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T Name: Leina RayshounyNewspaper of COMM 346December 15, 2015
Monday FridayThursdayWednesdayTuesday
The Good Times
Popular Party at risk of seat loss
MADRID Spains ruling
Popular Party is likely to win
the countries general election
Sunday, but it could lose its
absolute majority amid the rise of
new parties.
A series of polls released
Monday, the last day they can be
published ahead of the election
under Spanish law shows
that the center-right Popular
Party stands to lose its current
absolute majority in the countrys
350-member parliament.
The election is a test of whether
the austerity prescription put in
place by Prime Minister Mariano
Rajoy is politically viable. Voters
have been dissatisfied with
the lingering effects of a deep
economic crisis and a series of
corruption probes involving
Rajoy and other Popular Party
politicians. Rajoy has denied
wrongdoing and hasnt been
charged with any crime.
In a poll conducted between
Dec. 7 and Dec. 10 and published
by El Pa鱈s, Spains top selling
newspaper, the Popular Party
would drop from 186 to 109
seats, while the Socialist Party
would come second with 90 seats,
down from 110 seats in the 2011
electionalready the Socialists
worst result in more than three
Continuing economic
hardships engendered the rise of
two new partiesCiudadanos
and Podemoswith fresh faces to
challenge the old order. Both are
capitalizing on disgust, especially
among younger voters, with
corruption, patronage politics
and cronyism between
government and big business.
Podemos, an anti-austerity
leftist party founded last
year, would come third with
60 seats, according to this
poll. Ciudadanos, a business-
friendly party with a left-
leaning social platform that
is seen as a possible coalition
partner for both the Popular
Party and the Socialists,
would come fourth, with 60
seats but slightly fewer votes.
Ciudadanos currently doesnt
have any sets in parliament,
and has expressed reluctance
to support a possible Popular
Party government.
In a similar poll published
by El Mundo, Popular Party
leads with between 114 and
119 estimated seats, with the
Socialists second at between
76 and 81, and Ciudadanos third
at between 62 and 69. In the poll,
conducted between December 1
and Dec. 9, Podemos is fourth at
between 56 and 60 seats.
Because no party is expected
to come close to a parliamentary
majority, the decision about who
leads will be determined by post-
election bargaining. Ciudadanos
which has drawn supporters from
the Popular Party on the right
and the Socialists on the left, is
ideologically flexible enough
to join with either to form a
governing alliance. But the price
of Ciudadanoss support for the
Popular Party might be ousting
Rajoy in favor of a new prime
Kiko Llaneras, an university
professor and political pollster,
said Monday that Popular Party
leads in all the latest 12 polls
published in Spain before the
election, with the Socialists
second in eight of them and
Ciudadanos in the rest.
Podemos ranks fourth in
nine of the 12 polls, with a better
performance in all of the latest
All of the latest polls show
that Podemos is on the way up
and Ciudadanoss support is
stagnating, Antonio Barroso,
an analyst with Teneo, said.
Ciudadanos may be hurt by
people switching their vote on a
strategic move to support one of
the established parties.
Pablo Iglesias, Podemoss
leader, Sunday told thousands
at a campaign event that the
partywhich briefly led some
opinion polls around a year ago,
when discontent with the Popular
Party was at its peakremains
confident that they can still win
the election.
They said we didnt have a
chance, and here we are, gaining
support every day, Iglesias said.
Firefighter colleagues console one another at firehouse of Tower Ladder 34 at 7974 S. Chicago Ave. in Chi-
cago, after firefighter Daniel Capuano died after falling down an elevator shaft in thick smoke while battling a
vacant warehouse fire on the Far South Side. (Zbigniew Bzdak / Chicago Tribune)
A 15 year veteran of the
Chicago Fire Department died
after falling down an elevator
shaft in thick smoke while battling
a vacant warehouse fire on the Far
South Side early Monday.
Daniel Capuano, 42, was
wheeled out of the building at
92nd Street and Baltimore Ave.
around 2:40 a.m. and rushed to
Advocate Christ Medical Center
in Oak Lawn, where he was
pronounced dead less than two
hours later, officials said.
When firefighters arrived at the
three-story building in the South
Chicago neighborhood, there
was heavy smoke throughout
the second floor as firefighters
searched for the source of the
blaze, fire commissioner Jose
Santiago said.
