This document discusses malware types including viruses, worms, rootkits, trojans, and backdoors. It provides examples of each type and how they infect systems. The document also describes how to create malware for educational purposes only, including demonstrations. It discusses writing signatures to evade antivirus detection and techniques malware can use to avoid detection.
2. What is malware?
Types of malwares.
How to create your own malware (Educational purpose only)
Writing signatures to antiviruses.
Evading antiviruses. (Educational purpose only)
3. What is a malware ?
Malware short for malicious software .
malware is a piece of software that is designed to
disrupt operation , gather information , gain
unauthorized access to system resources, and for
exploitation purposes.
The malware is a general term used by a
computer professionals to mean a variety of forms of
hostile , intrusive, or annoying software or
programming code.
In simply malware is a set of instructions
that run on your computer and make your system do
something that an attacker wants it to do.
4. Types of malware
There are many types of malwares are there.
most common are :
This list goes on
5. What is a Virus?
A computer virus is a program that can replicate
itself and spread from one computer to another.
if a computer program is called as
a virus it most have the capability to spread from
one file to another file and one computer to
another computer by means of Network or internet
or carried it by a removable devices like
CDs, DVDs, Floppy disks and USB devices.
in simply virus is a program that
can infect other programs by modifying them to
include a, possibly evolved, version of itself.
6. Indications of Virus attack
Hard drive is accessed even when not using
the computer.
Computer freezes frequently or encounters
Computer slows down when programs starts.
Files and Folders are missing (god has to know
what happened to files).
Unable to load operating system files.
Browser window freezes.
7. When computer get infected by Viruses
Dont having proper antivirus application.
Not updating antivirus and operating system
and applications.
Installing pirated software's and rouge
Opening an infected E-Mail attachments.
8. How to create your own Virus
(Educational purpose only)
9. What is a Worm
A computer worm is a self-replicating malware
which uses a computer network to send copies of
itself to another computer.
However, a computer worm does not
need to attach itself to a program in your system
like a computer virus does in order to function.
A computer worm generally localizes its
damage to the computer network by causing
increased bandwidth(only applicable to old worm
types )
10. Indications of worm attacks
Unusual network traffic in pc
Not able to visit websites due to bandwidth is
flooded by worm.
Unusual files in network shares.
Unable to update antiviruses.
11. How Worm spreads
Peer 2 peer
(p2p) Infected USB Network
networks like devices. shares.
13. How to create your own Worm
(Educational purpose only)
14. Rootkit
Rootkit is a stealthy type of
malware designed to hide its existence from
processes viewer and other monitor software's.
15. Types of rootkits
There are two different types of rootkits. they
are :
User Mode rootkit User Mode
Kernel Mode rootkit
Supervisor /
Kernel Mode
16. Backdoors
A Backdoor is a way in to the system that
allows an attacker to access the victim
after penetrating the victim machine the
attacker installs the backdoor in it.
it used to access the victim machine.
Example: NetCat
18. Trojan
Trojan is a piece of software which contains
both legitimate code and malicious code.
performs covert and overt actions.
Frequently embedded in applets, games and
email attachments.
20. How to create your own Trojan
(Educational purpose only)
21. Best Tips to Defend Against Malware
Protect your
computer with
strong security
software and
keep updated.
Back up your automatic
files regularly. Windows
Be careful
Beware of
when engaging
in peer-to-peer
(P2P) file-
22. Writing signatures to antiviruses
Mostly antivirus signature writers use
three methods to create signatures
They are:
MD5 hashes
Byte code