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25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
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25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
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25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential TIME Topic 1800- 1810 Introduction  Know Each Other 1810-1825 W6 of a leader? 1825-1835 Some myths about leaders? 1835-1905 Leadership types 1905-1920 BSC Test 1920 - 1925 Q & A Concluding Marks
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential I II III IV V 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
25/11/11 Confidential I was a childhood leader. I believe that my life will be most satisfying if there are some clear  pathways for advancing and being rewarded. I hate to admit defeat to others. I find myself striving for greater freedom and independence. I take part in social movements.
25/11/11 Confidential I am a take charge person. I try to blend in. I do not seem to have as much fun as other people have. As a child I constantly told myself I was special, even though no one else thought so. I have a great investment in my image.
25/11/11 Confidential I use my wits to move ahead of other people. I resent feeling the need for other peoples approval. I give up too easily after failure. I value my independence highly People have called me a con artist.
25/11/11 Confidential I like to have power and control. I struggle hard to overcome my faults. I very much want people to like me. I take care of myself and others should take care of themselves. I enjoy beating the system.
25/11/11 Confidential I tackle projects with zest. I sometimes feel depressed and I do not know why. I brood too much. I am my own person. I could join the underground resistance movement.
25/11/11 Confidential I am smarter than most people. I am unobtrusive. I am afraid to express my anger. I am a powerful individual. I got away with a lot as a child.
25/11/11 Confidential I go after what I want in life. When I was growing up, I felt that my presence was often ignored by one or both of my parents. I try to hide my weaknesses. I will be most satisfied if I am completely free to choose how I want to  live. I like to be one up on others.
25/11/11 Confidential I enjoy being ahead of other people. I have survived by constantly being aware of other peoples opinions and what they want from me. I believe that my feelings and emotions are nobodys business but my own. I make things happen. I like to do things my way.
25/11/11 Confidential I like to be in positions of authority.  I do things right by following the rules. I feel that Im a nice person and submissive on the outside. I like to do my own thing. Growing up, I began to cut off my compassion for others because I had to win.
25/11/11 Confidential I have a strong need to be in charge of myself. I can only have the really important things in life by blending in. I try to appear together. In deciding how I want to live and act, I am most satisfied that I am completely free to make this decision myself. I like to be charming just to have my way.
25/11/11 Confidential 80 80 70 40 33 34 40 30 70 S 39 32 33 39 29 T 38 31 32 38 28 A 37 30 31 37 27 N 60 35 28 29 35 26 60 D 34 27 28 34 25 A 33 26 27 33 24 R 32 25 26 32 23 D 50 30 23 24 30 22 50 29 22 22 29 21 28 21 20 28 20 S 40 26 19 17 26 18 40 C 25 18 16 25 17 O 24 17 15 24 16 R 23 16 14 23 15 E 30 22 15 22 30 TIGER CHAMELEON TURTLE EAGLE SALMON
25/11/11 Confidential TIGERS Tigers are generally considered to be aggressive. They enjoy exercising authority, like to be the center of attention, and may insist having their own way.  Tigers usually were childhood leaders and continue in this role as adults.  They are also enterprising, vigorous, and ambitious. Retiring, Inhibited, Indifferent , Aggressive, Confident, Persistent ,  Unassuming, Easily Influenced , Persuasive, Self-Reliant, Independent, Dependent, Apathetic, Submissive , Initiators, Potential Leaders, Ambitious, Conventional, Cautious, Conservative, Clever, Enterprising, Vigorous,  Leisurely, Self-Restrained, Passive,  Active, Planners, Domineering, Un ambitious, Quiet, and Easygoing  Demanding and Competitive.
25/11/11 Confidential CHAMELEONS Chameleons are generally seen as conforming.  They are flexible, and more likely to face problems directly.  Chameleons frequently move up rapidly in business as they are dependable, hard working, and honest.  They are cooperative, sociable, warm, helpful, and practical and may be aesthetic. Inhibited, Wary, Demanding, Lazy,  Cooperative, Sociable, Warm, Helpful, Moody, Changeable, Aggressive,  Diligent, Persistent, Gentle, Sincere, Honest, Deceitful, Stubborn, Rebellious, Impatient, Conscientious, Tolerant, Practical,  Shrewd, Headstrong, Inattentive, Self- Deliberate, Serious, Obliging, Self-Denying, Centered, Opportunistic, Guileful, and Dependable, Conforming, Socially  Impulsive. Ascendant, and Peaceful.
