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           LABOR COSTS
Improving the quality of life
of your staff by a new smart and flexible
way of staff planning results
in higher motivation
throughout the organization
and this results in better quality
of service!

                                         er labor costs
                  of s ervice with low
Higher quality                                e employees
                  of life fo r the enterpris
Higher quality                                  agement
                 to higher e    nterprise man
Total visibility                                    t
                                    ning cost a lo
                   and bad plan
 Staff turnover                                  re mandatory
                   ith labor la  w and rules a
 Compliance w
                            bor plans
 Total s   crutiny over la                               tion by users
                                            mediate adop
                        ge results in im                            mistakes
  Ex cel-like langua                                  es money and
                                      the board sav
                   mation across
  Process auto                                           R systems
                                        ti ng T&A and H
                       with your exis
   Fu lly integrates

                 + THE 6 WAVES
                   TO SOLVE A
                 SHORTAGE GAP

                                                     ensuring that
                                                 the right person,
                                             is in the right place,
                                                 at the right time!
                                OU S




            AL BREAKS




                                       3 M

                        EA      M                      RO
             EXISTING T

                                                 4 G

                                OT HER                              O
        MEMBERS OF                                          5 C
                                                O     F
                                             OL                                6
                      A NY P
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                  COMP                                                                        t   i
                                                            ING                        o   ca
                                                 O URC                       th is l
                                OUTS                                 a   t
                                                           ie   n ce
                                       evio   u s exp
Give priority to Staff with p

1   Using existing roster to resolve the gap
    by shifting meal (or other) work breaks.

2   Using existing roster by shifting start
    and finish working hours.

3   Find existing team members with
    required competence and availability.

4   Find members of other groups with
    required competence and availability.

5   Use company pool of competences to find resources
    with required competence and availability.

6   Use outsourcing to find resources with
    required competence and availability.

 When someone misses work it is always a headache! Imagine the problems
we have when a bartender does not appear at work and we need to replace
the person on the same day.
We prefer always to find someone who has been in this role previously
and specially someone who has been trained for us! This is only possible
with the solutions as presented above.
Higher quality                           Higher                                   Total visibility
of service with                          quality of life                          to higher
lower labor                              for the                                  enterprise
costs                                    enterprise                               management

With SISQUAL Team Manage-                SISQUAL can help you to                  SISQUAL solutions allows all
ment solution the organization           improve the quality of life of           the organization members to
can stay focused on its primary          your staff by a smart and                know who is doing what,
function of providing top quality        flexible way of planning                 where and when, why and for
service to their customers.              which takes into account                 what cost.
                                         special/individual quality of
By ensuring the right person             life requests of each Team              SISQUAL has 300+ company
in the right place at the                Member; logically, they feel             installations and 8 years
right time, by fail-safe               more motivated and involved              of accumulated know-how
sharing of personnel                     in their workplace.                      at international level which
amongst departments,                                                              are harnessed in our sisqual
by using labor flexibility               Implementing the human factor            maxpro hr software solution.
concepts, by managing                    in your staff planning will work
extra-time allowances, etc,              wonders because your
the organization is planning             Team-Leaders will have an
effectively for high quality             easier and more rewarding
whilst reducing labor costs.             task and this will make your
                                         organization different
                                         from the rest and a pleasure
                                         to work for.

 Companies are gradually moving towards a new model of safety at work, in which obeying the law is not the only
requirement, but also other elements such as the need to standardise processes and tasks in order to optimize
the management and safety at work. Higher quality of life for the enterprise employees results in more motivation,
more dedication and reduced staff turnover.
Staff turnover                           Compliance     Total scrutiny
and bad                                  with labor law over labor
planning cost                            and rules      plans
a lot!                                   are mandatory!

Labor is expensive, in fact it           In offering the smart and flexible                Productivity starts in a good
is about 50% to 70% of your              way of planning you have                          labor plan/labor schedule.
overall expenses. We help you            to be diligent to comply to labor                 Each departments labor
plan the right person at the right       law legislation.                                  plan has to be authorized
place and at the right time.                                                               by a experienced member
                                         SISQUAL solutions                                 high in the hierarchy of the
Our solution reduces                     will help you safeguard                           organization.
unnecessary overtime!                    labor law legislation and
Bad time planning results                organizational rules.
in a higher level of staff               This will safeguard your
resigning and this will cost you!        company from potentially
Retaining your best workers              hazardous situations.
is a challenge
we can help you with.

