14. 50
percentage of women
murder victims killed
worldwide by a partner
Percentage of female homicides in
Sao Paulo, Brazil by victims partners
(UNIFEM 2004: 1)60
major cause of
death and
incapacity for
females aged
No. of Indian women murdered by
their spouses or spouses family
each week (New Internationalist 2004: 19)98
Percentage of
women murder
victims in
Bangladesh killed
by their
(New Internationalist 2004: 19)
No of women in UK
murdered each week
by partner/ex-partner 2
15. Problems with data?
lack of
and uniformity
reporting for
not recorded by
constabulary in
parts of Asia and
Africa, ME
by gender in
some parts of
16. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
USA 344 118 339 118 330 115 344 115 329 118
Germany 477 391 869
Iceland 1 4 0 3
Estonia 55 62 32 38 18 20 23 31
NZ 415 544 558 488 515
Japan 324 319 643
Sweden 63 65 66 73 75 78
Norway 38 25 38
N/Lands 202 195 202 191 174
Czech R 70 90 78 71 54 71
Cyprus 6 3 3 0 13 2 12 4 14 4 4 0
Lux 6 5 3 2
22. Egyptian woman shot 5 times after
leaving husband
Jordanian woman stabbed to death over her
education and partner preference
Bradford Asian girl murdered by mother for
dating white female
Turkish woman had throat slit on
suspicion of adultery
Pakistani woman gang raped then shot
because she had been raped
24. The putative purpose of dowry is to
compensate the grooms family for the
acquisition of a non-productive dependant
(Gill and Mitra-Khan, 2009: 689)
34. Extent of dowry and honour
killings over time and place
suggest so
35. a right to kill unfaithful or disgraced women represents not the
culture-to-culture proliferation of misogyny but the culture-by-
culture expression of a biologically evolved behavioural
Goldstein, 2002: 28
60. not all men kill women,
not all the time, not
61. Identify patriarchy as source of social rules
concerned with domination and
62. a social system in which the role of the male as the primary
authority figure is central to social organization, and
where fathers hold authority over women, children and
property [implying] the institutions of male rule and
privilege, and [depending] on female subordination
64. ANDRARCHYr u l e b y m a s c u l i n e g o v e r n a n c e
65. the structural and ideological system that perpetuates the
privileging of masculinity [most] notable for marginalizing the
feminine. It [tends] to infantilize, ignore, trivialize, or even
actively cast scorn upon what is thought to be feminized
Enloe 2004: 4-5
69. One is not born, but rather
becomes, a woman It is
civilization that produces
this creature If, well before
puberty and sometimes even
from infancy, she seems to us
to be sexually determined, this
is not because mysterious
instincts directly doom her to
passivity, coquetry, maternity; it
is because the influence of
others upon the child is a
factor almost from the
start, and thus she is
indoctrinated with her
vocation from her earliest
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
74. this awareness allowed men to free themselves from believing
only women gave life, and led them to reshape a society
affirming their supremacy over women and over children
Miles 2010; Moussa, 2005
79. shot for desertion
beaten for sexuality
mocked for unmanliness or ugliness
raped for non-compliance
abused for disability
bullied for dress choice
conscripted to war
81. It requires such a self-destructive identity, a
deeply masochistic self-denial, a shrinkage of the
self To become the man I was supposed to be,
I had to destroy my most vulnerable side, my
sensitivity, my femininity, my creativity and I had
to pretend to be both more powerful and less
powerful than I feel.
Horrocks 1994: 25)
88. If it were between
countries, wed call it a war
89. If it were a disease, wed call it an epidemic. If it were
an oil spill, wed call it a disaster. But it is happening to
women, and its just an every day affair. It is violence
against women. It is the beating or the blow that
millions of women suffer each and every day. It is rape
at home or on a date. It is murder
Kaufman, M (2004)
91. If women were human, would we be a cash crop shipped
from Thailand in containers into New Yorks brothels?
Would we be sexual and reproductive slaves?
Would we be bred, worked without
pay our whole lives, burned
when our dowry money wasnt
enough or when men tired of us,
starved as widows when our husbands died (if we survived
his funeral pyre), sold for sex because we are not valued
for anything else
92. Would we be kept from learning to read and write? Would
we be hidden behind veils and imprisoned in houses and
stoned and shot for refusing? Would we be beaten nearly to
death, and to death, by men with whom we are close?
Would we be sexually molested in our families?
95. Patriarchy as a social process rejects
inevitability of biological determinism
96. Research indicates [societies] with lower
occurrence of violence are characterized by
attitudes and behaviour that reflect greater
gender equality and lack of community
support for violence
Evidence of social
Levinson, 1989