Even if this research findings are as ancient as of 1885, neurosciences research is backing up these findings. Hence the over-usage of the so called micro-learning techniques and technology-based tools. How can you use the #knowledge of the effects of this #Forgetting Curve in your activity, either you are in #learning or not? Use it or lose it! Same like in muscles, memory needs reinforcement of the information it acquires. The solution is the “spaced repetition” technique that is exploited in the new micro-learning technology based tools offerings. However, keep in mind that in the corporate #learning, the best reinforcement is coming from measurement吝, observing and validation done by the learner’s manager. Next time your employee comes from a training (even a short one, or even a #digital learning experience) ask how s/she indents to apply one key learning that s/he acquired in the #training! Of course, this method should be part of the organizational learning architecture so managers would deploy it in a structured manner as well, and to monitor thus further the application of the new knowledge or skills of their employee. Otherwise, the frustration and the perception of wasted money on training will keep going on…