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Networked: The New Social Operating System 
    and Organizational Operating System

  December 3, 2012
  Lee Rainie: Director, Pew Internet Project
  Email: Lrainie@pewinternet.org

What is the Pew Internet Project?
A comprehensive and groundbreaking new report
              Number Of Users
released Monday by the Pew Research Centers
Internet and American Life Project has found that
              Who Actually
onlyAs itusers of Facebook derive pleasure of any
 .... four turns out, the vast majority of human
kind from the to become depressed when they
 beings tend popular social networking website.
              Enjoy Facebook
 see the past five the report, the life summarized
       According to years of their remainder of
the 950 million people registered with Facebook,
              Down To 4
 right there in front of them in a sad little
despite using the site on a regular basis, take no
 timeline, said lead researcher John Elliott.
joy in doing so, and in fact feel a profound sense
of hopelessness and despair immediately upon
logging in
The traits of networked information
   Pervasively generated     Real-time /
   Pervasively consumed       just-in-time
   Personal                  Timeless /
   Participatory / social     searchable
   Linked                    Defined and
                               structured by
   Continually edited         algorithmic
   Multi-platformed           authority
Digital Revolution 1: Broadband
Internet (85%) and Broadband at home (66%)
Networked creators and curators (among internet users)
   69% are social networking site users
   59% share photos and videos
       46% creators; 41% curators
     37% contribute rankings and ratings
     33% create content tags
     30% share personal creations
     26% post comments on sites and blogs
     16% use Twitter
     14% are bloggers
     18% (of smartphone owners) share their locations;
      74% get location info and do location sharing
Impact on knowledge and organizations
 Rise of fifth estate of civic and community
  actors (including citizen vigilantes)
 Information becomes networked through
  links, crowdsourcing, perpetual
 Harder to control organizational messages to
  the public
Revolution 2: Mobile  89% of adults
  46% smartphones / 25% tablets

        Total U.S.
        315.5 million

Apps > 50% of adults
      % of cell owners who have                       43%
40%   downloaded apps                      38%




          Sept 2009      May 2010       August 2011   April 2012
Impact on knowledge and organizations
 Information becomes pervasive  a third skin
 Attention zones change
    Continuous partial attention
    Deep dives
    Info snacking
 Real-time, just-in-time searches and availability change
  process of acquiring and using information
    Spontaneous activities
    Be ready for your closeup
 Augmented reality highlights the merger of data world
  and real world
Digital Revolution 3
       Social networking  59% of all adults
                      18-29   30-49    50-64    65+
                                                86%         87%    92%
          % of internet users
                                                        68%          73%
               49%                     48%                  49%     57%
                              25%                           29%
                                       25%                         38%
20%                                             26%
        9%     8%             11%
       7%        4%                    13%
          6%                    7%
 0%              1%
        2005   2006    2007     2008    2009     2010       2011   2012
Impact on knowledge and organizations
 Composition and character of peoples social
  networks change AND they become important
  channels of learning and influence
 Self-learning and DIY learning are elevated
 Amateur experts sit aside credentialed experts
 Organizations can become helper nodes in
  peoples networks
Meta-impact on knowledge and organizations

  New pathways into peoples attention zones
  More people in your kitchen
  More demands for transparency
  Greater imperative to know what your
   workers know  helps organizations outside
   the civil service structure
  More attempts at breaking and entering
The impact of Big Data?
Future of Big Data
 Thanks to many changes, including the building of "the
  Internet of Things," human and machine analysis of
  large data sets will improve social, political, and
  economic intelligence by 2020. The rise of what is
  known as "Big Data" will facilitate things
  like "nowcasting" (real-time "forecasting" of events);
  the development of "inferential software" that assesses
  data patterns to project outcomes; and the creation of
  algorithms for advanced correlations that enable new
  understanding of the world. Overall, the rise of Big Data
  is a huge positive for society in nearly all respects.
Future of Big Data
 Thanks to many changes, including the building of "the
  Internet of Things," human and machine analysis of Big Data
  will cause more problems than it solves by 2020. The
  existence of huge data sets for analysis will engender false
  confidence in our predictive powers and will lead many to
  make significant and hurtful mistakes. Moreover, analysis of
  Big Data will be misused by powerful people and institutions
  with selfish agendas who manipulate findings to make the
  case for what they want. And the advent of Big Data has a
  harmful impact because it serves the majority (at times
  inaccurately) while diminishing the minority and ignoring
  important outliers. Overall, the rise of Big Data is a big
  negative for society in nearly all respects.
Future of Big Data
Improve intelligence   Cause new problems

