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                                             power of an Inspiring Identity.
Connection Cultures                              2. Human Value. This exists in a cul-
                                             ture when everyone understands the
Great leaders create strong bonds.           basic psychological needs of people,
                                             appreciates their positive unique contri-
                                             butions, and helps them achieve their
                                             potential. Allan Loren, who led a turn-
                                             around of Dun and Bradstreet, showed
                                             people he valued them in many ways.
                                             To protect their time, he scheduled no
                                             meetings on Mondays or Fridays if it
                                             required people to travel over the
 by Michael Stallard and Jason Pankau        weekend. Loren matched everyone
                                             with mentors who gave them feedback

     advantage exists when people
share a feeling of connection to the
                                             about how they were doing relative to
                                             their growth goals. Over his four-year
                                             tenure, Dun and Bradstreet experienced
organization and colleagues in a con-        annual double-digit earnings growth
nection culture. It creates an emotional     and its value increased 300 percent.
bond among members that leads to                 3. Knowledge flow. This exists when
greater trust and cooperation, and a         everyone seeks the ideas of others,
palpable sense of energy that boosts         shares their ideas and opinions honest-
the organization and its members to          ly, and safeguards relational connec-
play at the top of their games.              tions. A.G. Lafley, CEO of Procter &
   Great leaders create connection cul-      Gamble, uses Knowledge Flow to boost
tures. Queen Elizabeth, George Washing-      performance. When he took over the
ton, John Wooden, and Ann Mulcahy,           reins, P&G was performing poorly,
among many others, created connection        and morale was low. Lafley surveyed
cultures. Relational connections are pow-    employees to get their ideas, and
erful. Connection affects us                              implemented many of
in positive way: improves                                 them. The results have
our health, boosts our cre-                               been stunning. In his first
ativity and problem-solving                               12 months, Lafley led an
ability, and connection                                   effort that resulted in a
(social capital) increases the                            nearly three-fold increase
feeling of satisfaction in life                           in employees who approve
for individuals and boosts                                of P&Gs direction.
the economic productivity                                    Heres a formula for a
of nations. Emotional con-                                Connection Culture: Vision
nection is four times more                                + Value + Voice = Connection.
effective at boosting                                     Connection transforms a
employee engagement than rational            dog-eat-dog culture into a sled dog team.
factorsand it results in higher pro-            Great leaders see the value of con-
ductivity, profitability, shareholder        nection and foster a sense of communi-
returns, customer satisfaction, and          ty. The biotech company Genentech
employee retention.                          brings in cancer patients to meet its
                                             employees. Southwest Airlines impro-
Three Elements                               ves its performance at the gate when it
   Leaders create a connection culture       maintains a 10-to-1 frontline employee-
by increasing three elements:                to-supervisor ratio because supervisors
   1. Inspiring identity. This exists in a   can connect with and coach their peo-
culture when everyone is motivated by        ple. Goldman Sachs makes its leader-
the mission, united by the values, and       ship training available to the promising
proud of its reputation. During World        leaders of its client companies to con-
War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt      nect with them. Ed Catmull, head of
traveled to Seattle, Washington to meet      Pixar Animation studios, created Pixar
with 18,000 aircraft workers at Boeing.      University to increase connection. Its
He brought with him a young pilot            crest bears the Latin phrase Alienus Non
who had escaped death thanks to the          Dieutius (alone no longer). Creating
resilience of his bullet-riddled B-17, a     connection cultures yields benefits. LE
plane built at that plant. Seeing and
                                             Michael Stallard is president and Jason Pankau is a partner of
hearing that pilot thank them for sav-       E Pluribus Partners and coauthors of Fired Up or Burned Out.
ing his life connected them to each          Visit www.FiredUpOrBurnedOut.com, call 203-422-6511 or
                                             email info@epluribuspartners.com.
other and their cause and transformed
them into freedom fighters. Thats the       ACTION: Create a connection culture.

L e a d e r s h i p   E x c e l l e n c e                  w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m

          Reprinted with permission of Leadership Excellence: 1-877-250-1983

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Leadership Excellence Article

  • 1. CULTURE CONNECTION power of an Inspiring Identity. Connection Cultures 2. Human Value. This exists in a cul- ture when everyone understands the Great leaders create strong bonds. basic psychological needs of people, appreciates their positive unique contri- butions, and helps them achieve their potential. Allan Loren, who led a turn- around of Dun and Bradstreet, showed people he valued them in many ways. To protect their time, he scheduled no meetings on Mondays or Fridays if it required people to travel over the by Michael Stallard and Jason Pankau weekend. Loren matched everyone with mentors who gave them feedback O NE POWERFUL SOURCE OF COMPETITIVE advantage exists when people share a feeling of connection to the about how they were doing relative to their growth goals. Over his four-year tenure, Dun and Bradstreet experienced organization and colleagues in a con- annual double-digit earnings growth nection culture. It creates an emotional and its value increased 300 percent. bond among members that leads to 3. Knowledge flow. This exists when greater trust and cooperation, and a everyone seeks the ideas of others, palpable sense of energy that boosts shares their ideas and opinions honest- the organization and its members to ly, and safeguards relational connec- play at the top of their games. tions. A.G. Lafley, CEO of Procter & Great leaders create connection cul- Gamble, uses Knowledge Flow to boost tures. Queen Elizabeth, George Washing- performance. When he took over the ton, John Wooden, and Ann Mulcahy, reins, P&G was performing poorly, among many others, created connection and morale was low. Lafley surveyed cultures. Relational connections are pow- employees to get their ideas, and erful. Connection affects us implemented many of in positive way: improves them. The results have our health, boosts our cre- been stunning. In his first ativity and problem-solving 12 months, Lafley led an ability, and connection effort that resulted in a (social capital) increases the nearly three-fold increase feeling of satisfaction in life in employees who approve for individuals and boosts of P&Gs direction. the economic productivity Heres a formula for a of nations. Emotional con- Connection Culture: Vision nection is four times more + Value + Voice = Connection. effective at boosting Connection transforms a employee engagement than rational dog-eat-dog culture into a sled dog team. factorsand it results in higher pro- Great leaders see the value of con- ductivity, profitability, shareholder nection and foster a sense of communi- returns, customer satisfaction, and ty. The biotech company Genentech employee retention. brings in cancer patients to meet its employees. Southwest Airlines impro- Three Elements ves its performance at the gate when it Leaders create a connection culture maintains a 10-to-1 frontline employee- by increasing three elements: to-supervisor ratio because supervisors 1. Inspiring identity. This exists in a can connect with and coach their peo- culture when everyone is motivated by ple. Goldman Sachs makes its leader- the mission, united by the values, and ship training available to the promising proud of its reputation. During World leaders of its client companies to con- War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt nect with them. Ed Catmull, head of traveled to Seattle, Washington to meet Pixar Animation studios, created Pixar with 18,000 aircraft workers at Boeing. University to increase connection. Its He brought with him a young pilot crest bears the Latin phrase Alienus Non who had escaped death thanks to the Dieutius (alone no longer). Creating resilience of his bullet-riddled B-17, a connection cultures yields benefits. LE plane built at that plant. Seeing and Michael Stallard is president and Jason Pankau is a partner of hearing that pilot thank them for sav- E Pluribus Partners and coauthors of Fired Up or Burned Out. ing his life connected them to each Visit www.FiredUpOrBurnedOut.com, call 203-422-6511 or email info@epluribuspartners.com. other and their cause and transformed them into freedom fighters. Thats the ACTION: Create a connection culture. L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m Reprinted with permission of Leadership Excellence: 1-877-250-1983