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The e-learning skills gapClive Shepherdwww.skillsjourney.com
Surprising as it may seem, most educational and training methods are relatively timelesscoachingobservationexplorationdiscoverycase studiesdemonstrationconsultationsimulationbriefingsinstructiondiscussionperformance supportassessmentnetworkingfeedbackgamesreadinglecturescollaborationquestioningwork experiencevisitsreflectionprojectsresearchrole-playsharingpractice
Although at different times in history, we have tended to favour some methods over otherscoachingobservationexplorationdiscoverycase studiesdemonstrationconsultationinstructionsimulationbriefingsdiscussionassessmentnetworkingperformance supportfeedbackgamesreadinglecturescollaborationquestioningwork experiencevisitsreflectionprojectsresearchrole-playsharingpractice
Right now, there are some good reasons to rethink the methods we use
There are new theories like connectivism CONNECTIVISM
 which emphasises the importance of networks and networking to learningInstead of the individual having to evaluate and process every bit of information, she/he creates a personal network of trusted nodes: people and content, enhanced by technology. The act of knowledge is offloaded onto the network itself.George Siemens, Knowing Knowledge
Weve also seen major advances in what we know about the brain and how people learnNEUROSCIENCE
We now have no excuses for overloading learners with indigestible informationNEUROSCIENCE
We also have to respond to the expectations of a new generation of learnersGen Y: digital, social and always-on
There are two ways of looking at Generation YGen Y are tolerant, optimistic, collaborative,open-minded and driven.suite101.comGen Y are the 'diva' generation: high-maintenance, out for themselves, lacking in loyalty, thinking only of the short termand their own place in it..Association of Graduate Recruiters
Although it could be that Gen Y are just more vocal in demanding what weve always wantedHow Gen Y want learning to be:InteractiveStudent-centredAuthenticCollaborativeOn-demanddont we all?Barking Robot, 2006
New thinking, new science and new expectations demand a shift in emphasiscoachingobservationexplorationdiscoverycase studiesdemonstrationconsultationsimulationbriefingsinstructiondiscussionperformance supportassessmentnetworkingfeedbackgamesreadinglecturescollaborationquestioningwork experiencevisitsreflectionprojectsresearchrole-playsharingpractice
At the same time, we face great pressures
Were under increasing pressure to deliver learning solutions more quickly72% of all training challenges are time-critical.Bersin & Associates (2005)TIME PRESSURES
Sometimes it seems we are having to run ever faster just to stay in the same place
We need to be able to respond differently to different situationsA PYRAMID OF LEARNING INTERVENTIONSTOP DOWNBOTTOM-UPSource: Nick Shackleton-Jones, BBC
Oh, and did I forget the financial pressures?COST PRESSURES
Times are certainly tougher in learning and development as budgets are slashedBe aware that themagnitude of the financialmeltdown is almost beyondcomprehension. I can foreseetraining departments being eliminated almost entirely.Jay Cross (2008)
The need to think green may have taken a back seat right now, but we know we should be reducing travel where we canENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURES
We cant meet all these pressures just by changing methodsWe choose methods to maximise the effectiveness of learningWe choose media to maximise the efficiency of learningAnd the new pressures (time, environmental, budgetary) require, above all, greater efficiencies
Luckily, learning media are evolving rapidly. And new learning media enable changebookstapesworkbooksDVDsCDsweb pagesdownloadable documentspodcasts/vodcastsstreaming mediaemailinstant messagingchat roomsforumsblogsweb conferencingwikissocial networksSMSteleconferencingsimulatorstelephone
Technology is providing some major new opportunities
The latest web tools allow us to collaborate as never before, not just at home but at workWEB 2.0 TOOLS
New, easy-to-use tools make it easier than ever to create self-paced learning contentRAPID DEVELOPMENT TOOLS
And the latest mobile devices provide connectivity for those who arent always sitting behind a deskMOBILE DEVICES
