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Leanne Holmes
Atlanta, Georgia
404.275.6418 L.Stringz16@gmail.com
August 2012 Dunwoody High School
Orchestra, Phillip Barnard Director
Private Violin Studies
June 2013- Present Jessica Stinson
August 2010- May 2013 Felix Farrar
Playing Experience
2015-2016 Emory Youth Symphony Orchestra
2015 Sewanee Summer Music Festival
2014- 2015 DeKalb Youth Symphony Orchestra
2012- 2016 Dunwoody High School Orchestra
2008- 2016 Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia
Teaching Experience
2016 Dunwoody High School Intermediate Orchestra
2016 Peachtree Middle School 6th  8th grade
2015-2016 Dunwoody Elementary 1st-5th grade
2013-2015 DeKalb 5th Grade Honor Orchestra
2013-Present Private Violin Studio
2012- 2016 Sinfo-Nia Orchestra Beginning Strings
Teaching Proficiencies
Beginning Violin
Intermediate Violin
Rhythm Training
Bow Holding
Scales and Arpeggios
Beginning Orchestra
Intermediate Orchestra
Additional Experience in Leadership
2016 Dunwoody High School Intermediate Orchestra Assistant Director
 Teaches Orchestra to 9th - 12th graders
 Lead Orchestra Exercises
 Conducted during concerts
 Taught Note Reading, Rhythm training, proper technique
2015-2016 Peachtree Middle School Assistant Orchestra Director
 Worked with 6th - 8th graders
 Taught Orchestra Students
 Prepared students for competitions (Allstate, Festival, etc.)
 Taught Note reading, Rhythm Training, etc.
 Completed any other task ask for by director(s)
2015-2016 Dunwoody Elementary School Assistant Music Director
 Worked with 2nd -5th graders
 Taught Orchestra Students
 Instructed during General Music
 Lead musical Games
 Taught Note reading, Rhythm Training, etc.
 Completed any other task ask for by director(s)
2014-2016 Tri-M Music Honor Society President
 Sets up service project performances
 Oversees meetings
 Emails students with information on club details
 Works with Music teachers for setting up engagements
 Talks with local elementary schools to become
 more involved
 Any other task ask for by director
2014-2016 Dunwoody High School Orchestra Concertmaster
 Assists Director with teaching
 Holds after school rehearsals with section
 Assists in Tuning
 Any Other task ask for by director
2012- 2016 Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia Orchestra Concertmaster
 Assists Director with teaching
 Holds additional rehearsals with violin section
 Assists in Tuning instruments
 Develops fingerings and bowings for pieces
 Any other task ask for by director
2010- 2016 Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia Orchestra SGA President
 Sets up service project performances
 Oversees meetings
 Emails students with information on concerts
 Helps set up concerts
 Implements Rules to students
 Any other task ask for by director
2013- 2015 National Association of Negro Musicians Youth President
 Oversees meetings
 Emails students with information on concerts
 Helps set up national and regional conventions
 Any other task ask for by director
Professional Affiliations, Honors, and Awards
 Emory Youth Symphony Orchestra
 DeKalb Youth Symphony Orchestra
 Dunwoody High School Orchestra
 Sinfo-Nia Youth Orchestra
 National Association of Negro Musicians
 Solo and Ensemble, Superior
 Omega Psi Phi Music Competition, 2nd Place
 Most Outstanding Musician, Sinfo-Nia (Two Times)
Major Works Played (Last Three Years)
Beethoven Overture to the Creatures of Prometheus Op. 42
Overture to Fidelio Op. 72
Britten Simple Symphony
Bach Violin Concerto in A minor BWV 1041
Double Violin Concerto BWV 1043 (Solo Violin two)
Copland Hoe Down from Rodeo
Dvorak Symphony number 9 (All Movements)
Elgar Nimrod from Enigma Variations
Grieg Holberg Suite Op. 40
Gershwin Porgy and Bess
Handel Concerto Grosso Op. 6 No.1
Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah
Music for the Royal Fireworks
Sonata in F Movement II
Holst The Planets (All Movements)
Mendelssohn Symphony No. 3 Scottish
Mozart Oveture to The Marriage of Figaro K. 492
Ouverture Zur Oper Cosi fan tutte
Symphony No. 29 Mvt I, Allegro Moderato
Offenbach The Tales of Hoffman No.24 Inter辿mde et Barcolle
Teleman Viola Concerto in G Major
Tchaikovsky The Nutcracker
Danse Russe: Trepak
Verdi Oveture to Nabucco
Vivaldi Gloria
Concerto in A Minor
Presto e Forte
Additional Selected Works Played (Last 4 years)
A Christmas Festival by Leroy Anderson
The Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key
Anything Goes, The Musical
Bye Bye Birdie, The Musical
Oklahoma, The Musical
The Music Man, The Musical

