A model organizer wants to know how long it will take a supermodel to walk down a 30m runway and back while posing for 5 seconds at the end. Using physics concepts of the simple pendulum, the summary calculates that with the model's height of 180cm, foot mass of 1.5kg, leg length of 80cm, and extending their legs 25 degrees, their velocity would be 4.40 m/s. With this velocity, it would take the model 6.82 seconds to walk to the end of the 30m runway and back, for a total time of 18.64 seconds including the 5 seconds posing at the end.
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Learning object 1
1. Learning Object 1: Simple Pendulum
Fabiois a fashionshow/runway model organizer andhe would like to know the approximateamountof
time it wouldtake for oneof his supermodelstoreach the end of the walkway and back, Fabioalso
happenstobe a physicsmajor andwould like to apply the concept of simple pendulumstodetermine this
time. Fabioknowsthat the approximateheight of each model is 180cmandthat the length of their legs
are roughly 4/9 of their height, Fabioalso assumesthattheir legs themselvesare massless(skinny, of
course) and only takesthe weight of their feet intoconsideration, which on average is 1.5 kg where the
center of massfrom the center of the foot to where it meets the joint is 5cm. Fabio alsoknowsthat the
average angle which a modelslegs will extend from resting positionis 25 degrees bothways. Knowingthe
runaway is 30mlong, how long will it takefor a supermodelto go there andback, giventhe model stands
to posefor 5 seconds at the endof the runway?
Figure 1: A model strutsher stuff
downthe runway