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Image Analysis & Retrieval
CS/EE 5590 Special Topics (Class Ids: 44873, 44874)
Fall 2016, M/W 4-5:15pm@Bloch 0012
Lec 15
Graph Laplacian Embedding
Zhu Li
Dept of CSEE, UMKC
Office: FH560E, Email: lizhu@umkc.edu, Ph: x 2346.
p.1Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
? Recap:
? Eigenface
? Fisherface
? Graph Embedding
? Laplacianface
? Graph Fourier Transform
p.2Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Subspace Learning for Face Recognition
? Project face images to a subspace with basis A
? Matlab: x=faces*A(:,1:kd)
= 10.9* + 0.4* + 4.7*
p.3Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
PCA & Fishers Linear Discriminant
? Between-class scatter
? Within-class scatter
? Where
C c is the number of classes
C ?i is the mean of class ?i
C | ?i | is number of samples of ?i..
iBS ))((
????? ??? ??
? ?? ?
i x
p.4Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Eigen vs Fisher Projection
? PCA (Eigenfaces)
Maximizes projected total scatter
? Fishers Linear Discriminant
Maximizes ratio of projected
between-class to projected
within-class scatter, solved by the
generalized Eigen problem:
PCA maxarg?
fld maxarg?
Fisher ? ? ? = ?? ? ?
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
LDA implementation
? myLDA.m
% compute class mean
mx = mean(x);
ids = unique(y); m = length(ids);
Sb = zeros(kd, kd);
for k=1:m
indx = find(y==ids(k)); nk(k) = length(indx);
% class mean
m_cx(k,:) = mean(x(indx, :));
% between class scatter
Sb = Sb + nk(k)*(m_cx(k,:) - mx)'*(m_cx(k,:) - mx);
% compute intra-class scatter
Sw = zeros(kd, kd);
for k=1:m
indx = find(y==ids(k)); nk(k) = length(indx);
% remove mean
xk = x(indx, :) - repmat(m_cx(k,:), [nk(k), 1]);
% adding up
Sw = Sw + (xk'*xk);
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
LDA Implementation
? Find projection by generalized Eigen problem solution
% generalized eigen problem
[A, v]=eigs(Sb, Sw);
if dbg
subplot(2,2,1); imagesc(Sb);
colormap('gray'); title('S_b');
subplot(2,2,2); imagesc(Sw);
colormap('gray'); title('S_w');
z = x*A; dist = pdist2(z, z);
subplot(2,2,3); imagesc(dist);
subplot(2,2,4); stem(diag(v), '.'); grid on;
hold on; title('eig v');
? ? ? = ?? ? ?
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Fisherface Basis
? It is interesting to compare Fisherface with Eigenface
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Fisherface Performance
? Fisher vs Eigenface performance: (fisherface.m)
? 1200 face images, 144 subjects
? Eigen kd=32
144 subjects
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
? Recap:
? Eigenface
? Fisherface
? Graph Embedding
? Locality Preserving Projection
? Laplacian Face
? Graph Fourier Transform
p.10Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Locality Preserving Projection
? Recall the dimension reduction formulations: find w,
s.t y=wx:
? PCA:
? LDA:
S = SB + SW
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
LPP Formulation C Affinity
? To preserve local affinity relationship
? Affinity map
? Selection of heat kernel size and threshold are important
? Hint: affinity matrix should be sparse
affinity histogram
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
LPP Formulation C Affinity Supervised
? How to utilize the label info ?
? Heat map mapping is good for intra-class affinity modelling,
but how about intra-class affinity ?
? One direct solution is to set affinity to zero for intra class
% LPP - compute affinity
f_dist1 = pdist2(x1, x1);
% heat kernel size
mdist = mean(f_dist1(:)); h = -
S1 = exp(-h*f_dist1);
id_dist = pdist2(ids, ids);
subplot(2,2,3); imagesc(id_dist);
title('label distance');
S2=S1; S2(find(id_dist~=0)) = 0;
subplot(2,2,4); imagesc(S1);
colormap('gray'); title('affinity-
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
LPP- Affinity Preserving Projection
? Find a projection that best preserves the affinity matrix
? ?