Were getting near to the point when anyone who wants their own computer can afford oneEVER MORE ACCESSIBLE COMPUTING
It no longer costs the earth to put together your own audio and video materialsLOW-PRICE, HIGH QUALITY MEDIA CREATION
And we now have the bandwidth  even on mobile devices  to put that audio and video out there3GWIDESPREAD BROADBAND AVAILABILITY
Thirty years ago, a new trainer would have been comfortable with all available media
But as new media have proliferated, many have backed away and left it all to the specialists
But as new media begin to affect all aspects of the work we do, its probably time to play catch upWhen the rate of change outside exceeds the rate of change inside, the end is in sight.Jack Welch
So whats the gap? Heres what one recent UK survey discovered Barriers to the successful implementation of new learning technologies:A lack of knowledge about its potential use and implementation (>65%)A lack of skills to implement and manage e-learning (>50%)Towards Maturity benchmarking survey 2009
We need the skills to implement e-learning successfully as part of our overall l&d strategySTRATEGIC SKILLS
We need to be able to integrate new media into next generation blended learning solutionsSTRATEGIC SKILLSCURRICULUM DESIGN
We need to be able to create e-content that is relevant, engagingand effectiveCONTENT CREATIONSTRATEGIC SKILLSCURRICULUM DESIGN
And we need to adapt our facilitation skills to support online collaboration as well as face-to-face CONTENT CREATIONSTRATEGIC SKILLSFACILITATIONCURRICULUM DESIGN
The new tool at skillsjourney.com will allow organisations and individuals to assess their e-learning skills gaphtttp://skillsjourney.com (beta)
It also points the way to available resources that will help you to bridge any gapsQualificationsShort coursesNetworksResources
And when weve closed those gaps, we can look forward to a new era of l&d with confidence
The e-learning skills gapwww.skillsjourney.comclive@skillsjourney.com

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Learning skills gap_ppt

  • 1. The e-learning skills gapClive Shepherdwww.skillsjourney.com
  • 2. Surprising as it may seem, most educational and training methods are relatively timelesscoachingobservationexplorationdiscoverycase studiesdemonstrationconsultationsimulationbriefingsinstructiondiscussionperformance supportassessmentnetworkingfeedbackgamesreadinglecturescollaborationquestioningwork experiencevisitsreflectionprojectsresearchrole-playsharingpractice
  • 3. Although at different times in history, we have tended to favour some methods over otherscoachingobservationexplorationdiscoverycase studiesdemonstrationconsultationinstructionsimulationbriefingsdiscussionassessmentnetworkingperformance supportfeedbackgamesreadinglecturescollaborationquestioningwork experiencevisitsreflectionprojectsresearchrole-playsharingpractice
  • 4. Right now, there are some good reasons to rethink the methods we use
  • 5. There are new theories like connectivism CONNECTIVISM
  • 6. which emphasises the importance of networks and networking to learningInstead of the individual having to evaluate and process every bit of information, she/he creates a personal network of trusted nodes: people and content, enhanced by technology. The act of knowledge is offloaded onto the network itself.George Siemens, Knowing Knowledge
  • 7. Weve also seen major advances in what we know about the brain and how people learnNEUROSCIENCE
  • 8. We now have no excuses for overloading learners with indigestible informationNEUROSCIENCE
  • 9. We also have to respond to the expectations of a new generation of learnersGen Y: digital, social and always-on
  • 10. There are two ways of looking at Generation YGen Y are tolerant, optimistic, collaborative,open-minded and driven.suite101.comGen Y are the 'diva' generation: high-maintenance, out for themselves, lacking in loyalty, thinking only of the short termand their own place in it..Association of Graduate Recruiters
  • 11. Although it could be that Gen Y are just more vocal in demanding what weve always wantedHow Gen Y want learning to be:InteractiveStudent-centredAuthenticCollaborativeOn-demanddont we all?Barking Robot, 2006
