The document discusses different waves and types of feminism. It defines feminism as the analysis and elimination of the global subordination of women. The first wave focused on gaining rights like suffrage. The second wave from the 1960s brought attention to issues like domestic violence and changes in laws. Liberal feminism advocates extending rights granted to men to women through legal and political reforms. Radical feminism sees patriarchy as the cause and seeks its overthrow. Critical feminism supports Marxist theories and sees patriarchy and economic disparity as causes, addressing paid and unpaid labor.
9. Definition
Feminism is fundamentally rooted in an
analysis of the global subordination of
women which can occur economically,
politically and socially and is dedicated to its
elimination. (Beylis.p.191)
10. Feminists have being
trying to understand
what women are saying
and doing, rather than
relying on what men are
saying and doing.
11. Focus of South
If you dont have access
to clean water or daily
meals, what does formal
legal equality really
14. First-wave of
feminist movement
(1890s to 1960)
Mary Wollstonecrafts A
Vindication of the Rights
of Woman is regarded
as the earliest and the
foundation work of
feminist movement
15. First-wave of
feminist movement
The focus of the first
phrase of the
movement is on
acquisition of rights that
was reserved for men,
such as the right to
work and most
importantly, the right to
1932 Soviet poster
for International
Womens Day
17. Second-wave feminism
also drew attention to the
issues of domestic
violence,and women's
shelters, and brought
about changes in custody
laws and divorce law.
19. Equilibrium in terms of
Women have long been absent from
institutions of states and global
governance. Representation of women
is one of the ways that the UN
measures the degree of inequality
within and across states.
20. UN Progress Report
Global Earning of Women was 24%
US Womens Earning was 78% of Every
African Americans Earning was 64% of
every Dollar
Latinas women earned 56%
The worldwide earning of women was
75% of unpaid labour in the home
In 2015 eleven women remained head of
state while 60% remained illiterate.
23. Liberal Feminism
Liberal Feminist theorist advocate that the rights and
presentation conventionally granted to men be extended
to women.
It focuses on the change of institutions to increase
women representation at national and international
While it also demand changes in laws and allow
womens participation.
Inequality and discrimination among women are the
root cause of violence. There exist gender inequality
which can be ended when women get the same rights as
men, through legal, political, educational and other
reforms within the existing system.
24. Radical Feminism
Men are responsible for benefits from
exploitation of women
They held Patriarchy responsible
Radical Feminist demand the over throw of
Patriarchy rather than reformatory changes
within the system
They try to develop sisterhood
25. Critical Feminism
Patriarchy is the social cause
Economic disparity is the mean cause
They support Marxist theories, Oppose
the Cause of gender inequality is Paid and
Unpaid labour
Devaluation of womens work
to change the society as whole
Improve condition of individuals