??,? ?? ? ??
, ?. ?. ? = ??
? ?
??,? ??? ? ???
?. ?, ??,? =
?exp ?? ? ??
, ?? ?? ? ??  ?
0, ????
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
LPP Formulation
?L = D-S:
? nxn matrix, called graph Laplacian
?Normalizing factor: nxn D
? Diagonal matrix, entry Dii = sum of col/row affinity
? The larger the value, the more important data point is
? Constraint on D:
p.15Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Generalized Eigen Problem
? Now the formulation is,
? Lagranian
? by KKT (Karush-Khun-Tucker) Condition, it is
solved by a generalized Eigen problem
? ?, ? = ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?(? ? ???? ? 1)
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
X He, S Yan, Y Hu, P Niyogi, HJ Zhang, Face Recognition Using Laplacianface,
IEEE Trans PAMI, vol. 27 (3), 328-340, 2005.
Matlab Implementation
? laplacianface.m
n_face = 1200; n_subj = length(unique(ids(1:n_face)));
% eigenface
kd=32; x1 = faces(1:n_face,:)*A1(:,1:kd); ids=ids(1:n_face);
% LPP - compute affinity
f_dist1 = pdist2(x1, x1);
% heat kernel size
mdist = mean(f_dist1(:)); h = -log(0.15)/mdist;
S1 = exp(-h*f_dist1);
figure(32); subplot(2,2,1); imagesc(f_dist1); colormap('gray'); title('d(x_i, d_j)');
subplot(2,2,2); imagesc(S1); colormap('gray'); title('affinity');
%subplot(2,2,3); grid on; hold on; [h_aff, v_aff]=hist(S(:), 40); plot(v_aff, h_aff,
% utilize supervised info
id_dist = pdist2(ids, ids);
subplot(2,2,3); imagesc(id_dist); title('label distance');
S2=S1; S2(find(id_dist~=0)) = 0;
subplot(2,2,4); imagesc(S1); colormap('gray'); title('affinity-supervised');
% laplacian face
lpp_opt.PCARatio = 1;
[A2, eigv2]=LPP(S2, lpp_opt, x1);
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Laplacian Face
? Now, we can model face as a LPP projection:
Eigenface Laplacian Face
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Laplacian vs Eigenface
? 1200 faces, 144 subjects
p.19Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
? Graph Embedding is an unifying theory on dimension
? PCA becomes special case of LPP, if we do not enforce local
p.20Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
?How about LDA ?
? Recall within class scatter:
This is i-th class
Data covariance
Li has diagonal entry of 1/ni,
Equal affinity among data points
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
? Now consider the between
class scatter
? C is the data covariance,
regardless of label
? L is graph Laplacian computed
from the affinity rule that,
? ?, ? =
? ?
, ?? ??, ?? ??? ???? ????? ?
0, ????
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
LDA as a special case of LPP
? The same generalized Eigen problem
p.23Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Graph Embedding Interpretation of PCA/LDA/LPP
? Affinity graph S, determines the embedding subspace
W, via
?PCA and LDA are special cases of Graph Embedding
? PCA:
??,? =
?exp ?? ? ??
, ?? ?? ? ??  ?
0, ????
??,? =
? ?
, ?? ??, ??  ? ?
0, ????
??,? = 1/?
Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016
Applications: facial expression embedding
? Facial expressions embedded in a 2-d space via LPP
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
Application: Compression of SIFT
? Compression of SIFT, preserve matching relationship,
rather than reconstruction:
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 p.26
? = arg min
? ?
??,? ??? ? ?? ?
Homework-3: Subspace Methods
? Objective:
? Understand the graph embedding connections among popular
subspace methods like PCA, LDA and LPP
? Practical experiences with serious size data set
? Data Set:
? https://umkc.app.box.com/s/0qu7tc3jb88at2h53l1dpcuqkt9pn
? 417 subjects, 6650 image face data set, pre-processed to
20x20 pel images, intensity normalized to [0, 1]
? Add your own face images, 10~15, frontal
? Tasks:
? Compute Eigenface, Fisherface and Laplacianface models
? ROC plot on verification performance
? mAP for retrieval/identification performance
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 p.27
HW-3 test run
? Laplacian face is powerful. ?
