4. Market Opportunity Analysis - Questions
Have you been asking yourself lately
How do I identify optimal market opportunities?
Have I missed out on any opportunities?
How do I know what is the most attractive market opportunity?
How can I can I choose between seemingly attractive options?
And if market opportunity choice is so critical, how can I ensure I wont
get burnt by making one wrong decision?
If you have been asking yourself those questions, and perhaps others, the
Market Opportunity Analysis tool was designed for you!
5. Market Opportunity Analysis - Objectives
Discover promising market opportunities
Evaluate their value
Determine strategic focus
Gruber, Marc. Where to Play . Pearson Education Limited. Kindle Edition.
6. MOA - Benefits 1
Support Decision Making
by identifying valuable opportunities and
enable you to make an informed decision for
enhancing your value creation potential
one that is less vulnerable to biases and that
is not based mainly on intuition.
Gruber, Marc. Where to Play . Pearson Education Limited. Kindle Edition.
7. MOA - Benefits 2
Establish a shared language
Communicate, share and debate with your
team members and stakeholders, to enhance
your learning, to showcase your potential and
to reach agreements more easily.
Gruber, Marc. Where to Play . Pearson Education Limited. Kindle Edition.
8. MOA - Benefits 3
Serve as a Roadmap
Trace back, track and update your decision over
time, at any junction along your path, or whenever
new information puts your strategy in doubt. Just like
navigators that you know from other walks in life,
this will help you to re-calculate your route if
Gruber, Marc. Where to Play . Pearson Education Limited. Kindle Edition.
9. Market Opportunity Analysis
Three Steps:
1. Search Broadly
Which market opportunities exist for us?
2. Assess Deeply
What are the most attractive market opportunities for us?
3. Strategize
Which market opportunities should we focus on?
13. MOA - Business Modeling Integration
The Business Opportunity provides an on-going
tool for planning, reflecting and adjusting as you
go through rapid Lean cycles of learning and
makes sure that you will always keep track of the
broad picture in addition to the specific path that
you are currently evaluating.
Gruber, Marc. Where to Play . Pearson Education Limited. Kindle Edition.
14. MOA - Opportunities Map - Step #1
Generate Your Market
Opportunity Set
Core capabilities
Identify Potential
Explore Possible Customers
15. MOA - Example of Market Opportunity Search
Gruber, Marc. Where to Play Pearson Education Limited. Kindle Edition.
16. MOA - Example of Market Opportunity Search
Fujifilm brought photographic film production
to Japan. By researching and developing for
many decades everything related to
photographic Fujifilm became an expert in
many different advanced materials
The companys website displays the product
tree emphasising how core technologies can be
leveraged to create different products in
multiple domains,
Gruber, Marc. Where to Play Pearson Education Limited. Kindle Edition.
17. MOA - Attractiveness Map - Step #2
Evaluate Your Market
Opportunity Set
Compelling Reason to Buy
Market Volume
Economic Viability
Implementation Obstacles
Time to Revenue
External Risks
18. MOA - Attractiveness Analysis
Evaluate Your Market
Opportunities Attractiveness
Gold Mine
High Value / Low Cost
Moon Shot
High Value / High Cost
Quick Win
Low Value / Low Cost
Low Value / High Cost
20. MOA - Strategy Analysis Example
Mapping Your Market
Opportunities Strategy
Pursue Now
Keep Open
Place in Storage
21. MOA - An Example
Market Opportunity Navigator
A Self Analysis
Self Analysis of the Market Opportunity
Navigator Methodology (Book, Course
etc.) using MOA Tools
28. Sharon Tal
Sharon is one of the co- founders and
former executive director of the
Entrepreneurship Center at the
Technion, Israel Institute of
Technology, and recognized lecturer
on marketing for high-tech start-ups.
Her PhD research investigated the
market entry decision of hundreds of
start-ups and its consequences on firm
performance and flexibility.
29. Marc Gruber
Marc is a world-leading researcher in
the domain of innovation,
entrepreneurship and technology
commercialization. He is Vice
President for Innovation at the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he
also heads the Chair of
Entrepreneurship & Technology