The document discusses several theories of leadership, including:
1) Trait theories, which focus on identifying traits that differentiate leaders from non-leaders, such as intelligence and self-confidence.
2) Behavioral theories, such as those identifying democratic or employee-oriented leadership styles.
3) Contingency theories like Fiedler's model and the path-goal theory, which propose that effective leadership depends on matching leadership style to situational factors. For example, Fiedler's model suggests directive leadership works best in situations with poor leader-member relations.
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1. [Type text] Diwakar Singh [Type text]
Someone who can influence:
o Others and who has:
Managerial authority
The process of influencing:
o A group toward
The achievement of goals
Managers versus leaders:
Managers are appointed to their positions:
o Their ability to influence employee
Is based on:
The formal authority
Leaders are appointed or emerge from with:
o A work group and
Are able to influence others for reason
Beyond formal authority
All managers should ideally be leaders
However, not all leaders have the capability or
o Skills of effective manager and
Thus, not all leaders should be managers
Trait Theories:
Focused on leader traits characteristics that:
o Might to be used to differentiate leaders from non-leaders
The traits studied included:
o Physical structure
o Appearance
2. [Type text] Diwakar Singh [Type text]
o Social class
o Emotional stability
o Fluency of speech
Seven traits associated with effective leadership include:
o Drive
o The desired to lead
o Honesty and integrate
o Self-confidence
o Intelligence
o Job-relevant knowledge
o Extraversion
Trait ignores:
o The interaction of leaders and
Their group members
As well as
o Situational factors
Behavioral Theories:
Leadership theories that
o Identified behavior that
Differentiate effective leaders and
Ineffective leaders
There are four main leader behaviors studies:
o University of Iowa studies:
Democratic styles:
Involving sub-ordinates
Delegating authority and
Encouraging participation
o Ohio State:
Being considerate of followers ideas and feelings
Initiating structure:
3. [Type text] Diwakar Singh [Type text]
Structuring work and
Work relationship to meet
o University of Michigan:
Employee oriented:
Emphasized interpersonal relationship and
Taking care of employees need
o Managerial Grid:
Concern of people:
Measured leaders concern for
o subordinates on a scale of :
1 to 9 (low to high)
4. [Type text] Diwakar Singh [Type text]
Contingency theories of leadership:
Two contingency theories:
o The Fiedler Model:
o The path goal
Each looks to defining:
o Leadership style and
o The situation and
o Attempts to answer the if-then contingencies
i.e. if this the situation then
this is the best leadership style to use
The Fielder Model:
o Contingency model for leadership was developed by Fred Fiedler
o Proposed that effective group performance:
Depends on the proper match between the leaders style of:
Interacting with his/her followers and
The degree to which the situation allowed :
o The leader to control and influence
o The model was based on :
The certain leadership style would be most:
Effective in different types of situations
o Proposed that a key factor in leadership success was:
An individuals basic leadership style, either
Task oriented or
Relationship oriented
To measure a leaders style, Fiedler developed:
The least-preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire
This questionnaire contained 18 pairs of contrasting
For example:
o Pleasant-unpleasant
o Cold-warm
o Boring-interesting and
5. [Type text] Diwakar Singh [Type text]
o Friendly and unfriendly
o Respondents were asked to think of all the co-workers:
They had ever had to describe that
They least enjoyed working with rating him/her on
o A scale of 1 to 8
o the 8 always described the positive adjective out
of the pair and
o the 1 always described the negative adjectives out
of the pair
o A high LPC scorea score of 64 or above, then
primarily interested in good personal relationship with co-
workers (relationship oriented)
o A low LPC score a score of 57 or below, then
Would be labeled as task oriented
o After an individuals leadership style had been
Assessed though the LPC
o It was necessary to evaluate the situation in order:
To match the leader with the situation
o Fielders research uncovered three contingency dimensions that
The key situations factors for determine leader effectiveness.
These are:
Leader-member relations:
o The degree of confidence
o Trust and
o Respect employees had their leaders;
Rated as good or poor
Task structure:
o The degree to which job assignment were:
Formalized and procedurized
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Rated as either high or low
Position power:
o The degree of influence a leader had over:
Power based activities such as:
Promotion and salary increases;
o Rated either strong or weak
o Each leadership situation was evaluated in terms of:
o Three contingency variables, which combined produced:
Eight possible situations in which a leader:
7. [Type text] Diwakar Singh [Type text]
Could find himself/herself
Each of these situations was further described in terms of:
Its favorable for the leader
Situations I, II, and III were classified as very favorable for
Situations IV, V, and VI were moderately favorable to leader
Also, situations VII and VIII weredescribed as very unfavorable
for the leader
Path Goal Model:
A leadership theory that says;
o Its leader job to assist his/her followers attaining
Their goals and
To provide direction or support needed
To ensure that their goals are compatible with
The overall objectives of the group or organization
Developed by Robert House
House identified four leadership behaviors:
o Directive leaders:
Lets subordinates know:
Whats expected of them
Schedules work to be done and
Give specific guidance
o Supportive leader:
Is friendly and shows concern for:
The needs of followers
o Participative leader:
Consults with group members and
Uses their suggestions before making a decisions
o Achievement-oriented leader:
Sets challenging goals and
8. [Type text] Diwakar Singh [Type text]
Expects followers:
o To perform at their highest levels
Path-goal theory proposes two situational or contingency variables that
o The leadership behavior outcome relationship:
Those in the environmental that are outside
The control of followers including:
o Factors including task structure
o Formal authority system
o The work group and
o Those that are part of:
The personal characteristics of followers
Locus of control
Perceive ability
Environmental factors determine the type of leader behavior
Subordinate outcomes are to be maximized;
o Personal characteristics of the follower
How the environment and leader behavior
are interpreted
o The theory proposes that leader behavior will be ineffective when,
Its redundant with source of environmental structure or
Incongruent with follower characteristics
o For example, some predictions from path-goal theory are:
9. [Type text] Diwakar Singh [Type text]
Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when.
o Tasks are ambiguous
Supportive leadership results in
o high employee performance and satisfaction
Directive leadership is likely to be perceived as redundant with:
o Considerable experience
Subordinates with an internal locus of control will be more satisfied with:
o Directive style
Achievement-oriented leadership will increase :
o Subordinates expectations