62. What if we found ourselves building something that nobody wanted?
In that case what did it matter if we did it on time and on budget?
Wednesday, January 9, 13
63. We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want or
what we think they should want.
Wednesday, January 9, 13
87. Agenda
Part One : Vision
1. Start
2. De鍖ne
4. Experiment
3. Learn
Part Two : Steer
5. Leap 6. Test
7. Measure
8. Pivot (or Persevere)
............... January 2, 2013
........... January 7, 2013
Part Two : Accelerate
9. Batch 10. Grow 11. Adapt
12. Innovate 13. Epilogue: Waste Not ....... January 16, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 13
88. Eric Ries
Yale University 貉危 螻牛螻 譟語
2001 るΜ貊覯襴 3D 螳瑚 轟危碁ゼ 覦 There.com 螻給谿曙 (CTO)
2003 一広朱 譬襷
2004 蠍 IMVU 螻給谿曙 (CTO)
2008 IMVU 炎概 伎, Lean Startup ろ螻 る覃伎 覦豺
Wednesday, January 9, 13
89. IMVU Story I - Business Modeling
There.com ろ襯 覦覲牛讌 蠍一, 螳 レ^ 譯朱覃企 企 蟆讀
る 螳 3D 覦 豈 襷り鍵襦 蟆一
AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo 3螳螳 80%襯 谿讌 IM , 蠏碁Μ螻 Metcalfes Law
蠍一ヾ IM Network Add-on 襦蠏碁 襷
100. IMVU
螳ロ 覈 IM Network 襯 讌螻, 覈 貉危一 襦蠏碁 襷れ!
Wednesday, January 9, 13
101. IMVU Story II - Launching
6螳 一広 覈襦 豪 螳覦
覦れ覃 狩 朱 豌覯讌 覯 , 蠏碁Μ螻 覲伎
一広殊 覦蠍 , 覦蟆 覯蠏誤 一広 豢觧朱, 蟆郁記 螳 螻豺!
蠏碁Μ螻 襷豺, 一広!
And then nothing happened!
Because nobody even tried our product.
Wednesday, January 9, 13
102. Unfortunately, too many startup business plans look more like they are
planning to launch a rocket ship than drive a car.
Wednesday, January 9, 13
103. Products change constantly through the process of optimization,
what I call tuning the engine.
Wednesday, January 9, 13
104. IMVU Story III - Pivot
螳 襷れ 覈襯 ′: $300
蟇磯 ろ碁ゼ 牛 蟆 : Customers did not want an IM add-on.
蠏碁 狩伎 蟆れ 曙
123. Build - Measure - Learn Loop
See how customers
Turn Ideas
into Products
Wednesday, January 9, 13
Pivot or
124. Postpone getting any data.. Of course, as well see, such delays have the
unfortunate effect of increasing the amount of wasted work, decreasing
essential feedback, and dramatically increasing the risk that a startup will build
something nobody wants.
Wednesday, January 9, 13