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 p.28
Graph Fourier Transform
? David I. Shuman, Sunil K. Narang, Pascal Frossard, Antonio Ortega, Pierre Vandergheynst:
The Emerging Field of Signal Processing on Graphs: Extending High-Dimensional Data Analysis
to Networks and Other Irregular Domains. IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 30(3): 83-98 (2013)
Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 p.29
Signal on Graph
? non-uniformly sampled
Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016
Graph Fourier Transform
? GFT is different from Laplacian Embedding:
Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016
GFT Example
?Graph Laplacian
Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016
Normalized Graph Laplacian
?Normalize by edge pair degree
Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016
Graph Frourier Transform
? Analogous to FT
Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016
Graph Spectrum
Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016
Graph Signal Smoothness
? Quadratic form on L:
Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016
? Graph Laplacian Embedding is an unifying theory for
feature space dimension reduction
? PCA is a special case of graph embedding
o Fully connected affinity map, equal importance
? LDA is a special case of graph embedding
o Fully connected intra class
o Zero affinity inter class
? LPP: preserves pair wise affinity.
? GFT: eigen vectors of graph Laplacian, has Fourier Transform
like characteristics.
? Many applications in
? Face recognition
? Pose estimation
? Facial expression modeling
? Compression of Graph signals.
p.37Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016

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Lec15 graph laplacian embedding

  • 1. Image Analysis & Retrieval CS/EE 5590 Special Topics (Class Ids: 44873, 44874) Fall 2016, M/W 4-5:15pm@Bloch 0012 Lec 15 Graph Laplacian Embedding Zhu Li Dept of CSEE, UMKC Office: FH560E, Email: lizhu@umkc.edu, Ph: x 2346. http://l.web.umkc.edu/lizhu p.1Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 2. Outline ? Recap: ? Eigenface ? Fisherface ? Graph Embedding ? Laplacianface ? Graph Fourier Transform ?Summary p.2Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 3. Subspace Learning for Face Recognition ? Project face images to a subspace with basis A ? Matlab: x=faces*A(:,1:kd) eigf1 eigf2 eigf3 = 10.9* + 0.4* + 4.7* p.3Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 4. PCA & Fishers Linear Discriminant ? Between-class scatter ? Within-class scatter ? Where C c is the number of classes C ?i is the mean of class ?i C | ?i | is number of samples of ?i.. T ii c i iBS ))(( 1 ????? ??? ?? ? ?? ? ??? c i x T ikikW ik xS 1 ))(( ? ??? ?1 ?2 ? ?1 ?2 p.4Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 5. Eigen vs Fisher Projection p.5 ? PCA (Eigenfaces) Maximizes projected total scatter ? Fishers Linear Discriminant Maximizes ratio of projected between-class to projected within-class scatter, solved by the generalized Eigen problem: WSWW T T W PCA maxarg? WSW WSW W W T B T W fld maxarg? ?1 ?2 PCA Fisher ? ? ? = ?? ? ? Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 6. LDA implementation ? myLDA.m p.6 % compute class mean mx = mean(x); ids = unique(y); m = length(ids); Sb = zeros(kd, kd); for k=1:m indx = find(y==ids(k)); nk(k) = length(indx); % class mean m_cx(k,:) = mean(x(indx, :)); % between class scatter Sb = Sb + nk(k)*(m_cx(k,:) - mx)'*(m_cx(k,:) - mx); end % compute intra-class scatter Sw = zeros(kd, kd); for k=1:m indx = find(y==ids(k)); nk(k) = length(indx); % remove mean xk = x(indx, :) - repmat(m_cx(k,:), [nk(k), 1]); % adding up Sw = Sw + (xk'*xk); end Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 7. LDA Implementation ? Find projection by generalized Eigen problem solution p.7 % generalized eigen problem [A, v]=eigs(Sb, Sw); if dbg figure(31); subplot(2,2,1); imagesc(Sb); colormap('gray'); title('S_b'); subplot(2,2,2); imagesc(Sw); colormap('gray'); title('S_w'); z = x*A; dist = pdist2(z, z); subplot(2,2,3); imagesc(dist); title('dist(j,k)'); subplot(2,2,4); stem(diag(v), '.'); grid on; hold on; title('eig v'); end ? ? ? = ?? ? ? Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 8. Fisherface Basis ? It is interesting to compare Fisherface with Eigenface basis p.8 FisherfaceEigenface Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 9. Fisherface Performance ? Fisher vs Eigenface performance: (fisherface.m) ? 1200 face images, 144 subjects ? Eigen kd=32 p.9 144 subjects ROC Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 10. Outline ? Recap: ? Eigenface ? Fisherface ? Graph Embedding ? Locality Preserving Projection ? Laplacian Face ? Graph Fourier Transform ?Summary p.10Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 11. Locality Preserving Projection ? Recall the dimension reduction formulations: find w, s.t y=wx: ? PCA: ? LDA: p.11 max ? wTSw S = SB + SW Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 12. LPP Formulation C Affinity ? To preserve local affinity relationship ? Affinity map ? Selection of heat kernel size and threshold are important ? Hint: affinity matrix should be sparse p.12 affinity histogram Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 13. LPP Formulation C Affinity Supervised ? How to utilize the label info ? ? Heat map mapping is good for intra-class affinity modelling, but how about intra-class affinity ? ? One direct solution is to set affinity to zero for intra class pairs p.13 % LPP - compute affinity f_dist1 = pdist2(x1, x1); % heat kernel size mdist = mean(f_dist1(:)); h = - log(0.15)/mdist; S1 = exp(-h*f_dist1); id_dist = pdist2(ids, ids); subplot(2,2,3); imagesc(id_dist); title('label distance'); S2=S1; S2(find(id_dist~=0)) = 0; subplot(2,2,4); imagesc(S1); colormap('gray'); title('affinity- supervised'); Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 14. LPP- Affinity Preserving Projection ? Find a projection that best preserves the affinity matrix p.14 min ? ? ? ??,? ?? ? ?? 2 , ?. ?. ? = ?? min ? ? ? ??,? ??? ? ??? 2 ?. ?, ??,? = ?exp ?? ? ?? 2 ? , ?? ?? ? ?? ? 0, ???? Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 15. LPP Formulation ?L = D-S: ? nxn matrix, called graph Laplacian ?Normalizing factor: nxn D ? Diagonal matrix, entry Dii = sum of col/row affinity ? The larger the value, the more important data point is ? Constraint on D: ? p.15Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 16. Generalized Eigen Problem ? Now the formulation is, ? Lagranian ? by KKT (Karush-Khun-Tucker) Condition, it is solved by a generalized Eigen problem p.16 ? ?, ? = ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?(? ? ???? ? 1) Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 X He, S Yan, Y Hu, P Niyogi, HJ Zhang, Face Recognition Using Laplacianface, IEEE Trans PAMI, vol. 27 (3), 328-340, 2005.