25/11/11 Confidential TURTLES Turtles are generally thought to be defensive. They are earnest and resourceful and lead self-controlled, stable lives.  Turtles are frequently loners with one or two close relationships.  They are intuitive and sensitive with some trouble admitting fallibility.  Others may consider turtles to be stubborn because they have no interest in changing the status quo. Counteractive, Critical, Dominant, Stable, Self-Controlled, Placid, Earnest, Persistent, Demanding, Aggressive, Defensive, Stubborn, Apologetic,  Ambitious, Assertive, Conforming,  Insecure, Vulnerable, Rationalistic, Unhappy, Misunderstood, Strong and   Intuitive, Guarded, Resourceful and  Discouraged. Persistent.
25/11/11 Confidential EAGLES Eagles tend to be seen as individualistic.  They are not concerned with public opinion and may be egoistic and infringe on the rights of others to get their own way.  Eagles are capable, industrious, assertive, and adventurous - idealizing progress.  They are found in any field that esteems independence and are frequently entrepreneurial. Awkward, Disorganized, Aloof, Lacking Capable, Industrious, Strong, Forceful, in Self-Direction, Shallow, Insecure,  Foresighted, ClearThinking, Independent, Compliant, Submissive, Inhibited, Dull, Spontaneous, Intelligent, Progressive,  Cautious, Conventional, Conforming, Ostentatious, Well Informed, Rebellious, Guarded, Worrying, Anxious, Deliberate, Confident, Idealistic, Egoistic, Assertive, and Pedantic. and Adventurous.
25/11/11 Confidential SALMON Salmon usually are considered resistive.  They prefer to swim against the current rather than support establishment values.  Salmon may take up causes against oppression and demand that they be heard.  They are vigorous, progressive, and rebellious and dislike what they consider to be false social niceties. Indifferent, Apathetic, Passive,  Persuasive, Independent, Vigorous, Conventional, Easygoing,  Demanding, Rebellious, Protecting, Dependent, Compliant. Forceful, Progressive & Competitive. Conservative and Cautious
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential
25/11/11 Confidential

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Leadership session

  • 19. 25/11/11 Confidential TIME Topic 1800- 1810 Introduction Know Each Other 1810-1825 W6 of a leader? 1825-1835 Some myths about leaders? 1835-1905 Leadership types 1905-1920 BSC Test 1920 - 1925 Q & A Concluding Marks
  • 40. 25/11/11 Confidential I II III IV V 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
  • 41. 25/11/11 Confidential I was a childhood leader. I believe that my life will be most satisfying if there are some clear pathways for advancing and being rewarded. I hate to admit defeat to others. I find myself striving for greater freedom and independence. I take part in social movements.
  • 42. 25/11/11 Confidential I am a take charge person. I try to blend in. I do not seem to have as much fun as other people have. As a child I constantly told myself I was special, even though no one else thought so. I have a great investment in my image.
  • 43. 25/11/11 Confidential I use my wits to move ahead of other people. I resent feeling the need for other peoples approval. I give up too easily after failure. I value my independence highly People have called me a con artist.
  • 44. 25/11/11 Confidential I like to have power and control. I struggle hard to overcome my faults. I very much want people to like me. I take care of myself and others should take care of themselves. I enjoy beating the system.
  • 45. 25/11/11 Confidential I tackle projects with zest. I sometimes feel depressed and I do not know why. I brood too much. I am my own person. I could join the underground resistance movement.
  • 46. 25/11/11 Confidential I am smarter than most people. I am unobtrusive. I am afraid to express my anger. I am a powerful individual. I got away with a lot as a child.
  • 47. 25/11/11 Confidential I go after what I want in life. When I was growing up, I felt that my presence was often ignored by one or both of my parents. I try to hide my weaknesses. I will be most satisfied if I am completely free to choose how I want to live. I like to be one up on others.
  • 48. 25/11/11 Confidential I enjoy being ahead of other people. I have survived by constantly being aware of other peoples opinions and what they want from me. I believe that my feelings and emotions are nobodys business but my own. I make things happen. I like to do things my way.
  • 49. 25/11/11 Confidential I like to be in positions of authority. I do things right by following the rules. I feel that Im a nice person and submissive on the outside. I like to do my own thing. Growing up, I began to cut off my compassion for others because I had to win.
