different experience, youre missing a massive opportunity to move the revenue meter.
Here are the 5 Dos and 5 Donts for your next sales kickoff.
2. In-person sales kickoffs were declared forever dead at the start of the pandemic.
But now theyre back with a vengeance.
Done right, SKOs are magical experiences that drive alignment, engagement, and
motivation. They require a magical combination of strategic thinking and tactical
To help you succeed, weve gathered insight on why now is the perfect time for new
thinking when it comes to SKOs. If youre not planning a fundamentally different
experience, youre missing a massive opportunity to move the revenue meter.
Here are the 5 Dos and 5 Donts for your next sales kickoff.
3. Here are 5 Next-Generation
SKO Strategies, or Dos.
We present you with SKO
challenges and best
practices to help tackle
5 Dos
4. Challenge 1
Theres of pressure to fill every minute of in-person SKOs.
Shorter attention spans desire more face-to-face interaction and collaboration.
5. Do 1:
Adding through Subtraction
Open the agenda from your last in-
person SKO. Then, delete 40% of it.
Include loosely structured networking
and informal collaboration.
6. Challenge 2
Marketing, product, HR, finance, sales, corporate strategy many constituents,
many things to say this creates disjointed and conflicting messages.
7. Do 2:
Getting Everyone on the Same Page
All commercial teams and related
functions must be on the same page.
Drive alignment by ensuring everyone
delivers a part of one interconnected
8. Challenge 3
Larger agenda blocks allow participants to really struggle with a new concept
dont let participants off-the-hook with superficial understanding.
9. Do 3:
Balancing Participation
Intake with Application
Position the meeting as a workshop.
Set the expectation that
actual work will take place its
not a role-play but a real-play.
10. Challenge 4
Many treat SKOs like the point of arrival vs. the point of departure. Measurement
is key its necessary for continuous improvement and expected by leadership.
11. Do 4:
Initiating a Wave of Enablement
Define the team behaviors and set
measurable goals to focus on over
the year.
12. Challenge 5
Emotion is a big component of engagement and retention now overlay
this with the pervasive emphasis on authenticity and informality.
13. Do 5:
Mixing the Fun
Make sure your agenda is light and
fun find ways to infuse humor and
less serious activities.
14. Now that weve provided next-
gen strategies, or Dos, here
are some Donts.
These are anecdotes based
on a host of meetings weve
observed as less effective,
though often entertaining.
5 Donts
15. Don't 1:
Executive "Talking Heads"
Don't bore attendees with long general sessions full of
Executive talking heads.
People are not very interested in restructuring, new
departments, and every new corporate initiative.
These sessions are made worse when Executives decide to
wheel out stools and a couch on stage to make the session
look like a talk show.
16. Don't 2:
Irrelevant Key Speaker
Dont bring in a keynote speaker with no relevance at all.
While it may be awesome that you attracted a 1988 Olympic
Gold Medal ski jumper or a trekker who scaled a treacherous
mountain with a butter knife, people dont see the point.
Stick to your theme, engage a speakers bureau and select
wisely or do not select at all.
17. Don't 3:
Venturing Off-site
Dont include off-site activities that require buses, passes,
lines, and late returns.
Shuttling people around is exhausting and creates higher cost
and time. Save the time and expense; offer events that give
people a chance to talk to one another and catch-up.
18. Don't 4:
Party Central
Dont pick Las Vegas (or other "party" locations).
While it sounds awesome, it is almost always a mistake. Your
people will be utterly useless in workshops, show up late, party
all night, win or lose money, get in relationship trouble and
your meeting will invariably blow the budget.
19. Don't 5:
Over-the-Top Production
Dont splurge on extravagant productions.
Yes, indoor fireworks and tigers riding mini scooters are cool.
Its what we do at the circus, not the SKO focused on market
growth and product innovation. Keep it simple instead.
20. Words of Wisdom
As you incorporate the Dos and
Donts into SKO planning, also
consider these Words of Wisdom.
We asked sales leaders from various
backgrounds to share their personal
21. Words of Wisdom
To me, the best events are
those that foster sales team
collaboration and networking
from top to bottom. I love seeing
the team interact and get to
know each other on all levels.
Doug Cullen, SVP, Global Head of
DataSite, Merrill Corporation
Start with energy, the meeting
gets started on the right foot. 54
slides and a low-energy leader,
and you set the wrong tone.
Justin Honaman, Head, Retail &
Consumer Goods G2M, Amazon
Take the routine out of your sales
meetings. Dare to try something
different. It has set a high bar for
us to continue to try new things.
Success or failure, you must be
willing to try new things to take the
routine out of these meetings.
Mike Morris, Director, Commercial
Enablement, Boston Scientific
22. Words of Wisdom
Bring an element of surprise to
your meeting. If you bring in a
guest speaker, reveal a new
product, or announce a business
move, these can work to drive
immediate engagement so that
you can accomplish the additional
objectives you set out for the
remainder of the meeting.
Trip Eberhart, VP, Client Success,
BrightOrg Services
"Sometimes, kickoffs need to be
high on inspiration and lite on
information. The impact of
energizing the team and/or re-
defining the sales culture can more
important than the typical agenda
of product updates, operational
changes, comp plans.
David Fulham, Sr. Director, Global
Business Operations, VIAVI Solutions
"Sweat the details -- Ensure your
presenters are prepped and screen
content for relevance and impact.
This seems very basic, but if you
dont have someone on the
planning team who acts as a
'screener' to ensure the content
will resonate, you run the risk of
having presenters who miss the
mark, which makes attendees feel
like their time is wasted.
Chris Stein, Sales
Enablement Leader, Equifax
23. Next years SKO is an unprecedented
enablement opportunity. Dont buy
into the myth that SKOs cant drive real
results near and long term.
They can and this year they must.
SKOs that
Deliver Results
24. Dont keep these all to yourself
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25. The Brevet Group is a sales consulting, training, and enablement firm.
We work with clients who have the vision and guts to re-imagine how they
sell to modern buyers.
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