  • 17. Matlab Implementation ? laplacianface.m p.17 %LPP n_face = 1200; n_subj = length(unique(ids(1:n_face))); % eigenface kd=32; x1 = faces(1:n_face,:)*A1(:,1:kd); ids=ids(1:n_face); % LPP - compute affinity f_dist1 = pdist2(x1, x1); % heat kernel size mdist = mean(f_dist1(:)); h = -log(0.15)/mdist; S1 = exp(-h*f_dist1); figure(32); subplot(2,2,1); imagesc(f_dist1); colormap('gray'); title('d(x_i, d_j)'); subplot(2,2,2); imagesc(S1); colormap('gray'); title('affinity'); %subplot(2,2,3); grid on; hold on; [h_aff, v_aff]=hist(S(:), 40); plot(v_aff, h_aff, '.-'); % utilize supervised info id_dist = pdist2(ids, ids); subplot(2,2,3); imagesc(id_dist); title('label distance'); S2=S1; S2(find(id_dist~=0)) = 0; subplot(2,2,4); imagesc(S1); colormap('gray'); title('affinity-supervised'); % laplacian face lpp_opt.PCARatio = 1; [A2, eigv2]=LPP(S2, lpp_opt, x1); Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 18. Laplacian Face ? Now, we can model face as a LPP projection: p.18 Eigenface Laplacian Face Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 19. Laplacian vs Eigenface ? 1200 faces, 144 subjects p.19Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 20. LPP and PCA ? Graph Embedding is an unifying theory on dimension reduction ? PCA becomes special case of LPP, if we do not enforce local affinity p.20Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 21. LPP and LDA ?How about LDA ? ? Recall within class scatter: p.21 This is i-th class Data covariance Li has diagonal entry of 1/ni, Equal affinity among data points Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 22. LPP and LDA ? Now consider the between class scatter ? C is the data covariance, regardless of label ? L is graph Laplacian computed from the affinity rule that, p.22 ? ?, ? = 1 ? ? , ?? ??, ?? ??? ???? ????? ? 0, ???? Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 23. LDA as a special case of LPP ? The same generalized Eigen problem p.23Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 24. Graph Embedding Interpretation of PCA/LDA/LPP ? Affinity graph S, determines the embedding subspace W, via ?PCA and LDA are special cases of Graph Embedding ? PCA: ? LDA ? LPP p.24 ??,? = ?exp ?? ? ?? 2 ? , ?? ?? ? ?? ? 0, ???? ??,? = 1 ? ? , ?? ??, ?? ? ? 0, ???? ??,? = 1/? Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016 Fall
  • 25. Applications: facial expression embedding ? Facial expressions embedded in a 2-d space via LPP p.25 frown sad happy neutral Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016
  • 26. Application: Compression of SIFT ? Compression of SIFT, preserve matching relationship, rather than reconstruction: Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 p.26 ? = arg min ? ? ? ??,? ??? ? ?? ? 2
  • 27. Homework-3: Subspace Methods ? Objective: ? Understand the graph embedding connections among popular subspace methods like PCA, LDA and LPP ? Practical experiences with serious size data set ? Data Set: ? https://umkc.app.box.com/s/0qu7tc3jb88at2h53l1dpcuqkt9pn 7ww ? 417 subjects, 6650 image face data set, pre-processed to 20x20 pel images, intensity normalized to [0, 1] ? Add your own face images, 10~15, frontal ? Tasks: ? Compute Eigenface, Fisherface and Laplacianface models ? ROC plot on verification performance ? mAP for retrieval/identification performance Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 p.27
  • 28. HW-3 test run ? Laplacian face is powerful. ? Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 p.28
  • 29. Graph Fourier Transform ? David I. Shuman, Sunil K. Narang, Pascal Frossard, Antonio Ortega, Pierre Vandergheynst: The Emerging Field of Signal Processing on Graphs: Extending High-Dimensional Data Analysis to Networks and Other Irregular Domains. IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 30(3): 83-98 (2013) Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016 p.29
  • 30. Signal on Graph ? non-uniformly sampled p.30 Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016 Fall
  • 31. Graph Fourier Transform ? GFT is different from Laplacian Embedding: p.31 Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016 Fall
  • 32. GFT Example ?Graph Laplacian p.32 Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016 Fall
  • 33. Normalized Graph Laplacian ?Normalize by edge pair degree p.33 Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016 Fall
  • 34. Graph Frourier Transform ? Analogous to FT p.34 Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016 Fall
  • 35. Graph Spectrum p.35 Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016 Fall
  • 36. Graph Signal Smoothness ? Quadratic form on L: p.36 Z. Li, Adv. Multimedia Communciation, 2016 Fall
  • 37. Summary ? Graph Laplacian Embedding is an unifying theory for feature space dimension reduction ? PCA is a special case of graph embedding o Fully connected affinity map, equal importance ? LDA is a special case of graph embedding o Fully connected intra class o Zero affinity inter class ? LPP: preserves pair wise affinity. ? GFT: eigen vectors of graph Laplacian, has Fourier Transform like characteristics. ? Many applications in ? Face recognition ? Pose estimation ? Facial expression modeling ? Compression of Graph signals. p.37Z. Li, Image Analysis & Understanding, 2016