As the firefighters went
in there, they saw some holes
throughout the floor, Santiago
said. They gave out an emergency
alert, Be careful. It looks like
firefighter Daniel had just walked
into the elevator shaft as he was
searching, couldnt see and fell.
Capuano was found at the
bottom of the shaft in the
basement. They were able to
remove him quickly and get him
on the ambulance Santiago said.
Chicago Fire Department
spokesman Larry Langford
said there was no visibility as
firefighters worked on the second
floor. Firefighters were just able to
see a glow through the smoke
where the flames were rising.
Capuano was with another
shaft, Langford said. Firefighters
were able to find him right away.
[SEE Page 2, Firefighter]
Firefighter veteran dies from elevator shaft
December 15, 2015Page 2 NEWS
Ladder 34 and is survived by his
wife and 3 children, Santiago said.
He had previously worked as a
firefighter in suburban Evergreen
We hope you can keep the
Capuano family in your prayers,
and the department members
that work with him, Santiago
added. This is devastating to the
About 20 Chicago Fire
Department personal, including
a handful in their helmets and
firefighting gear, waited outside
the Cook County medical
examiners office Monday
morning in windy drizzle for
Capuanos body to arrive at the
Two firetrucks faced each other
on opposite sides of Harrison
Street, their ladders hoisted into
the air and nearly touching each
other. One of the ladders had an
American flag hanging from it.
At times, the wind wrapped it
against the ladder.
The crackle of radio traffic
could be heard over the rumbling
engines of the firetrucks. Police
cordoned off Harrison with
squad cars from Hoyne Avenue to
Oakley Avenue.
At Capaunos Mount
Greenwood neighborhood, a
Morgan Park District police
officer waved reporters from his
house, saying family members
did not want to speak. The officer
said a priest was visiting with the
family. Later, a man could be seen
going inside the brick, one-story
home with bags of groceries.
out with Christmas decorations.
Several neighbors had put out
lights, garlands, wreaths, red
ribbons and full nativity scenes.
One neighbor a few doors
down was speaking on the phone
when she opened her door to a
reporter. The person on the other
end of the phone had broken the
What? she said into the
phone, her eyes widening. Oh,
my God. What happened?
She went back inside, shut the
Another neighbor who said he
also is a firefighter simply repeated
a single thought. He was a very
nice man, the neighbor said,
declining to give his name. Just a
very, very nice man.
This is the second death of a
firefighter from Tower Ladder 34
in the last five years.
Corey Ankum, 34, of Tower
Ladder 34, was killed along with
Edward Stringer, 47, of Engine
Company 63, while battling a
blaze at an abandoned laundry
at 1744 E. 75th St. in the South
Shore neighborhood on Dec. 22,
2010. The two died after the roof
a statement saying Chicago has
lost one of its bravest in Dan
As a 15-year veteran of the
Chicago Fire Department, Dan
spent his career putting the safety
of others ahead of his own, the
statement said. He made the
ultimate sacrifice so Chicagos
residents could be safe. For that,
there are no words that can truly
express our sorrow for his loss nor
our gratitude for his service and
sacrifice to the City of Chicago.
The thoughts and prayers of a
grateful city are with Dan, his
family and his fellow firefighters
at this difficult time.
[Firefighter CONTINUED]
The touching story of a
Michigan-bound Syrian refugee
who lost his wife and daughter
in a deadly attack has sparked
generosity from all over the
world, including actor and film-
maker Edward Norton, whom
said he was moved to tears by
the tale and has raised nearly
$350,000 for the family.
Humans of New York, a blog
founded by Brandon Stanton that
features strangers in New York,
shared the story of the unnamed
man, who said he worked as a
scientist in Syria and that he is
being resettled in Troy. Stanton
recently embarked upon the new
series, The Syrian Americans, to
highlight the voices of refugees.
The story went viral on
Facebook last week with
thousands of likes, and it even
garnered an official response
from President Barack Obama,
who welcomed the Syrian refugee
to the US.
Norton  who starred in
Fight Club alongside Brad Pitt
and in American History X 
read the story and decided to
launch the fund-raiser, which has
been officially backed by Humans
of New York. The fund-raiser,
which is called the Scientist,
has raised nearly $350,000 and
donations continue to pour in.
