Here are some tips, tricks, do's and don'ts that can make your learning needs analysis more effective.
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Learning Needs Analysis - Tips, Tricks, Dos and Don'ts
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3. Today’s Presenter
Entrepreneur, Instructional Designer, Facilitator and Project
Manager par excellence. Mansha, the co-founder of
Epiphany Learning, is passionate about all things education
and has a keen interest in the field of social and networked
learning. A Masters in Business Management, she has
successfully led large Learning and Development teams in
the past.
Twitter: @manshadepawat
Epiphany Learning
4. Stevie’s Search for an Ideal Doctor
Hi, I am Stevie
Dr. Force Fit Dr. Pass It On Dr. Jump The Gun
Image Courtesy:
Epiphany Learning
5. At Dr. Pass It On’s Clinic
Hi Doctor
Hi Stevie. What
brings you here
Doc I have a
feeling I might
have caught Very well then
Malaria Stevie. You know
best. Here are the
pills for Malaria.
Dr. Pass It On
Epiphany Learning
6. At Dr. Jump The Gun’s Clinic
Hi Stevie…so
what seems to
I have high be the problem
That must be because
of Pneumonia. Here
take these pills this will
have you up and
running in a week. Dr. Jump The Gun
Epiphany Learning
7. At Dr. Force Fit’s Clinic
Hi Stevie. How are you
Not very good.
Don’t worry. Here are
5 awesome pills. Just
take your pick and it
Wow..i think I will will solve all your
take the Yellow troubles.
one…you see its Dr. Force Fit
my favourite
colour. Thanks.
Epiphany Learning
8. Question
Dr. Pass It On Dr. Jump The Gun Dr. Force Fit
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9. Answer
Dr. Pass It On Dr. Jump The Gun Dr. Force Fit
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10. Question
Dr. Pass It On Dr. Jump The Gun Dr. Force Fit
Epiphany Learning
12. Free Medical Dictionary Definition of Diagnosis
Diagnosis is the
identification of a disease
from its symptoms
Epiphany Learning
13. 3 Step Process for Correct Diagnosis
1. Begin by Identifying the Symptom - Deviation
from Business Goal
2. What is causing this deviation?
3. What Learning (skill/knowledge/attitude)
/Process/System Improvement can fix the gap?
Epiphany Learning
14. Identifying the Correct Symptoms/Business Goals
• Critical: Is the gap substantial?
• Important: Is it amongst the top three priorities of the
• Verified: Is it supported by data?
Epiphany Learning
15. Helping Business Managers Identify the Correct Symptom
Example: Inter Team Conflict
1. How do you know that there is conflict between two teams? Do you have
method of measuring it?
2. Is this inter team conflict affecting a Business Parameter that you measure
3. Is this Business Parameter showing a major deviation from the expected
4. Apart from inter team conflict what other factors could affect this Business
Epiphany Learning
16. Stevie’s Manager Meets the Doctor
Hi Stevie’s Boss.
So how can I help
you today?
Stevie has high
How do you think
he got it
I am assuming
he got stuck in
the rain last Dr.
Wednesday on Oh he might have
his way home. pneumonia. I
suggest this pill.
Yeah I also think its
pneumonia. Thanks!
Epiphany Learning
17. Do a Multi Source Analysis
Inputs from Customer
Business Head Feedback
Interviews with
Inputs from Low Customer
Call Centre Satisfaction scores
Executives for Company’s Call
Centre Unit
Inputs from
Inputs from employees Team Leaders of
of other teams who work Call Centre
Customer Executives
closely with Call Centre
Satisfaction Scores
for previous last two
financial years
Epiphany Learning
18. A Dingy Clinic or a Swanky Gym?
Going to clinics makes me feel
like there is something wrong
with me, that needs fixing.
Going to gym is cool. Its because
I am conscious of my health and
someone who wants to improve
his fitness levels.
Epiphany Learning
19. Dingy Clinic or a Swanky Gym
Positive Spin:
Example 1:
What areas do you need help with?
How can we help you become better at what you are doing?
Example 2:
Would better product knowledge help you improve your performance?
Would a deeper Product knowledge help you excel in your Job?
Epiphany Learning
21. Learning Needs Analysis: Key Points
1. Do the Diagnosis Right - Start with the Business Goal
2. Make your Diagnosis Thorough - Multi Source Analysis
3. Be A Swanky Looking Gym – Spin It Positively
4. All Round Analysis – Look Both Inwards and Outwards
Epiphany Learning
#9: You can write the answer in the chat window … or you can just think about it..that is alright.Also please note that All and none are also acceptable answers
#10: You can write the answer in the chat window … or you can just think about it..that is alright.Also please note that All and none are also acceptable answers
#11: You can write the answer in the chat window … or you can just think about it..that is alright.Also please note that All and none are also acceptable answers
#12: Diagnosis. Dr. Pass it on asked Stevie to do the diagnosis for himself and arrive at the didease. Dr. Jump the gun really hurried the process of diagnosis. He asssumed that fever is due to pneumonia and ruled out any other posibility. And Dr. Force fit completely skipped the step and directly asked stevie to chose the pill he thinks wouold cure him. Now I want you to think about the process of diagnosis and learning needs analysis and identify the similarities. Also look at these three doctors Stevie met and try and remember if you see any similarities in them and the way Learning Needs Analysis is done at times.Well I think there have been times when we have all acted like Dr. Jump the Gun or Dr. Pass-it-on. And I think a lot of L&D team have some sort of Dr. Force Fits diagnosis applied somewhere.Mostly because of lack of resources and at times its also the other way round…..our business managers would straight away talk about the disease or even chose their own pill.So lets see first what diagnosis really is.
#13: This is how the Free Medical Dictionary defines Diagnosis.There are three elementsSymptoms – then identifying the disease – and then deciding on the treatmentSo try and remember your last visit to the doctor….remember the questions she or he asked you. The are very specific, like – Do you have pain in abdomen, do you have fever…do you feel shivers during the fever, do you have a sore throat, etc. What the doctor is doing here is asking you about symptoms…and as a patient that’s all you canSo this takes u to our first point: Dignosis is the responsibility of L&D manager. You don’t do it on your own in isolation…but you should drive the process and help the business managers and others involved o it is done correct
#14: Symptom – Fever and sore throatWhat could be causing it –questions if they drank something cold, run some testsDisease – viral infectionSimilarly in learning needs analysis you should start with a Sympom….in our context a Business Goal which is measurableThen you try and identify what will help you achieve it……or what is stopping us from achieving itAnd then you arrive at the need it could be a learning need, systems need, process need…or something elseExample – Need to improve Customer Satisfaction ScoresWhat is causing low customer satisfaction – check call centre recordingsCustomer feedbackTeam leader inputsCall centre executive’s inputsThen you identify what is the learning need
#18: Use multi source data instead of single source to:avoid recency effectseparate Learning needs from other business needsidentify other factors affecting the business goalWhat is causing low customer satisfaction – check call centre recordingsCustomer feedbackTeam leader inputsCall centre executive’s inputsThen you identify what is the learning need