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Skills in the Workplace
                 Individual Concerns and Organisational
Thursday 15 May 2008                                      1
...a vision of Ireland in 2020 in which a well
                             educated and highly skilled population
                             contributes optimally to a competitive,
                              innovation-driven, knowledge based,
                               participative and inclusive economy


    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          2
Who receives training?

                                           60% of those
                                           with third level

                       35% of those
                       with no

                                Training participation is closely linked to
                                educational attainment

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          3
Economics and Skills

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          4
Economics and Skills
                  Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in
                  those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                            4
Economics and Skills
                  Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in
                  those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential

                  Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that
                  individuals will always make rational decisions.

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                            4
Economics and Skills
                  Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in
                  those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential

                  Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that
                  individuals will always make rational decisions.

                  In reality, an individuals decision to undertake investment in education
                  or training is often in鍖uenced by non-economic considerations
                  including personal and family circumstances, gender and class
                                                                             P 31, The Expert Group on Future Skills (2007)
                                                              5th Report Tomorrows Skills Towards a National Skills Strategy

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                                                            4
Economics and Skills
                  Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in
                  those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential

                  Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that
                  individuals will always make rational decisions.

                  In reality, an individuals decision to undertake investment in education
                  or training is often in鍖uenced by non-economic considerations
                  including personal and family circumstances, gender and class
                                                                             P 31, The Expert Group on Future Skills (2007)
                                                              5th Report Tomorrows Skills Towards a National Skills Strategy

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                                                            4
Economics and Skills
                  Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in
                  those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential

                  Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that
                  individuals will always make rational decisions.

                  In reality, an individuals decision to undertake investment in education
                  or training is often in鍖uenced by non-economic considerations
                  including personal and family circumstances, gender and class
                                                                             P 31, The Expert Group on Future Skills (2007)
                                                              5th Report Tomorrows Skills Towards a National Skills Strategy

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                                                            4
Economics and Skills
                  Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in
                  those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential

                  Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that
                  individuals will always make rational decisions.

                  In reality, an individuals decision to undertake investment in education
                  or training is often in鍖uenced by non-economic considerations
                  including personal and family circumstances, gender and class
                                                                             P 31, The Expert Group on Future Skills (2007)
                                                              5th Report Tomorrows Skills Towards a National Skills Strategy

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                                                            4
New Skills for a New Economy

                  Knowledge economy skills (from KESP)

                       Solution oriented thinking

                       Gathering information




    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          5
Connecting Perspectives

                       Organisational                  Individual


    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          6
Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          7

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          7
Ben is 48 years old

                                                             Works in transport

                                                       Connects with the of鍖ce for
                                                      Sees others using computers

                                                       Feels left out and alienated

                                                     Feels he could do his own print
                       BEN                                        outs

                                                      and wants to be able to book
                                                          holidays on the net

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          7
Adult Learners

                  what they want to learn

                       and what they perceive as useful

                 and they integrate new learning with past experience

                                                     Tusting, K. and Barton, D. (2003) Models of adult learning: a literature review,
                              National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy. Institute of Education, UK.

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                                                                    8
Maslows Hierarchy

                                    LOVE AND BELONGING

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          9
Deci and Ryans Self-Determination
                         I decided to try...
                         We work as a team
                         I can do it myself

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          10
Tracys story
                  Last year I was in The Local Shopping Centre and they were
                  canvassing for the Know It course

                  now previous to that I have worked in the same shop for
                  thirty years but it got taken over by a new company three
                  years ago so basically we were in the olden days as in push
                  button tills still writing down orders that type of thing

                  and all of a sudden within this period of three years
                  everything has turned computerised now basically the tills,
                  the ordering system, everything like that is computerised.

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          11
Tracys story (cont.)
                  So the I work with a great crowd of younger people who
                  were all carrying the can for me Dont worry about it Tracy
                  well put it throughDont worry about this, that I was still
                  doing faxing where they e-mail, they were so much more
                  knowledgeable than I was

                  so walking through Centre one day and I had been
                  thinking about it I must 鍖nd out about doing a computer
                  course and two lovely girls explained basically to me what it
                  was, they told me they would put my name forward ... then A
                  just got in touch with me then and it went from there.