 Today, the use of technological solutions for the management of people in organizations is simply inevitable ...
this is a new approach to the processes, which contributes to the modernization of services, provides greater
interactivity between Team Leaders and Team Members and between both categories and the Human Resources
Department; New media, enables the dematerialization of processes and leads to greater efficiency
and effectiveness of human resource services ...
                                                      Maria de Lurdes Andrade, HR Director USL Matosinhos (2009)
Excel                                     Process                                                Fully
like language                             automation                                             integrates
results in                                across                                                 with your
immediate                                 the board                                              existing T&A
adoption by                               saves money                                            and HR systems!
users                                     and mistakes

SISQUAL solution is the only       With SISQUAL solutions you                                    SISQUAL solutions offer
workforce planning solution with can allocate manual or in auto-                                 seamless integration with any
an excel-like user interface.      matic the tasks and responsa-                                 existing ERP solution in place.
                                   bilities to team members.
We choose this format because                                                                    It also integrates with time and
people from all over the world     Achieving compliance with                                     attendance; payroll;
are familiar with excel. This will complex and shifting labor                                    talent retention and appraisal
give them confidence to work       regulations, enforcement                                      engines and document
with the system and reduces        of policies, keeping up with                                  management suites.
the amount of training required. staff wishes, acting on sickness                                All can be incorporated in the
                                   or no-shows or ... deployment                                 same workforce HR solution.
To facilitate the daily work       of staff can be a headache
even further SISQUAL has built and it cant be done manually
a documentation module             or with stand-alone solutions.
to ensure attachment
of any type of document
and this means that with
a single click the employees
documents can be retrieved.

 SISQUAL implemented a integrated solution for human resources at Leroy Merlin. The implemented solution
covers everything from access control and attendance at the sisqual maxpro-hr (efficient management of the teams),
the Human Capital management and even the automatic payroll. It was a One Stop Shop!
The SISQUAL solutions are implemented in Leroy Merlin since 2008 and have contributed to increased efficiency
and effectiveness to our organization.
                                         .   Jorge Neves, Human Resources Director at world famous do it yourself retailer Leroy Merlin (2010)
 19 years have passed since              to maintain such characteristics            improves the quality of service
the founding of SISQUAL, and today        of innovation and challenge.                of our customers, enabling them
we are proud to say that our company      In order to do so we aim:                   to have access at any time to the most
maintains its innovative, challenging     1. that for our customers, working          appropriate skills in order to better
and surprising spirit.                    with SISQUAL is not only an experience      serve their customer (in healthcare
During the past years we have             of professionalism but also pleasant,       this can mean avoiding deaths).
developed unique systems that are fully   friendly and of politeness and business     3. to improve the quality of life of the
implemented and active within some        ethics. In the event of such not            thousands of Team Leaders and
of the most recognized companies          happening, that SISQUAL may                 the hundreds of thousands of Team
around the world.                         acknowledge it and humbly rectify it.       Members who will become benefitiaries
For the coming years, we want             2. that the impact of using our solutions   of our smart way of planning
                                                                                      Frederico Magalh達es,
                                                                                      CEO SISQUAL

                                                                       nd Team Ope
  Leadership                       the   supply of Team
                                                        Planning a
                  arket leader in
   SISQUAL is m                                                                          fully integratab
                  solution s.                                     es solu tions that are
   Management                                     uman resourc                     team manage
                      an holistic approach on h                     planning and
   SISQUAL offe
                   rs                                      control,
                                           l, attendance                       ady have part
                                                                                                of these
                 s feature access contro                        ostumers alre
    Our solution                                       re the c
                                       d payroll. Whe
                   lm  anagement an
    human capita                                  sly.
                                  them seamles
    systems we    integrate with

