Tensors obey algebraic properties including addition, multiplication, contraction, and symmetrization. Addition of tensors combines their components. Multiplication of tensors combines their indices and ranks to form a new tensor. Contraction sets equal a covariant and contravariant index, reducing the tensor's rank. Symmetric tensors do not change sign under index interchange, while antisymmetric tensors change sign.
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1. NPTEL Physics Mathematical Physics - 1
Lecture 28
Algelraic properties of tensors
Like vectors, the tensors obey certain operations which are:
a) Addition
If T and S are two tensors of type (r, s), then their sum U = T + S is defined as
= 1..
+ 1..
1 1
Thus U is also a tensor of type (r, s), which can be easily proved by showing the
transformation property,
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b) Multiplication
If T is a tensor of type (1, 1) and S is a tensor of type (2, 2),
then the product U = T S, defined component wise as,
1+2 1 1 1+2
1.. 1+ 2
1.. 1
1+1 .. 1+
2 1 +1
Which is a tensor of type (1 + 2, 1 + 2). For example, if T is a tensor of type
(1,2) with components and S is a tensor type (2,1) with components
then the components of the tensor product U as,
and they transform according to the rules,
= =
The above shows that U is a tensor of rank (3, 3).
c) Contraction
The contraction is defined by the following operation given by a tensor
type (r, s), take a covariant index and set it equal to a contravariant index, that
is, sum over those two indices. It will result in a tensor of type (r-1, s-1). An
example will make it clear. Take a tensor of type (2, 1) whose
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NPTEL Physics Mathematical Physics - 1
components are
and set k = j. Now how do the components of
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This shows that transforms as components of a contravariant tensor of type
(1, 0).
Of specific interest is a tensor of type (1, 1). Contracting this, one will get a
tensor of type (0, 0) i.e. a scalar. Let 癌 is a contravariant vector with
components 基 and 汲 is a covariant vector with components 巨. Then
= 巨 is a tensor of type (1, 1). When one contracts it, one gets = A Bi
which is a scalar as we have taken dot product of two vectors.
Some of the tensors we come across in physics have the property that when
two of their indices are interchanged, the tensors either change or do not
change sign. The ones which do not change sign are called as
symmetric tensors and those which change sign under change of indices
are called as antisymmetric tensors. Examples are
= ji ; is a symmetric tensor
= ji ; is an antisymmetric tensor