This man has suffered
profound loss that would crush
the spirit of many people and
yet he still passionately wants a
chance to contribute positively
to the world, Norton wrote on
the Crowdrise fundraiser site.
If we dont welcome people like
this into our communities and
empower his dream of making an
impact with his life, then were not
the country we tell ourselves we
are. Lets reject the anti-human
voices that tell us to fear refugees
and show this man and his family
what Americans are really made
of. Lets show that a country
built by the energy and dreams of
immigrants still believes in brave
people who come here with hope
for a better life.
In seven different posts,
Stanton told the story of the man
who described whis life from
the time he was raised in Syria
to when he lost his wife and a
daughter. His wife and a daughter
were killed when a missile filled
with shrapnel and needles tore
through his familys compound.
The man said hes been living
in Turkey for two years with his
surviving son and daughter but
hasnt been allowed to work. The
man has since been diagnosed
with cancer, according to
Stanton, but he hopes to still have
a chance to make a difference in
the world.
I just want a place to do my
research, he told Stanton. I
learned today that Im going to
Troy, Michigan. I know nothing
about it. I just hope that its safe
and that its a place where they
respect science. I just want to
get back to work. I want to be a
person again. I dont want the
world to think Im over. Im still
Dozens of people left personal
messages on the fundraiser,
including a woman named
Darlene Thorsen, who said she
donated on behalf of her father,
who is an immigrant from
Bornholm Denmark.
[My fathers] children
prospered and became scientists,
mechanics, technicians and
managers, she said. Thanks to
the citizens for welcoming him.
Norton said all of the money
raised will help the father get
medical treatment while he
pursues his work and allow the
family to build a stable life. Any
excess or unused funds will go
toward the other 11 families
profiled in the HONY series,
Norton said.
... And as the Scientist
beautifully expresses, to support
his dream of contributing to the
world, Norton wrote. Thanks to
everyone who rallies together to
create the power of the crowd. If
enough of us kick in the price of
two frappucinos, we can probably
transform the experience of this
family and show them that life
can deliver healing and kindness,
not just heartbreak.
Locally, University of
Michigan Student and Troy
resident Daniel Kang launched a
GoFundMe to help the scientist.
Kang, who has raised almost
16,000 dollars, said hes reached
out to Humans of New York to
figure out the next steps to ensure
the family gets everything they
need. Kang is now directing
everyone to donate to the official
I just felt that it was
something I could do, Kang told
the Free Press. Seeing as this
man is coming to my hometown
... It just felt very personal.
Fight Club actor raises refugee funds

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  • 1. T Name: Leina RayshounyNewspaper of COMM 346December 15, 2015 Monday FridayThursdayWednesdayTuesday The Good Times W E A T H E R W E E K L Y Popular Party at risk of seat loss By DAVID ROMN MADRID Spains ruling Popular Party is likely to win the countries general election Sunday, but it could lose its absolute majority amid the rise of new parties. A series of polls released Monday, the last day they can be published ahead of the election under Spanish law shows that the center-right Popular Party stands to lose its current absolute majority in the countrys 350-member parliament. The election is a test of whether the austerity prescription put in place by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is politically viable. Voters have been dissatisfied with the lingering effects of a deep economic crisis and a series of corruption probes involving Rajoy and other Popular Party politicians. Rajoy has denied wrongdoing and hasnt been charged with any crime. In a poll conducted between Dec. 7 and Dec. 10 and published by El Pa鱈s, Spains top selling newspaper, the Popular Party would drop from 186 to 109 seats, while the Socialist Party would come second with 90 seats, down from 110 seats in the 2011 electionalready the Socialists worst result in more than three decades. Continuing economic hardships engendered the rise of two new partiesCiudadanos and Podemoswith fresh faces to challenge the old order. Both are capitalizing on disgust, especially among younger voters, with corruption, patronage politics and cronyism between government and big business. Podemos, an anti-austerity leftist party founded last year, would come third with 60 seats, according to this poll. Ciudadanos, a business- friendly party with a left- leaning social platform that is seen as a possible coalition partner for both the Popular Party and the Socialists, would come fourth, with 60 seats but slightly fewer votes. Ciudadanos currently doesnt have any sets in parliament, and has expressed reluctance to support a possible Popular Party government. In a similar poll published by El Mundo, Popular Party leads