                                                                                            an 400
                                                                            ning in more th
                                                             are up and run
     Experience                       e 1992. Our s
                                                    olutions                      00.000 emplo
                  lops solutions sinc                     ers plan and manage 3
     SISQUAL deve                           00 Team lead
                   und the w orld where 6.5
     companies aro
      on a daily bas

       Innovation                                    at are consta   ntly being imp
                         lops uniq   ue solutions th
       SISQUAL deve

                                                                       ps tailor-mad   e solutions.
        Teamwork                               and th   erefore develo
                     ses      on customers
        SISQUAL focu

                                                                                               Headquarters Portugal
                                                                                               Rua Carlos Dubini, 169
                                                                                           4150-188 Porto Portugal
                                                                                          Phone: +351 229 397 790
www.sisqual.com                                                                                  sisqual@sisqual.com

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  • 2. Improving the quality of life of your staff by a new smart and flexible way of staff planning results in higher motivation throughout the organization and this results in better quality of service!
  • 3. WHAT SISQUAL CAN BRING TO YOU? er labor costs of s ervice with low Higher quality e employees of life fo r the enterpris Higher quality agement to higher e nterprise man Total visibility t ning cost a lo and bad plan Staff turnover re mandatory ith labor la w and rules a Compliance w bor plans Total s crutiny over la tion by users mediate adop ge results in im mistakes Ex cel-like langua es money and the board sav mation across Process auto R systems ti ng T&A and H with your exis Fu lly integrates + THE 6 WAVES TO SOLVE A SHORTAGE GAP ensuring that the right person, is in the right place, at the right time!
  • 4. E TAG OR SH OU S R SH 1 RS FT NCES I ME AL BREAKS BE H 2 S SHIFT WORKING M E UP 3 M TE EA M RO EXISTING T PE 4 G M OT HER O MEMBERS OF 5 C O F OL 6 A NY P O o n. COMP t i ING o ca O URC th is l OUTS a t ie n ce er evio u s exp r Give priority to Staff with p
  • 5. THE 6 WAVES TO SOLVE A SHORTAGE GAP 1 Using existing roster to resolve the gap by shifting meal (or other) work breaks. 2 Using existing roster by shifting start and finish working hours. 3 Find existing team members with required competence and availability. 4 Find members of other groups with required competence and availability. 5 Use company pool of competences to find resources with required competence and availability. 6 Use outsourcing to find resources with required competence and availability. When someone misses work it is always a headache! Imagine the problems we have when a bartender does not appear at work and we need to replace the person on the same day. We prefer always to find someone who has been in this role previously and specially someone who has been trained for us! This is only possible with the solutions as presented above.
  • 6. Higher quality Higher Total visibility of service with quality of life to higher lower labor for the enterprise costs enterprise management employees With SISQUAL Team Manage- SISQUAL can help you to SISQUAL solutions allows all ment solution the organization improve the quality of life of the organization members to can stay focused on its primary your staff by a smart and know who is doing what, function of providing top quality flexible way of planning where and when, why and for service to their customers. which takes into account what cost. special/individual quality of By ensuring the right person life requests of each Team SISQUAL has 300+ company in the right place at the Member; logically, they feel installations and 8 years right time, by fail-safe more motivated and involved of accumulated know-how sharing of personnel in their workplace. at international level which amongst departments, are harnessed in our sisqual by using labor flexibility Implementing the human factor maxpro hr software solution. concepts, by managing in your staff planning will work extra-time allowances, etc, wonders because your the organization is planning Team-Leaders will have an effectively for high quality easier and more rewarding whilst reducing labor costs. task and this will make your organization different from the rest and a pleasure to work for. Companies are gradually moving towards a new model of safety at work, in which obeying the law is not the only requirement, but also other elements such as the need to standardise processes and tasks in order to optimize the management and safety at work. Higher quality of life for the enterprise employees results in more motivation, more dedication and reduced staff turnover.
