7. How do we measure effectiveness of
distributed (uncontrolled) social
media campaigns?
What are the required
skill sets?
When overcommitting hurts
<Your idea here!>
people feelings?
How do we engage users
[readers] to become active
collaborators [activist]?
Create an
¡°Occupy Model Canvas¡±?
9. http://takethesquare.net - the global 15M movement that started all this
http://occupywriters.com - writers for occupy movement
http://operationbitcoin.org - bitcoin funding for occupy camps
http://occupyweb.org - dave winers stream of news
http://www.openassembly.org - a platform collaborative policy development
http://www.occupybritain.co.uk - an online resource for UK occupations
http://www.occupyuk.info - UK and Ireland occupation map and info hub. Non-commercial site
maintained and updated on a daily basis by Occupy Norwich and Occupy Glasgow
http://occupyglobal.net - teamspeak.com server up at voice.occupyglobal.net
https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/ - Social Network for Transnational
Popular Assemblies/Camps
http://www.oxsi.com - Occupy movement forums, currently with an empty Occupy London subforum
http://www.occupyconnect.net/ - global communications tool. Protocol "One connection (skype
account) per occupation - let's keep this manageable."
https://sites.google.com/site/wealloccupy/international - a contact spreadsheet of all the Occupy
Camps/Support Groups World Wide.
http://www.occupytogether.org/ - updates from Occupy sites and related efforts across the United
States and the globe.
http://occupywinning.com/pdfs/ - various useful pdfs: "The Tactic of Occupation & the Movement of
the 99%" etc.
http://occupylsx.org/ - occupy london stock exchange
http://theoccupiedtimes.co.uk/ - online magazine on occupy London
http://occupywallst.org/ - occupy Wall Street
http://occupii.org/ - occupy social media platform
http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2101745_2102132_2102373,00.html -
Time featured article on The protester