  • 12. New thinking, new science and new expectations demand a shift in emphasiscoachingobservationexplorationdiscoverycase studiesdemonstrationconsultationsimulationbriefingsinstructiondiscussionperformance supportassessmentnetworkingfeedbackgamesreadinglecturescollaborationquestioningwork experiencevisitsreflectionprojectsresearchrole-playsharingpractice
  • 13. At the same time, we face great pressures
  • 14. Were under increasing pressure to deliver learning solutions more quickly72% of all training challenges are time-critical.Bersin & Associates (2005)TIME PRESSURES
  • 15. Sometimes it seems we are having to run ever faster just to stay in the same place
  • 16. We need to be able to respond differently to different situationsA PYRAMID OF LEARNING INTERVENTIONSTOP DOWNBOTTOM-UPSource: Nick Shackleton-Jones, BBC
  • 17. Oh, and did I forget the financial pressures?COST PRESSURES
  • 18. Times are certainly tougher in learning and development as budgets are slashedBe aware that themagnitude of the financialmeltdown is almost beyondcomprehension. I can foreseetraining departments being eliminated almost entirely.Jay Cross (2008)
  • 19. The need to think green may have taken a back seat right now, but we know we should be reducing travel where we canENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURES
  • 20. We cant meet all these pressures just by changing methodsWe choose methods to maximise the effectiveness of learningWe choose media to maximise the efficiency of learningAnd the new pressures (time, environmental, budgetary) require, above all, greater efficiencies
  • 21. Luckily, learning media are evolving rapidly. And new learning media enable changebookstapesworkbooksDVDsCDsweb pagesdownloadable documentspodcasts/vodcastsstreaming mediaemailinstant messagingchat roomsforumsblogsweb conferencingwikissocial networksSMSteleconferencingsimulatorstelephone
  • 22. Technology is providing some major new opportunities
  • 23. The latest web tools allow us to collaborate as never before, not just at home but at workWEB 2.0 TOOLS
  • 24. New, easy-to-use tools make it easier than ever to create self-paced learning contentRAPID DEVELOPMENT TOOLS
  • 25. And the latest mobile devices provide connectivity for those who arent always sitting behind a deskMOBILE DEVICES
  • 26. Were getting near to the point when anyone who wants their own computer can afford oneEVER MORE ACCESSIBLE COMPUTING
  • 27. It no longer costs the earth to put together your own audio and video materialsLOW-PRICE, HIGH QUALITY MEDIA CREATION
  • 28. And we now have the bandwidth even on mobile devices to put that audio and video out there3GWIDESPREAD BROADBAND AVAILABILITY
  • 29. Thirty years ago, a new trainer would have been comfortable with all available media
  • 30. But as new media have proliferated, many have backed away and left it all to the specialists
  • 31. But as new media begin to affect all aspects of the work we do, its probably time to play catch upWhen the rate of change outside exceeds the rate of change inside, the end is in sight.Jack Welch
  • 32. So whats the gap? Heres what one recent UK survey discovered Barriers to the successful implementation of new learning technologies:A lack of knowledge about its potential use and implementation (>65%)A lack of skills to implement and manage e-learning (>50%)Towards Maturity benchmarking survey 2009
  • 33. We need the skills to implement e-learning successfully as part of our overall l&d strategySTRATEGIC SKILLS
  • 34. We need to be able to integrate new media into next generation blended learning solutionsSTRATEGIC SKILLSCURRICULUM DESIGN
  • 35. We need to be able to create e-content that is relevant, engagingand effectiveCONTENT CREATIONSTRATEGIC SKILLSCURRICULUM DESIGN
  • 36. And we need to adapt our facilitation skills to support online collaboration as well as face-to-face CONTENT CREATIONSTRATEGIC SKILLSFACILITATIONCURRICULUM DESIGN
  • 37. The new tool at skillsjourney.com will allow organisations and individuals to assess their e-learning skills gaphtttp://skillsjourney.com (beta)
  • 38. It also points the way to available resources that will help you to bridge any gapsQualificationsShort coursesNetworksResources
  • 39. And when weve closed those gaps, we can look forward to a new era of l&d with confidence
  • 40. The e-learning skills gapwww.skillsjourney.comclive@skillsjourney.com