  • 7. Staff turnover Compliance Total scrutiny and bad with labor law over labor planning cost and rules plans a lot! are mandatory! Labor is expensive, in fact it In offering the smart and flexible Productivity starts in a good is about 50% to 70% of your way of planning you have labor plan/labor schedule. overall expenses. We help you to be diligent to comply to labor Each departments labor plan the right person at the right law legislation. plan has to be authorized place and at the right time. by a experienced member SISQUAL solutions high in the hierarchy of the Our solution reduces will help you safeguard organization. unnecessary overtime! labor law legislation and Bad time planning results organizational rules. in a higher level of staff This will safeguard your resigning and this will cost you! company from potentially Retaining your best workers hazardous situations. is a challenge we can help you with. Today, the use of technological solutions for the management of people in organizations is simply inevitable ... this is a new approach to the processes, which contributes to the modernization of services, provides greater interactivity between Team Leaders and Team Members and between both categories and the Human Resources Department; New media, enables the dematerialization of processes and leads to greater efficiency and effectiveness of human resource services ... Maria de Lurdes Andrade, HR Director USL Matosinhos (2009)
  • 8. Excel Process Fully like language automation integrates results in across with your immediate the board existing T&A adoption by saves money and HR systems! users and mistakes SISQUAL solution is the only With SISQUAL solutions you SISQUAL solutions offer workforce planning solution with can allocate manual or in auto- seamless integration with any an excel-like user interface. matic the tasks and responsa- existing ERP solution in place. bilities to team members. We choose this format because It also integrates with time and people from all over the world Achieving compliance with attendance; payroll; are familiar with excel. This will complex and shifting labor talent retention and appraisal give them confidence to work regulations, enforcement engines and document with the system and reduces of policies, keeping up with management suites. the amount of training required. staff wishes, acting on sickness All can be incorporated in the or no-shows or ... deployment same workforce HR solution. To facilitate the daily work of staff can be a headache even further SISQUAL has built and it cant be done manually a documentation module or with stand-alone solutions. to ensure attachment of any type of document and this means that with a single click the employees documents can be retrieved. SISQUAL implemented a integrated solution for human resources at Leroy Merlin. The implemented solution covers everything from access control and attendance at the sisqual maxpro-hr (efficient management of the teams), the Human Capital management and even the automatic payroll. It was a One Stop Shop! The SISQUAL solutions are implemented in Leroy Merlin since 2008 and have contributed to increased efficiency and effectiveness to our organization. . Jorge Neves, Human Resources Director at world famous do it yourself retailer Leroy Merlin (2010)
  • 9. 19 years have passed since to maintain such characteristics improves the quality of service the founding of SISQUAL, and today of innovation and challenge. of our customers, enabling them we are proud to say that our company In order to do so we aim: to have access at any time to the most maintains its innovative, challenging 1. that for our customers, working appropriate skills in order to better and surprising spirit. with SISQUAL is not only an experience serve their customer (in healthcare During the past years we have of professionalism but also pleasant, this can mean avoiding deaths). developed unique systems that are fully friendly and of politeness and business 3. to improve the quality of life of the implemented and active within some ethics. In the event of such not thousands of Team Leaders and of the most recognized companies happening, that SISQUAL may the hundreds of thousands of Team around the world. acknowledge it and humbly rectify it. Members who will become benefitiaries For the coming years, we want 2. that the impact of using our solutions of our smart way of planning Frederico Magalh達es, CEO SISQUAL
  • 10. EFFECTIVE TEAM MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS! rational nd Team Ope Leadership the supply of Team Planning a arket leader in SISQUAL is m fully integratab le. solution s. es solu tions that are Management uman resourc team manage ment, an holistic approach on h planning and SISQUAL offe rs control, l, attendance ady have part of these s feature access contro ostumers alre Our solution re the c d payroll. Whe lm anagement an human capita sly. them seamles systems we integrate with an 400 ning in more th are up and run Experience e 1992. Our s olutions 00.000 emplo yes lops solutions sinc ers plan and manage 3 SISQUAL deve 00 Team lead und the w orld where 6.5 companies aro is. on a daily bas roved. Innovation at are consta ntly being imp lops uniq ue solutions th SISQUAL deve ps tailor-mad e solutions. Teamwork and th erefore develo ses on customers SISQUAL focu Headquarters Portugal Rua Carlos Dubini, 169 4150-188 Porto Portugal Phone: +351 229 397 790 www.sisqual.com sisqual@sisqual.com