This document discusses leadership coaching and its benefits. It defines coaching as helping clients generate long-term excellent performance. Leadership coaching can improve business results, retention, and capacity. Studies found coaching delivers a 5.7x return on investment. Coaching helps leaders at all levels through challenges and skill development. It improves performance through incremental changes, changing thinking, and transformation. Coaching increases the odds of achieving goals by setting clear measures and accountability.
2. 2
Engagement &
Human Capital Lifecycle
Career Decision
Scope of Services
Attract &
Develop Engage &
3. 3
Todays Outline
Why Leadership matters
Coaching defined
The Benefits of Leadership Coaching
Getting a ROI
Whats your batting average and how to
improve it!
Next Generation Coaching
Comments / Questions
4. 4
Organizations with
top-tier leadership have:
a 9.6% higher total
shareholder return
over 3 years than the
average organization
significantly higher
financial value relative
to peers (market
Ref: Corporate Leadership Council
Succession Management Survey
Leadership Matters!
Todays realities demand:
Larger and more global organizations
Changing global economy
Leaner organizational structures
More dynamic labor markets
Increased importance of human capital
Enhanced leader pipeline to offset
demographic trends
Growing leadership capacity
Strong leaders
5. 5
Coaching Definition
Coach: From the middle english expression
coche: A secure means of conveyance from
one location to another
Products of Coaching: Self generating, self
correcting, long term excellent performance.
(Flaherty: Evoking Excellence in Others
7. 7
Why a Strategic OD Investment ?
Connected to your business strategy
Addresses retention
Learning insurance for Skill development
Increasing your organizations existing leadership
8. 8
Leadership Coaching
Benefits to your Organization:
Improved bottom-line results
Effective successions
Valued leaders retained
Improved morale
Increased productivity
Enhanced leadership
accountability at all levels
Increasing overall leadership
Leaders benefit at every level:
Emerging Leaders or High Value
Talent helping them prepare
for the leadership role.
Developing or Mid-Level Leaders
helping them meet challenges in
their current leadership positions.
Strategic or Executive Leaders
helping them successfully deal
with significant organizational
9. 9
The ROI of Coaching
Tangible Benefits
The Manchester (now Right) study attempted to quantify
the benefits received by a sample of 100 senior business
Leadership Coaching delivers a ROI of 5.7 times the cost.
70% estimated the value at $100,000 or more.
The effectiveness of training programs is also greatly
augmented by adding a coaching component to them.
13. 13
Why 40% of Newly Promoted Leaders Fail Within 18
82% Fail to build partnerships and
teamwork with subordinates and peers
58% Confused or unclear about what is
expected of them
50% Lack of required internal political
47% Unable to achieve their two or three
most important objectives
28% Take too long to learn their jobs
25% Lack of balance between work and
personal lives
14. 14
Coachings Levels of Learning
Incremental Improvement - new
skills, practices, doing things better
Re-shaping Patterns of Thinking -
revising frames of reference, how one
sees the world, and assumptions
about the way things work
Transformation a fundamental shift
in how one sees oneself
16. 16
New Years Resolutions
Increasing the Odds
Clearly identify what success looks like.
Define some ways to measure progress and ultimate
Publicly declare and invite others to persistently keep you
Enlist supporters in areas of life where it shows up.
Define and then seek winning conditions
Identify potential barriers and develop strategies to
Learn from success and set backs equally.
If all else fails
17. 17
Next Generation Coaching
Coaching that:
supports the achievement of business outcomes
augments the leadership capacity required to drive business
enables systemic change
is sufficiently process driven to be repeatable
is measurable
is accountable for a positive ROI
#3: <number>
Key messages:
This slide depicts the full Service capability of the whole firm. While our intent, between now and 2008, is to ensure that we are capable of selling and delivering every one of these 19 Service Types, in each of our 16 Regions around the world, the current reality is that we are not at that destination today. (Please use the next slide to give more detail of local capabilities).
2006 is a year in which the Global Product Management Team, working in conjunction with the Regional Practice Leaders, and soon also with the Subject Matter Experts, will review and refresh most of these 19 Service Types. It is important to emphasize that we have a significant body of codified, or semi-codified solutions already, many of which have been significantly under-utilized.
Please use, really use, what we already have, and as it is refreshed over the coming months, obviously in accordance with client need, rather than be waiting for "the new stuff" to arrive. While we will probably create one or two new Service offerings in 2006, in accordance with evident market demand, this is not where our focus is directed in accordance with the Strategic Framework.
#5: <number>
This slide and the following three slides present our market facing messages, in the Product Toolkit document we call our Service Description Brief (PPT).
Manpower has a key strategy to get to the top of the house with clients to the C-suite. Developing the leaders of global companies takes us there. Right Managements target is to be THE preferred company for developing leaders in global companies. In terms of this positioning in the marketplace, there is much research supporting the argument that: Our clients global competitiveness in the next decades will depend upon the quality of leadership steering their organization. The research shows that companies invest in their top leaders (whether they consider their top 200 individuals or 2000) and they will invest irrespective of market conditions.
To the statistics quoted in the box, the Corporate Leadership Council did a Succession Management Survey in 2003. In this survey, Leadership quality is measured by top executives performance against goals as well as select leadership quality metrics, such as leading and managing people. Key points:
The Council has found that when organizations with top-tier leadership quality are contrasted with other companies in the same industry and geographic region, the top-tier leadership organizations have a 9.6% higher total shareholder return over three years, while the performance of the bottom-tier companies is 6% lower than that of their peers.
The Council conducted a similar analysis with market capitalization. Normalized to $4 billion in market capitalization, top-tier leadership translates into an advantage of $384 million, while bottom-tier leadership organizations have a disadvantage of over $200 million.
So, while not a mathematical proof, this research provides compelling evidence of the importance of organizational leadership.
We know that organizations with strong leadership bench strength economically outperform companies with weaker leadershipand, your global competitiveness in the next decades will depend on the quality of leadership steering your organization! Right Management focuses on improving the capacity and capability of your leaders.
#9: Many companies have a leadership pipeline model of one shape or another, and they are seeking to tailor their development initiatives according to levels of leaders in the organisation from new or emerging leader talent to top executives. At Right Management, we can provide Leadership Development for all these scenarios today as evidenced in the reference stories that are included in this Product Toolkit will find good and powerful stories for new or high-potential talent development, individual contributor development, and for the top-of-the-house Leader Development.
The Reference Stories provide the first step to building companies trust and confidence in Right Management as capable of deliverying adapted offerings for all levels of leaders.
When our clients partner with Right Management, we craft a leadership development strategy to effectively align, assess, and develop their leaders. We help translate strategic challenges into necessary leadership behavior by designing pragmatic, results-oriented leadership effectiveness solutions.
#13: Most companies reasonably expect that behavioral-based skill training will produce new behaviors. However, training alone creates a temporary dip in performance that is followed by a limited increase in overall performance.
Following training with coaching helps create a more significant improvement in performance.