  53%                   39%
 Jeff Jarvis: Demonizing data  is demonizing
  knowledge  and the analytical tools will only
  get better
 Human capacities are the key to its success and
  likely shortcomings
 DIY analytics/monitoring will be as helpful as Big
  Data numbers crunching
 Dont downplay the dark side of surveillance
 How to lie with the Internet of Things /
  distribution of harms (Oscar Gandy)
 Patrick Tucker
  Computer science, data-mining, and a growing
  network of sensors and information-collection
  software programs are giving rise to a
  phenomenal occurrence, the knowable future.
4th revolution?
 Interfaces  haptic, voice, collaborative
 Expanded search into video and audio
 3D printing
 Internet of Things: Smart appliances and
 Gamification of information
Your map is
Thank you!

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Lee Rainie

  • 1. Networked: The New Social Operating System and Organizational Operating System NEXTGOV December 3, 2012 Lee Rainie: Director, Pew Internet Project Email: Lrainie@pewinternet.org PewInternet.org
  • 2. What is the Pew Internet Project? A comprehensive and groundbreaking new report Number Of Users released Monday by the Pew Research Centers Internet and American Life Project has found that Who Actually onlyAs itusers of Facebook derive pleasure of any .... four turns out, the vast majority of human kind from the to become depressed when they beings tend popular social networking website. Enjoy Facebook see the past five the report, the life summarized According to years of their remainder of the 950 million people registered with Facebook, Down To 4 right there in front of them in a sad little despite using the site on a regular basis, take no timeline, said lead researcher John Elliott. joy in doing so, and in fact feel a profound sense of hopelessness and despair immediately upon logging in
  • 3. The traits of networked information Pervasively generated Real-time / Pervasively consumed just-in-time Personal Timeless / Participatory / social searchable Linked Defined and structured by Continually edited algorithmic Multi-platformed authority
  • 4. Digital Revolution 1: Broadband Internet (85%) and Broadband at home (66%)
  • 5. Networked creators and curators (among internet users) 69% are social networking site users 59% share photos and videos 46% creators; 41% curators 37% contribute rankings and ratings 33% create content tags 30% share personal creations 26% post comments on sites and blogs 16% use Twitter 14% are bloggers 18% (of smartphone owners) share their locations; 74% get location info and do location sharing
  • 6. Impact on knowledge and organizations Rise of fifth estate of civic and community actors (including citizen vigilantes) Information becomes networked through links, crowdsourcing, perpetual editing/feedback Harder to control organizational messages to the public
  • 7. Revolution 2: Mobile 89% of adults 46% smartphones / 25% tablets 321.7 Total U.S. population: 315.5 million 2012
  • 8. Apps > 50% of adults 50% % of cell owners who have 43% 40% downloaded apps 38% 30% 29% 22% 20% 10% 0% Sept 2009 May 2010 August 2011 April 2012
  • 9. Impact on knowledge and organizations Information becomes pervasive a third skin Attention zones change Continuous partial attention Deep dives Info snacking Real-time, just-in-time searches and availability change process of acquiring and using information Spontaneous activities Be ready for your closeup Augmented reality highlights the merger of data world and real world
  • 10. Digital Revolution 3 Social networking 59% of all adults 18-29 30-49 50-64 65+ 100% 86% 87% 92% % of internet users 80% 76% 67% 68% 73% 60% 61% 49% 48% 49% 57% 40% 47% 25% 29% 25% 38% 20% 26% 9% 8% 11% 7% 4% 13% 6% 7% 0% 1% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
  • 11. Impact on knowledge and organizations Composition and character of peoples social networks change AND they become important channels of learning and influence Self-learning and DIY learning are elevated Amateur experts sit aside credentialed experts Organizations can become helper nodes in peoples networks