with between 114 and 119 estimated seats, with the Socialists second at between 76 and 81, and Ciudadanos third at between 62 and 69. In the poll, conducted between December 1 and Dec. 9, Podemos is fourth at between 56 and 60 seats. Because no party is expected to come close to a parliamentary majority, the decision about who leads will be determined by post- election bargaining. Ciudadanos which has drawn supporters from the Popular Party on the right and the Socialists on the left, is ideologically flexible enough to join with either to form a governing alliance. But the price of Ciudadanoss support for the Popular Party might be ousting Rajoy in favor of a new prime minister. Kiko Llaneras, an university professor and political pollster, said Monday that Popular Party leads in all the latest 12 polls published in Spain before the election, with the Socialists second in eight of them and Ciudadanos in the rest. Podemos ranks fourth in nine of the 12 polls, with a better performance in all of the latest polls. All of the latest polls show that Podemos is on the way up and Ciudadanoss support is stagnating, Antonio Barroso, an analyst with Teneo, said. Ciudadanos may be hurt by people switching their vote on a strategic move to support one of the established parties. Pablo Iglesias, Podemoss leader, Sunday told thousands at a campaign event that the partywhich briefly led some opinion polls around a year ago, when discontent with the Popular Party was at its peakremains confident that they can still win the election. They said we didnt have a chance, and here we are, gaining support every day, Iglesias said. Firefighter colleagues console one another at firehouse of Tower Ladder 34 at 7974 S. Chicago Ave. in Chi- cago, after firefighter Daniel Capuano died after falling down an elevator shaft in thick smoke while battling a vacant warehouse fire on the Far South Side. (Zbigniew Bzdak / Chicago Tribune) A 15 year veteran of the Chicago Fire Department died after falling down an elevator shaft in thick smoke while battling a vacant warehouse fire on the Far South Side early Monday. Daniel Capuano, 42, was wheeled out of the building at 92nd Street and Baltimore Ave. around 2:40 a.m. and rushed to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where he was pronounced dead less than two hours later, officials said. When firefighters arrived at the three-story building in the South Chicago neighborhood, there was heavy smoke throughout the second floor as firefighters searched for the source of the blaze, fire commissioner Jose Santiago said. As the firefighters went in there, they saw some holes throughout the floor, Santiago said. They gave out an emergency alert, Be careful. It looks like firefighter Daniel had just walked into the elevator shaft as he was searching, couldnt see and fell. Capuano was found at the bottom of the shaft in the basement. They were able to remove him quickly and get him on the ambulance Santiago said. Chicago Fire Department spokesman Larry Langford said there was no visibility as firefighters worked on the second floor. Firefighters were just able to see a glow through the smoke where the flames were rising. Capuano was with another firefighterwhenhefellthroughthe shaft, Langford said. Firefighters were able to find him right away. [SEE Page 2, Firefighter] Firefighter veteran dies from elevator shaft
  • 2. December 15, 2015Page 2 NEWS CapuanowasassignedtoTower Ladder 34 and is survived by his wife and 3 children, Santiago said. He had previously worked as a firefighter in suburban Evergreen Park. We hope you can keep the Capuano family in your prayers, and the department members that work with him, Santiago added. This is devastating to the family. About 20 Chicago Fire Department personal, including a handful in their helmets and firefighting gear, waited outside the Cook County medical examiners office Monday morning in windy drizzle for Capuanos body to arrive at the morgue. Two firetrucks faced each other on opposite sides of Harrison Street, their ladders hoisted into the air and nearly touching each other. One of the ladders had an American flag hanging from it. At times, the wind wrapped it against the ladder. The crackle of radio traffic could be heard over the rumbling engines of the firetrucks. Police cordoned off Harrison with squad cars from Hoyne Avenue to Oakley Avenue. At Capaunos Mount Greenwood neighborhood, a Morgan Park District police officer waved reporters from his house, saying family members did not want to speak. The officer said a priest was visiting with the family. Later, a man could be seen going inside the brick, one-story home with bags of groceries. Theblockwasquietanddecked out with Christmas decorations. Several neighbors had put out lights, garlands, wreaths, red ribbons and full nativity scenes. One neighbor a few doors down was speaking on the phone when she opened her door to a reporter. The person on the other end of the phone had broken the news. What? she said into the phone, her eyes widening. Oh, my God. What happened? She went back inside, shut the door. Another neighbor who said he also is a firefighter