  • 50. 25/11/11 Confidential I have a strong need to be in charge of myself. I can only have the really important things in life by blending in. I try to appear together. In deciding how I want to live and act, I am most satisfied that I am completely free to make this decision myself. I like to be charming just to have my way.
  • 51. 25/11/11 Confidential 80 80 70 40 33 34 40 30 70 S 39 32 33 39 29 T 38 31 32 38 28 A 37 30 31 37 27 N 60 35 28 29 35 26 60 D 34 27 28 34 25 A 33 26 27 33 24 R 32 25 26 32 23 D 50 30 23 24 30 22 50 29 22 22 29 21 28 21 20 28 20 S 40 26 19 17 26 18 40 C 25 18 16 25 17 O 24 17 15 24 16 R 23 16 14 23 15 E 30 22 15 22 30 TIGER CHAMELEON TURTLE EAGLE SALMON
  • 52. 25/11/11 Confidential TIGERS Tigers are generally considered to be aggressive. They enjoy exercising authority, like to be the center of attention, and may insist having their own way. Tigers usually were childhood leaders and continue in this role as adults. They are also enterprising, vigorous, and ambitious. Retiring, Inhibited, Indifferent , Aggressive, Confident, Persistent , Unassuming, Easily Influenced , Persuasive, Self-Reliant, Independent, Dependent, Apathetic, Submissive , Initiators, Potential Leaders, Ambitious, Conventional, Cautious, Conservative, Clever, Enterprising, Vigorous, Leisurely, Self-Restrained, Passive, Active, Planners, Domineering, Un ambitious, Quiet, and Easygoing Demanding and Competitive.
  • 53. 25/11/11 Confidential CHAMELEONS Chameleons are generally seen as conforming. They are flexible, and more likely to face problems directly. Chameleons frequently move up rapidly in business as they are dependable, hard working, and honest. They are cooperative, sociable, warm, helpful, and practical and may be aesthetic. Inhibited, Wary, Demanding, Lazy, Cooperative, Sociable, Warm, Helpful, Moody, Changeable, Aggressive, Diligent, Persistent, Gentle, Sincere, Honest, Deceitful, Stubborn, Rebellious, Impatient, Conscientious, Tolerant, Practical, Shrewd, Headstrong, Inattentive, Self- Deliberate, Serious, Obliging, Self-Denying, Centered, Opportunistic, Guileful, and Dependable, Conforming, Socially Impulsive. Ascendant, and Peaceful.
  • 54. 25/11/11 Confidential TURTLES Turtles are generally thought to be defensive. They are earnest and resourceful and lead self-controlled, stable lives. Turtles are frequently loners with one or two close relationships. They are intuitive and sensitive with some trouble admitting fallibility. Others may consider turtles to be stubborn because they have no interest in changing the status quo. Counteractive, Critical, Dominant, Stable, Self-Controlled, Placid, Earnest, Persistent, Demanding, Aggressive, Defensive, Stubborn, Apologetic, Ambitious, Assertive, Conforming, Insecure, Vulnerable, Rationalistic, Unhappy, Misunderstood, Strong and Intuitive, Guarded, Resourceful and Discouraged. Persistent.
  • 55. 25/11/11 Confidential EAGLES Eagles tend to be seen as individualistic. They are not concerned with public opinion and may be egoistic and infringe on the rights of others to get their own way. Eagles are capable, industrious, assertive, and adventurous - idealizing progress. They are found in any field that esteems independence and are frequently entrepreneurial. Awkward, Disorganized, Aloof, Lacking Capable, Industrious, Strong, Forceful, in Self-Direction, Shallow, Insecure, Foresighted, ClearThinking, Independent, Compliant, Submissive, Inhibited, Dull, Spontaneous, Intelligent, Progressive, Cautious, Conventional, Conforming, Ostentatious, Well Informed, Rebellious, Guarded, Worrying, Anxious, Deliberate, Confident, Idealistic, Egoistic, Assertive, and Pedantic. and Adventurous.
  • 56. 25/11/11 Confidential SALMON Salmon usually are considered resistive. They prefer to swim against the current rather than support establishment values. Salmon may take up causes against oppression and demand that they be heard. They are vigorous, progressive, and rebellious and dislike what they consider to be false social niceties. Indifferent, Apathetic, Passive, Persuasive, Independent, Vigorous, Conventional, Easygoing, Demanding, Rebellious, Protecting, Dependent, Compliant. Forceful, Progressive & Competitive. Conservative and Cautious