Talk given at Lean Agile Scotland 2013. Looking at how people have "opened the box" for Lean thinking and just followed the prescription in them, instead of understanding why the original thinkers, like Taiishi Ohno, did and said what they did.
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Lean isn't lean
1. Lean isnt Lean
Francis Fish
FJF/DI/DM consultancy
Engage! Love what you do & do it wellLove what you do & do it well
Wednesday, 2 October 13
2. Who?
30 years a coder
Member of the humanist wing of the agile movement
Despite provocative title for the talk, not here to pick
a 鍖ght but engage human to human
Quali鍖ed sports coach
Wednesday, 2 October 13
24. The analytic box
Observe, but dont engage
Wednesday, 2 October 13
25. The analytic box
Observe, but dont engage
Break into pieces
Wednesday, 2 October 13
26. The analytic box
Observe, but dont engage
Break into pieces
Put it in a box
Wednesday, 2 October 13
27. The analytic box
Observe, but dont engage
Break into pieces
Put it in a box
Turn creativity into an algorithm (yeah, right)
Wednesday, 2 October 13
28. The analytic box
Observe, but dont engage
Break into pieces
Put it in a box
Turn creativity into an algorithm (yeah, right)
Didactic, destructive
Wednesday, 2 October 13
29. The analytic box
Observe, but dont engage
Break into pieces
Put it in a box
Turn creativity into an algorithm (yeah, right)
Didactic, destructive
The word is not the thing - Oasis are not the Beatles
Wednesday, 2 October 13
33. Control is a double-edged
sword; it involves doing
things right (ef鍖ciency) and
doing the right thing
(effectiveness). It is better to
do the right thing wrong than
the wrong thing right.
Unfortunately, the righter we
do the wrong things, the
wronger we become. In some
cases, increases in ef鍖ciency
can decrease effectiveness.
Wednesday, 2 October 13
35. Managers are seduced by
all sorts of panaceas on the
basis of alleged
demonstrations of the
results they bring about,
only to learn later that they
are often ineffective. Such
allegations of effectiveness
are almost always based on
observed associations, not
causal relationships.
Wednesday, 2 October 13
37. Demings 14 points
1. Constancy of purpose
2. Adopt the new
philosophy ...
8. Drive out fear ...
10. Eliminate slogans
11. Eliminate management
by objectives
12. Remove barriers to
pride of workmanship
Wednesday, 2 October 13
39. What did Ohno say?
There is something called standard work, but
standards should be changing constantly. Instead, if
you think of the standard as the best you can do, its
all over. The standard is only a baseline for doing
further kaizen. It is kaiaku if things get worse than
now, and it is kaizen if things get better than now.
Standards are set arbitrarily by humans, so how can
they not change?
Without some standard, you cant say, We made it
better, because there is nothing to compare it to, so
you must create a standard for comparison.
Wednesday, 2 October 13
40. What did Ohno say?
Years ago, I made them hang the standard work
documents on the shop 鍖oor. After a year I said to a
team leader, The color of the paper has changed,
which means you have been doing it the same way,
so you have been a salary thief for the last year. I
said, What do you come to work to do each day?
Wednesday, 2 October 13
41. So ...
Creating a basis for continuous improvement
Not 鍖xed in stone
Owned by the people who do the work
Wednesday, 2 October 13
55. Demand pro鍖le
Averages dont tell demand story
Average of averages - dont go there!
Wednesday, 2 October 13
56. Demand pro鍖le
Averages dont tell demand story
Average of averages - dont go there!
95% of capability comes from the system
Wednesday, 2 October 13
57. Demand pro鍖le
Averages dont tell demand story
Average of averages - dont go there!
95% of capability comes from the system
Each has a different how
Wednesday, 2 October 13
58. Demand pro鍖le
Averages dont tell demand story
Average of averages - dont go there!
95% of capability comes from the system
Each has a different how
The box from the centre wont 鍖t
Wednesday, 2 October 13
59. Demand pro鍖le
Averages dont tell demand story
Average of averages - dont go there!
