The document provides feedback from a 360-degree leadership assessment survey of Patrick O'Sullivan conducted by IBM. The survey received feedback from 100 individuals across Patrick's team and other teams. It includes summaries of Patrick's Business Leadership Report, Competencies Report, and Derailment Report. The Business Leadership Report shows that Patrick has a positive influence on his team and generally meets or exceeds average ratings of top IBM leaders. The Competencies Report indicates Patrick's self-ratings are generally lower than the ratings from others. And the Derailment Report finds little to no evidence of derailing behaviors based on feedback from Patrick, his direct reports, colleagues, and managers.
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Leadership at IBM - Report on Pat O'Sullivan
1. Leadership @ IBM
One of the advantagestoworkingwithIBMisthe endlessopportunitiesfortraining,coaching,leadershipandworkingacross
multiple teams,projectsanddivisions. IBMencourage leaderstocheckinfor directandhonestfeedbackfromtheir
colleagues,for360 degree feedback.This surveyisorchestrated anonymously,withthe participantsname andinputwithheld.
Circa 30 daysis allowedtocomplete the feedbackon3axesof leadershipassessment(below),anditcan be a dauntingand
longwait– similartogettingone’sexamresults
The followingisarecentsurveyonmyself, comprisinga360 degree surveytargetingcirca100 individualsacrossmyownteam
(50%) andacross the IrelandLab (50%). Inthissurvey the audience wasseniorengineers(65%),architects(25%),IBMSTSMs
(5%),Managers& SeniorManagers(5%).
Albeitthe reportthat the employeegetsatthe endis significantlyverbose,below isatruncatedversionof the following3
reports,withPIIandconfidential datadeleted. The reporthasa reflective1page summary(included) withreamsof analytics
that developthissummary(excludedforPIIreasons).
BusinessLeadershipReport –Pat O’Sullivan
CompetenciesReport–Pat O’Sullivan
DerailmentReport –Pat O’Sullivan
ThankskindlytoIBM forgoingto the expense andprovidingthe tools/frameworksfor360 degree feedbackstudies.Thanks
alsoto the circa 100 leadersatIBM that I askedforfeedbackandwhotookthe time outto give this.
Dr. Pat O’Sullivan, IBM STSM
3. O'Sullivan, Patrick
Employee Experience of the People You Lead and Your Impact
Climate as perceived by the People you Lead
Engagementas perceived by the People you
3 Lead
4.2 4.1 4.1
Average rating among top performing
Leaders *
Clarity Empow erment Support & Opportunity & Rew ards & Teaming & Innovation Engagement
Enablement Development Recognition Collaboration
Positive Influence
Outside your possibilityto Influence
81% 78%
80% 75% 74% 69%
Negative Influence
33% 22%
16% 18% 14% 22% 21%
. The top portion of the graph represents the average employee experience perceived by the people you lead across the 8 Employe e Experience
dimensions (7 Climate dimensions plus Engagement).
. The bottom portion of the graph depicts your impacton their experience for each of the 7 Climate dimensions.The bars show the percentage of
responses (positive,negative or outside your possibilityto influence) regarding your influence on the people you lead’s exp erience (e.g.,81% of
responses indicate thatyou had a positive influence,16% of responses indicate thatthis was outside ofyour possibilityto infuence,and 3% of responses
indicate that you had a negative influence on their perception ofClarity).
* Top 25% in overall climate and positive influence,and PBC rating of 1 or 2+
4. O'Sullivan, Patrick
Employee Experience of the people you lead versus your experience
Climate as experienced by the People you Lead
Climate you experience
Engagementas experienced bythe People you Lead
Engagementyou experience
Clarity Empowerment Support& Opportunity & Rewards &
Teaming &
Innovation Engagement
Enablement Development Recognition Collaboration
The bars on the left representthe Employee Experience as perceived by the people you lead (i.e., the one you create).
The bars on the right representyour Employee Experience.
This graph allows you to easilycompare your Employee Experience versus the Employee Experience as perceived by the
people you lead to determine any significantdifferences thatmayexist on each dimension.Any gap of .5 or more should be
6. Total Others Rating vs. Self Rating O'Sullivan, Patrick
Total Others
Very Strong Evidence
Strong Evidence
Some Evidence
Weak Evidence
Very Weak Evidence
Embrace Partner for Collaborate Act with a Build mutual trustInfluence through Continuously Communicate for Help IBMers
challenge clients'success globally systemic expertise transform impact succeed
8. IBM DerailmentFactors for Leaders
O'Sullivan, Patrick
Summary Feedback - Self and Average Total Others
Scale: Self
1 - No evidence of derailing behaviors Total Others
2 - Slight evidence of derailing behaviors
3 - Some evidence of derailing behaviors
4 - Definite evidence of derailing behaviors
5 - Strong evidence of derailing behaviors
The graph represents the average rating on each of the 8 DerailmentFactors for 2 rater groups (your Self rating and the
Total Others rating,which represents the ratings ofall feedback you received, minus your selfassessment).
The DerailmentFactors rating scale begins on the outside ofthe graph with a score of 1 (representing no evidence of derail ing behaviors)
and moves towards the inside ofthe graph with a score of 5 (representing strong evidence of derailing behaviors).
9. IBM DerailmentFactors for Leaders
O'Sullivan, Patrick
Summary Feedback - Self, People You Lead, Colleagues, Manager(s)
Scale: Self
1 - No evidence of derailing behaviors
2 - Slight evidence of derailing behaviors
3 - Some evidence of derailing behaviors
4 - Definite evidence of derailing behaviors
5 – Strong evidence of derailing behaviors
People you Lead