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          12



    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          13
Inquiry Cycle


                       Re鍖ect                            Investigate

                            Discuss                  Create

    Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland
Thursday 15 May 2008                                                                          14

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  • 1. Skills in the Workplace Individual Concerns and Organisational Responses Thursday 15 May 2008 1
  • 2. ...a vision of Ireland in 2020 in which a well educated and highly skilled population contributes optimally to a competitive, innovation-driven, knowledge based, participative and inclusive economy THE EXPERT GROUP ON FUTURE SKILLS NEEDS Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 2
  • 3. Who receives training? 60% of those with third level quali鍖cations 35% of those with no quali鍖cations Training participation is closely linked to educational attainment Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 3
  • 4. Economics and Skills Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 4
  • 5. Economics and Skills Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential returns. Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 4
  • 6. Economics and Skills Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential returns. Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that individuals will always make rational decisions. Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 4
  • 7. Economics and Skills Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential returns. Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that individuals will always make rational decisions. In reality, an individuals decision to undertake investment in education or training is often in鍖uenced by non-economic considerations including personal and family circumstances, gender and class background P 31, The Expert Group on Future Skills (2007) 5th Report Tomorrows Skills Towards a National Skills Strategy Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 4
  • 8. Economics and Skills Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential returns. Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that individuals will always make rational decisions. In reality, an individuals decision to undertake investment in education or training is often in鍖uenced by non-economic considerations including personal and family circumstances, gender and class background P 31, The Expert Group on Future Skills (2007) 5th Report Tomorrows Skills Towards a National Skills Strategy Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 4
  • 9. Economics and Skills Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential returns. Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that individuals will always make rational decisions. In reality, an individuals decision to undertake investment in education or training is often in鍖uenced by non-economic considerations including personal and family circumstances, gender and class background P 31, The Expert Group on Future Skills (2007) 5th Report Tomorrows Skills Towards a National Skills Strategy Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 4
  • 10. Economics and Skills Skills supply is dictated in part by the individual returns to investing in those skills and by the general level of awareness of those potential returns. Economic theory, however, is predicated on the assumption that individuals will always make rational decisions. In reality, an individuals decision to undertake investment in education or training is often in鍖uenced by non-economic considerations including personal and family circumstances, gender and class background P 31, The Expert Group on Future Skills (2007) 5th Report Tomorrows Skills Towards a National Skills Strategy Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 4
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  • 12. Connecting Perspectives Organisational Individual Instructional Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 6
  • 13. Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 7
  • 14. BEN Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 7
  • 15. Ben is 48 years old Works in transport Connects with the of鍖ce for dockets Sees others using computers Feels left out and alienated Feels he could do his own print BEN outs and wants to be able to book holidays on the net Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 7
  • 16. Adult Learners Learn what they want to learn and what they perceive as useful and they integrate new learning with past experience Tusting, K. and Barton, D. (2003) Models of adult learning: a literature review, National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy. Institute of Education, UK. Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 8
  • 17. Maslows Hierarchy SELF-ACTUALISATION SELF-ESTEEM LOVE AND BELONGING SAFETY PHYSIOLOGICAL Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 9
  • 18. Deci and Ryans Self-Determination Theory Autonomy I decided to try... Belonging We work as a team Competence I can do it myself Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 10
  • 19. Tracys story Last year I was in The Local Shopping Centre and they were canvassing for the Know It course now previous to that I have worked in the same shop for thirty years but it got taken over by a new company three years ago so basically we were in the olden days as in push button tills still writing down orders that type of thing and all of a sudden within this period of three years everything has turned computerised now basically the tills, the ordering system, everything like that is computerised. Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 11
  • 20. Tracys story (cont.) So the I work with a great crowd of younger people who were all carrying the can for me Dont worry about it Tracy well put it throughDont worry about this, that I was still doing faxing where they e-mail, they were so much more knowledgeable than I was so walking through Centre one day and I had been thinking about it I must 鍖nd out about doing a computer course and two lovely girls explained basically to me what it was, they told me they would put my name forward ... then A just got in touch with me then and it went from there. Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 12
  • 21. AUTONOMY BELONGING COMPETENCE Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 13
  • 22. Inquiry Cycle ASK Re鍖ect Investigate Discuss Create Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching National College of Ireland Thursday 15 May 2008 14