95% of capability comes from the system
Each has a different how
The box from the centre wont 鍖t
sops fable: The miller, his son and their ass
Wednesday, 2 October 13
66. What happens
More disconnected with customer needs the smaller
the intersection
Wednesday, 2 October 13
67. What happens
More disconnected with customer needs the smaller
the intersection
Everything changes over time - this is an iron rule
Wednesday, 2 October 13
68. What happens
More disconnected with customer needs the smaller
the intersection
Everything changes over time - this is an iron rule
The centre cannot hold - in fact it hasnt a clue
Wednesday, 2 October 13
69. What happens
More disconnected with customer needs the smaller
the intersection
Everything changes over time - this is an iron rule
The centre cannot hold - in fact it hasnt a clue
Staff are infantalised
Wednesday, 2 October 13
70. What happens
More disconnected with customer needs the smaller
the intersection
Everything changes over time - this is an iron rule
The centre cannot hold - in fact it hasnt a clue
Staff are infantalised
Everyone is treated like a beginner, with no
knowledge or skill
Wednesday, 2 October 13
73. Fixing not solving
Make it work, somehow
Wednesday, 2 October 13
74. Fixing not solving
Make it work, somehow
If you measure costs, costs go up
Wednesday, 2 October 13
75. Fixing not solving
Make it work, somehow
If you measure costs, costs go up
Each delivery point has own experienced people,
equipment, demand pro鍖le
Wednesday, 2 October 13
76. Fixing not solving
Make it work, somehow
If you measure costs, costs go up
Each delivery point has own experienced people,
equipment, demand pro鍖le
True empowerment solves it permanently
Wednesday, 2 October 13
77. Fixing not solving
Make it work, somehow
If you measure costs, costs go up
Each delivery point has own experienced people,
equipment, demand pro鍖le
True empowerment solves it permanently
Fixing is ahistorical, assumes nothing will change
Wednesday, 2 October 13
88. Cost?
Measure at the hand over points
Optimisations are done there
Steps are arbitrary, analytical, given
Change steps, change cost
Silos - call centre, provisioning, 鍖nance - are they
really necessary or are they givens?
Conways law
Wednesday, 2 October 13
89. And ...
This is the way you have always done it
The original people who did that job meant it was
split up that way
When you replaced you got another Bob/Mary/
... if it all burned down tomorrow, what would the
replacement do, (Ackoff)
Wednesday, 2 October 13
90. BUT!
Cost is end to end - not per process
Clean 鍖ow reduces cost, without measuring it
Theory of constraints teaches us that can only go
as fast as the bottleneck
Cost is in the 鍖ow, not in the measuring points
Measure costs, costs go up - breaks 鍖ow, breaks
clean, causes rework and delay
Wednesday, 2 October 13
97. Tech management
The main reason we tend
to focus on the technical
rather than the human side
of the work is not because
its more crucial, but
because its easier to do.
Wednesday, 2 October 13
98. Tech management
No heart!
Work thats 鍖t for humans
Wednesday, 2 October 13
100. So what is lean?
Go see
Wednesday, 2 October 13
101. So what is lean?
Go see
Start where people are - constancy of purpose
Wednesday, 2 October 13
102. So what is lean?
Go see
Start where people are - constancy of purpose
Humble - NVC - no more should
Wednesday, 2 October 13
103. So what is lean?
Go see
Start where people are - constancy of purpose
Humble - NVC - no more should
Engage with the variety at each point of delivery
Wednesday, 2 October 13
104. So what is lean?
Go see
Start where people are - constancy of purpose
Humble - NVC - no more should
Engage with the variety at each point of delivery
Train and work to demand
Wednesday, 2 October 13
105. So what is lean?
Go see
Start where people are - constancy of purpose
Humble - NVC - no more should
Engage with the variety at each point of delivery
Train and work to demand
Allow continuous improvement, not 鍖xed, things will
Wednesday, 2 October 13
106. So what is lean?
Go see
Start where people are - constancy of purpose
Humble - NVC - no more should
Engage with the variety at each point of delivery
Train and work to demand
Allow continuous improvement, not 鍖xed, things will
The system always wins
Wednesday, 2 October 13
108. Takt time, waste
Takt time works for manufacturing processes not
people (Theory of Constraints)
Wednesday, 2 October 13
109. Takt time, waste
Takt time works for manufacturing processes not
people (Theory of Constraints)
Waste is not the same as ef鍖ciency
Wednesday, 2 October 13
110. Takt time, waste
Takt time works for manufacturing processes not
people (Theory of Constraints)
Waste is not the same as ef鍖ciency
Think, engage
Wednesday, 2 October 13
111. Takt time, waste
Takt time works for manufacturing processes not
people (Theory of Constraints)
Waste is not the same as ef鍖ciency
Think, engage
Historic opportunity
Wednesday, 2 October 13
112. One last quote
You are a fool if you do just as I say. You are a greater
fool if you dont do as I say. You should think for
yourself and come up with better ideas than mine.
- Ohno
Wednesday, 2 October 13
Some images from
Engage! Love what you do & do it wellLove what you do & do it well
Wednesday, 2 October 13