This document provides an introduction to a material and energy balances course. It outlines the course contents, schedule, assessments, textbook, and learning outcomes. Key points include:
- The course covers units and dimensions, material and energy balances for reactive and non-reactive processes.
- Assessments include a test, midterm, mini project, and final exam worth various percentages of the total grade.
- Students are expected to learn to sketch process flow diagrams and assess energy balances using various data.
- Policies on attendance, assignments, and group work are provided.
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Lecture 0 introduction(3)
By: Ms. Siti Nur Fadhilah Zainudin (Ms. Dilla)
B.Eng. (Hons.) Biochemical Engineering
M. Sc. Chemical Engineering (Nanoparticle Thin film)
3. Time-Table
Wednesday 9.30 11.00 am (K208)
Friday 9.30 11.00 am (K208)
Tutorial: to be notified
Wed 3.30 5.00 pm (K211)
Consultation hours:
Upon request
4. Course Outline
Topics Covered.
Units and Dimensions
Processes and Process Variables
Material balance of non-reactive processes
Material balance of reactive processes
Energy balance of non-reactive processes
Energy balance of non-reactive processes
6. Course material
Main course reference/textbook:
Felder, R. M. and Rousseau, R. W.
(2000). Elementary Principles of
Chemical Processes. John Wiley &
Supplementary text:
Himmelblau, D. M., Riggs, J. B. (2004). Basic
Principles and Calculations in Chemical
Engineering, International Edition, 7th
Edition, Prentice Hall International Series
Get a copy of the
text book from
UCSI Bookstore.
7. What Can You Expect from the Course?
Sketch process flow diagram
for various unit operations.
Assess energy balance for non-
reactive and reactive processes
using tabulated data,
hypothetical paths, specific
enthalpies, heat of reaction or
heat of formation.
8. Class Policy
Be punctual to class.
Late attendance (>30 minutes) will not be considered.
No hand phones during class.
Barred from final exam if miss 3 consecutive classes and/or less
than 80% attendance (AUTO BARRING BY IIS).
Barred from final exam if total internal marks less than 20/50.
Attendance in tutorial sessions are COMPULSORY.
MCs to be submitted to lecturer within 1 week from date of
No replacement for assessments unless with valid MC from
government hospital only.
50% ruling for final exam.
10. Back to Basics
Ideal gas equation of state
Chemical balance equation
Study the concept of
thermodynamics of process systems
11. Tips for Success:
Revisit the lesson.
Attempt tutorial questions by yourself.
Practice, practice and more practice.
Do not accumulate doubts. Ask!
Do not be late for class!
Join PAL session
Keep calm and confidence
Student StudentID GROUP
Ong Kwang Zhean 1001334006 1
Harriprashanth A/L Shanmugavel 1001438249 1
Loveroyce A/L Miclamani 1001437372 1
Sim Mei Ting 1001334333 2
Chan Kah Deng 1001437571 2
Lam Chi Hang 1001334299 2
Thi Shiki 1001438147 3
Jong Tzy Shi 1001436608 3
Alabi Hanif Odunayo 1001336024 3
Gan Jia Ler 1001436606 4
Logeswaran A/L Sinna Thaanby 1001438312 4
Yap Wei Lun 1001437889 4
Seng May Suet 1001333938 5
Chan Kok Keong 1001334024 5
Yap Khun Yee 1001438406 5
Sugheensan A/L Magesan 1001334690 5
Chong Mei Mei 1001335184 6
Foo Mou Yang 1001334134 6
Lee Mei Yen 1001438530 6
Dineswari A/P Chandrasagaran 1001437636 6
Sai Yit Wen 1001438509 7
Keshuna Naidu A/P Uthamarajoo 1001438661 7
Janarthanan Rethi A/L Selva Raja 1001438514 7
Aaron Das Raju 1001232021 7
Ahalyah A/P Ragunathan 1001334724 8
Lee Chi Cheng 1001438596 8
Faisal Ahmed Bin Ab Shofi Ahammed 1001437528
Arwin A/L P Jayapalan 1001130397 8
Tan Ning, Jacqueline 1001233545 9
Yap Zjin Hung 1001334536 9
Ng Mun Hou 1001334210 9
Nisha A/P K.Arultharuman 1001437032 9
Anusuyah A/P Ragunathan 1001334723 10
Wong Yew Mun 1001437602 10
Chan Jian Fu 1001333674 10
Asaad Fahad Hamdan Al-Housni 1001436502 10
Chow Kah Jun 1001438591 11
Lim Chun Wei 1001436665 11
Neoh Yu Xiang 1001438138 11
Chuah Tse Jun Eugene 1001334192 11
Lye Qing Yuan 1001438670 12
Toong Jin Fung 1001438272 12
Goh Chai Ni 1001231547 12
Grace Melona Antony Selvaraj 1001335924 12
Ng Choon Khon 1001438550 13
Chua Yuan Yuan 1001334132 13
Charndeep K. Singh Sandhu 1001437902 13
Anouar Adam Oumar Kharif 1001027576 13
Lau Zhi Eng 1001438448 14
Muhammad Syahizul Aidi Bin Berahim 1001438744 14
Ng Kuan Lim 1001436791 14
Phavanjeet Kaur A/P Avtar Singh 1001438581 14
Timothy Tay Kee Hock 1001438323 15
Nurul Hafizah Binti Nawawi 1001335439 15
Celia Wee Siew Pin 1001334730 15
Tharshini Devi A/P Krishna Moorthy 1001334526 15
Gary Poh Kwor Xiang 1001437556 16
Tan Ding Howe 1001437250 16
Steven Sia Chiew Weng 1001436640 16
Yeap Mei Hong 1001334459 16
Chew Zhi Hong 1001334698 17
Chin Zhi Ping 1001436623 17
Lai Ming Hui 1001334074 17
'Abdallah Suwaidan Salim Nasib Al-Quraini 1001436501 17
16. Responsibility of group members
Study group: to help each other to excel together in this
course (EP204).
If ALL group members achieve more than 70% (14/20) in Test;
4/20 bonus marks will be added in their Midterm marks.
If ALL group members achieve more than 70% (14/20) in Midterm
Test, 5/50 bonus marks will be added in Final Exam marks.
To cooperate as a team in group assignment and able to
effectively plan, manage and solve the given tasks.
Editor's Notes
#9: Remind for student: if they are sick (fever, etc.) during the exam (either internal or final exam), they are allowed to absent during the exam with a first sitting (100% counted) replacement but student MUST bring the MC not later than 3 days after the exam schedule.
#12: Practice: Find friends who can help you success. Who can answer all the doubts. Students are encouraged to join PAL (Peer assisted learning) session (FREE tuition) refer to lms/ respective HOD of your programmes
Study smart: Find effective ways to study, to avoid repeating the same mistakes (especially for repeat students)
Be calm and confidence: in the class, to practice and to answer the exams.