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Leanne Music Resume Updated 2016

  • 1. Leanne Holmes Atlanta, Georgia 404.275.6418 L.Stringz16@gmail.com Education August 2012 Dunwoody High School Orchestra, Phillip Barnard Director Private Violin Studies June 2013- Present Jessica Stinson August 2010- May 2013 Felix Farrar Playing Experience 2015-2016 Emory Youth Symphony Orchestra 2015 Sewanee Summer Music Festival 2014- 2015 DeKalb Youth Symphony Orchestra 2012- 2016 Dunwoody High School Orchestra 2008- 2016 Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia Teaching Experience 2016 Dunwoody High School Intermediate Orchestra 2016 Peachtree Middle School 6th 8th grade 2015-2016 Dunwoody Elementary 1st-5th grade 2013-2015 DeKalb 5th Grade Honor Orchestra 2013-Present Private Violin Studio 2012- 2016 Sinfo-Nia Orchestra Beginning Strings
  • 2. Teaching Proficiencies Beginning Violin Intermediate Violin Rhythm Training Bow Holding Scales and Arpeggios Beginning Orchestra Intermediate Orchestra Additional Experience in Leadership 2016 Dunwoody High School Intermediate Orchestra Assistant Director Teaches Orchestra to 9th - 12th graders Lead Orchestra Exercises Conducted during concerts Taught Note Reading, Rhythm training, proper technique 2015-2016 Peachtree Middle School Assistant Orchestra Director Worked with 6th - 8th graders Taught Orchestra Students Prepared students for competitions (Allstate, Festival, etc.) Taught Note reading, Rhythm Training, etc. Completed any other task ask for by director(s) 2015-2016 Dunwoody Elementary School Assistant Music Director Worked with 2nd -5th graders Taught Orchestra Students Instructed during General Music Lead musical Games Taught Note reading, Rhythm Training, etc. Completed any other task ask for by director(s) 2014-2016 Tri-M Music Honor Society President Sets up service project performances Oversees meetings Emails students with information on club details Works with Music teachers for setting up engagements Talks with local elementary schools to become more involved Any other task ask for by director 2014-2016 Dunwoody High School Orchestra Concertmaster
  • 3. Assists Director with teaching Holds after school rehearsals with section Assists in Tuning Any Other task ask for by director 2012- 2016 Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia Orchestra Concertmaster Assists Director with teaching Holds additional rehearsals with violin section Assists in Tuning instruments Develops fingerings and bowings for pieces Any other task ask for by director 2010- 2016 Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia Orchestra SGA President Sets up service project performances Oversees meetings Emails students with information on concerts Helps set up concerts Implements Rules to students Any other task ask for by director 2013- 2015 National Association of Negro Musicians Youth President Oversees meetings Emails students with information on concerts Helps set up national and regional conventions Any other task ask for by director Professional Affiliations, Honors, and Awards Emory Youth Symphony Orchestra DeKalb Youth Symphony Orchestra Dunwoody High School Orchestra Sinfo-Nia Youth Orchestra National Association of Negro Musicians Solo and Ensemble, Superior Omega Psi Phi Music Competition, 2nd Place Most Outstanding Musician, Sinfo-Nia (Two Times) Major Works Played (Last Three Years) Beethoven Overture to the Creatures of Prometheus Op. 42
  • 4. Overture to Fidelio Op. 72 Britten Simple Symphony Bach Violin Concerto in A minor BWV 1041 Double Violin Concerto BWV 1043 (Solo Violin two) Copland Hoe Down from Rodeo Dvorak Symphony number 9 (All Movements) Elgar Nimrod from Enigma Variations Grieg Holberg Suite Op. 40 Gershwin Porgy and Bess Handel Concerto Grosso Op. 6 No.1 Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah Music for the Royal Fireworks Sonata in F Movement II Holst The Planets (All Movements) Mendelssohn Symphony No. 3 Scottish Mozart Oveture to The Marriage of Figaro K. 492 Ouverture Zur Oper Cosi fan tutte Symphony No. 29 Mvt I, Allegro Moderato Offenbach The Tales of Hoffman No.24 Inter辿mde et Barcolle Teleman Viola Concerto in G Major Tchaikovsky The Nutcracker Marche Danse Russe: Trepak Verdi Oveture to Nabucco Vivaldi Gloria Concerto in A Minor Allegro Adagio Presto e Forte
  • 5. Spring Additional Selected Works Played (Last 4 years) A Christmas Festival by Leroy Anderson The Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key Anything Goes, The Musical Bye Bye Birdie, The Musical Oklahoma, The Musical The Music Man, The Musical