This document discusses key concepts in object-oriented analysis and design including objects, classes, relationships between objects, and properties of objects. An object represents an identifiable item or entity with defined behavior, while a class defines the template for objects including their interface and implementation. Relationships between objects include inheritance, where a subclass shares and extends the structure and behavior of a superclass, aggregation where an object is part of another object's state, and association where objects interact through message passing. An object's properties include its identity, state, and defined behaviors.
The Object
An object can be defined as a tangible entity that exhibits
some well defined behavior. An object represents an
individual, identifiable item, unit, or entity, either real or
abstract, with a well defined role in the problem domain.
The Class
The template of an object. A class specifies an interface and
defines an implementation. The interface primarily consists
of the declaration of all the operations applicable to
instances of this class. The implementation of a class
primarily consists of the implementation of all the
operations defined in the interface of the class
Object Oriented Analysis and
Identity - An Identity can be sub-classed, to include
postal and email addresses, telephone numbers, images of
faces and logos, and so on.
State - The state of an object encompasses all of the
properties of the object and their current values.
Behavior - Behavior is how an object acts and reacts in
terms of its state changes and message passing. The
behavior of an object is completely defined by its actions.
An Object
The object model presents a static view of the system
and illustrates how different objects collaborate with
one another through patterns of interaction.
Inheritance Relationship
Aggregation and Composition Relationship
Association Relationship
Relationship Among Objects
Inheritance defines a kind of hierarchy among classes.
By inheritance, we specify generalization/specialization
relationship among objects. In this relationship, a class
(called the subclass) shares the structure and behavior
defined in another class (called the superclass). A subclass
augments or redefines the existing structure and behavior
of its superclass. By classifying objects into groups of
related abstractions, we come to explicitly distinguish the
common and distinct properties of different objects,
which further help us to master their inherent complexity.
Identifying the hierarchy within a complex system
requires the discovery of patterns among many objects.
Inheritance Relationship
The aggregation relationship defines part-of
structure among objects. When object A is part of the
state of object B, A is said to be contained by B. There
are some tradeoffs between aggregation and
association relationships. Aggregation reduces the
number of objects that must be visible at the level of
enclosing objects and may lead to undesirable tighter
coupling among objects.
Aggregation and Composition
In an association relationship, when object A uses
object B, then A may send messages to B. The
relationship defines visibility among objects.
Association Relationship