The document discusses the various causes and types of stress and conflict. It outlines physical and emotional symptoms of stress and provides strategies for managing stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, meditation, counseling and changing perceptions. The document also categorizes different types of conflicts such as interest conflicts, information conflicts, and conflicts resulting from changes in resources, authority, or access.
2. Stress is the bodys automatic
any physical or mental demand
placed on it.
Situations, Activities,
Cause Disturbance
Physical, Mental, Emotional,
Psychological Self
5. Need Meaning (having things)
survival Food, Shelter, Work
Protection Social Security, Health Systems, Work
Affection Friendships, Family, Relationships
With Nature
Understanding Literature, Teachers, Policies,
Participation Responsibilities, Duties, Work, Rights
Leisure Games, Parties, Peace Of Mind
Creation Abilities, Skills, Work, Techniques
Identity Language, Religions, Work, Customs,
Values, Norms
Freedom Equal Rights
6. Mostly, literal requirements for human
If not met, the human body cannot function
Metabolic needs air, water, food, rest
Clothing, shelter needed by even animals
Could be classified as basic animal needs
7. Once physical needs are met, safety needs take
Personal including emotional
Health and well-being
Financial, job security
Safety of property against natural disasters,
calamities, wars, etc
Law & order
8. Need to love and be loved
Need to feel a sense of belonging and
Small groups clubs, office teams,
school/college houses
Large groups political parties, Sports teams,
9. Need to be respected by others and in turn
respect them
Sense of contribution, to feel self-valued, in
profession or hobby
Lower - respect of others, the need for status,
recognition, fame, prestige, and attention
Higher - self-respect, the need for strength,
competence, mastery, self-confidence,
independence and freedom
10. What a man can be, he must be
Intrinsic growth of what is already in a person
Growth-motivated rather than deficiency-
Cannot normally be reached until other lower
order needs are met
Rarely happens - < 1%
Acceptance of facts, spontaneous, focused on
problems outside self, without prejudice
13. Question: Do you think too much about
Question: Do you think too much about
Question: Do you have financial problems?
Question: Do you think too much to make
others happy?
Question: Do you have good relations with
your spouse and kids?
Question: Do you have a healthy professional
14. Question: Do you read good books?
Question: Do you walk for 15 minutes daily or
go to the park?-
Question: Do you laugh often? By watching
funny programs or sharing jokes?
Question: Do you have a best friend with
whom you can share your feelings and discuss
your problems?
Question: when was the last time you gave
something in charity?
Question: when was the last time you
rewarded yourself by buying something good
for you?
15. 1. Physical
- Weight gain/loss
- Unexpected hair loss
- Heart palpitations
- High blood pressure
2. Emotional
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Can lead to depression
Can also lead to unhealthy coping strategies (i.e.
alcohol, drugs, etc)
17. Changing perceptions and expectations
Break jobs/tasks into manageable parts
Set reasonable/realistic goals
Set boundaries
Dont compromise your values/beliefs
Schedule me time
18. Physical health gets better
-more energy and stamina
Emotions stabilized
-positive attitude
Ability to focus improved
-able to learn and achieve
19. Something that is necessary for an organism to
live a healthy life
Deficiency would cause a clear negative
outcome - deficiency or death
Can be Objective/Physical or Subjective
Objective needs - food, shelter, sleep
Subjective needs affection, acceptance, self-
20. Is A Process, In Which Two
Elements Exist At One Given
Time Together And They
Oppose Each Other Or Are
21. Statements on Conflict"
I tend to avoid conflict
I depend on harmony
I always stand up and express my opinion
I hate conflict
I like conflict because it produces results
and progress
I often compromise in conflict
I have lost in conflict
22. Hidden Conflicts: below the surface, often not
visible; these differences are felt but parties have not
decided yet how to act or react.
Rising Conflicts: acute conflict issues that may have
just erupted, but have not become systemic, or
involved anyone beyond the immediate parties.
Clear Cut Conflicts: disputes that are in the active
stage. People have made a decision on how they are
going to address the threat to their interest and have
selected a method of action
23. Interest conflicts: These refer to the actions and emotions by which
people become involved to gain or protect their needs.
Information conflicts: Caused by lack of information or differences in
same information
Relationship conflicts: Are due to differences of personality and
emotions, as well as misperceptions, stereotypes and prejudices.
Structural conflicts: Emerge over differing ideas concerning process,
rules and power to control time and space such as in land boundaries,
distribution of goods, or resource use issues.
Value conflicts: Refers to clashes between cultural, social or personal
beliefs or different world views and traditions.
24. Conflicts over access: This includes conflicts that
result as a consequence of a change in access or
inequitable access.
Conflicts due to change in resource quality and
availability: The cause of these conflicts can be
either a change in the 'amount' or the quality of
the resource available to the different parties.
Conflicts regarding authority over resource: Such
conflicts stem from a shift in decision-making
authority over a resource.
25. Conflicts that result from differences in use and
non-use economic values: associated with the
resource as well as differences in cultural, ethical
or religious values.
Conflicts associated with information
processing and availability
Conflicts resulting from legal/policy
interests: These conflicts can result from different
interests in different institutions.