simply repeated a single thought. He was a very nice man, the neighbor said, declining to give his name. Just a very, very nice man. This is the second death of a firefighter from Tower Ladder 34 in the last five years. Corey Ankum, 34, of Tower Ladder 34, was killed along with Edward Stringer, 47, of Engine Company 63, while battling a blaze at an abandoned laundry at 1744 E. 75th St. in the South Shore neighborhood on Dec. 22, 2010. The two died after the roof collapsed. MayorRahmEmanuelreleased a statement saying Chicago has lost one of its bravest in Dan Capuano. As a 15-year veteran of the Chicago Fire Department, Dan spent his career putting the safety of others ahead of his own, the statement said. He made the ultimate sacrifice so Chicagos residents could be safe. For that, there are no words that can truly express our sorrow for his loss nor our gratitude for his service and sacrifice to the City of Chicago. The thoughts and prayers of a grateful city are with Dan, his family and his fellow firefighters at this difficult time. [Firefighter CONTINUED] The touching story of a Michigan-bound Syrian refugee who lost his wife and daughter in a deadly attack has sparked generosity from all over the world, including actor and film- maker Edward Norton, whom said he was moved to tears by the tale and has raised nearly $350,000 for the family. Humans of New York, a blog founded by Brandon Stanton that features strangers in New York, shared the story of the unnamed man, who said he worked as a scientist in Syria and that he is being resettled in Troy. Stanton recently embarked upon the new series, The Syrian Americans, to highlight the voices of refugees. The story went viral on Facebook last week with thousands of likes, and it even garnered an official response from President Barack Obama, who welcomed the Syrian refugee to the US. Norton who starred in Fight Club alongside Brad Pitt and in American History X read the story and decided to launch the fund-raiser, which has been officially backed by Humans of New York. The fund-raiser, which is called the Scientist, has raised nearly $350,000 and donations continue to pour in. This man has suffered profound loss that would crush the spirit of many people and yet he still passionately wants a chance to contribute positively to the world, Norton wrote on the Crowdrise fundraiser site. If we dont welcome people like this into our communities and empower his dream of making an impact with his life, then were not the country we tell ourselves we are. Lets reject the anti-human voices that tell us to fear refugees and show this man and his family what Americans are really made of. Lets show that a country built by the energy and dreams of immigrants still believes in brave people who come here with hope for a better life. In seven different posts, Stanton told the story of the man who described whis life from the time he was raised in Syria to when he lost his wife and a daughter. His wife and a daughter were killed when a missile filled with shrapnel and needles tore through his familys compound. The man said hes been living in Turkey for two years with his surviving son and daughter but hasnt been allowed to work. The man has since been diagnosed with cancer, according to Stanton, but he hopes to still have a chance to make a difference in the world. I just want a place to do my research, he told Stanton. I learned today that Im going to Troy, Michigan. I know nothing about it. I just hope that its safe and that its a place where they respect science. I just want to get back to work. I want to be a person again. I dont want the world to think Im over. Im still here. Dozens of people left personal messages on the fundraiser, including a woman named Darlene Thorsen, who said she donated on behalf of her father, who is an immigrant from Bornholm Denmark. [My fathers] children prospered and became scientists, mechanics, technicians and managers, she said. Thanks to the citizens for welcoming him. Norton said all of the money raised will help the father get medical treatment while he pursues his work and allow the family to build a stable life. Any excess or unused funds will go toward the other 11 families profiled in the HONY series, Norton said. ... And as the Scientist beautifully expresses, to support his dream of contributing to the world, Norton wrote. Thanks to everyone who rallies together to create the power of the crowd. If enough of us kick in the price of two frappucinos, we can probably transform the experience of this family and show them that life can deliver healing and kindness, not just heartbreak. Locally, University of Michigan Student and Troy resident Daniel Kang launched a GoFundMe to help the scientist. Kang, who has raised almost 16,000 dollars, said hes reached out to Humans of New York to figure out the next steps to ensure the family gets everything they need. Kang is now directing everyone to donate to the official fundraiser. I just felt that it was something I could do, Kang told the Free Press. Seeing as this man is coming to my hometown ... It just felt very personal. Fight Club actor raises refugee funds