  • 12. Meta-impact on knowledge and organizations New pathways into peoples attention zones More people in your kitchen More demands for transparency Greater imperative to know what your workers know helps organizations outside the civil service structure More attempts at breaking and entering
  • 13. The impact of Big Data? http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Future-of-Big-Data.aspx
  • 14. Future of Big Data Thanks to many changes, including the building of "the Internet of Things," human and machine analysis of large data sets will improve social, political, and economic intelligence by 2020. The rise of what is known as "Big Data" will facilitate things like "nowcasting" (real-time "forecasting" of events); the development of "inferential software" that assesses data patterns to project outcomes; and the creation of algorithms for advanced correlations that enable new understanding of the world. Overall, the rise of Big Data is a huge positive for society in nearly all respects.
  • 15. Future of Big Data Thanks to many changes, including the building of "the Internet of Things," human and machine analysis of Big Data will cause more problems than it solves by 2020. The existence of huge data sets for analysis will engender false confidence in our predictive powers and will lead many to make significant and hurtful mistakes. Moreover, analysis of Big Data will be misused by powerful people and institutions with selfish agendas who manipulate findings to make the case for what they want. And the advent of Big Data has a harmful impact because it serves the majority (at times inaccurately) while diminishing the minority and ignoring important outliers. Overall, the rise of Big Data is a big negative for society in nearly all respects.
  • 16. Future of Big Data Improve intelligence Cause new problems 53% 39%
  • 17. Themes Jeff Jarvis: Demonizing data is demonizing knowledge and the analytical tools will only get better Human capacities are the key to its success and likely shortcomings DIY analytics/monitoring will be as helpful as Big Data numbers crunching Dont downplay the dark side of surveillance society How to lie with the Internet of Things / distribution of harms (Oscar Gandy)
  • 18. Surprise/delight Patrick Tucker Computer science, data-mining, and a growing network of sensors and information-collection software programs are giving rise to a phenomenal occurrence, the knowable future.
  • 19. 4th revolution? Interfaces haptic, voice, collaborative Expanded search into video and audio 3D printing Internet of Things: Smart appliances and systems Gamification of information
  • 20. Your map is wrong

Editor's Notes

  • #3: http://www.theonion.com/articles/number-of-users-who-actually-enjoy-facebook-down-t,29503/?ref=auto
  • #6: This is the way Pew Internet measures content creation.
  • #19: Patrick TuckerComputer science, data-mining, and a growing network of sensors and information-collection software programs are giving rise to a phenomenal occurrence, the knowable future. The Internet is turning prediction into an equation. 油The basic [prediction] process is not dramatically different from what plays out when the human brain makes a prediction. These systems analyze sensed data in the context of stored information to extrapolate a pattern the same way the early earthquake warning system used its network of sensors to detect the P wave and thus project the S wave.油What differs between these systems, between humans predictors and machine predictors, is the sensing tools. Humans are limited to two eyes, two ears, and a network of nerve endings. Computers can sense via a much wider menagerie of data collection tools.油There are dangers associated with this phenomenon. Moveon.org president Eli Pariser, in his recently released book, The Filter Bubble describes it as a type of informational determinism, the inevitable result of too much Web personalization. The Filter Bubble is a state where What you've clicked on in the past determines what you see nexta Web history you're doomed to repeat. You can get stuck in a static, ever-narrowing version of yourself--an endless you-loop.油Futurist machines are taking over the job of inventing the future. But even those aspects of the future that are the most potentially beneficial to humankind will have disastrous effects if we fail to plan for them.