Three60 Leisure takes a proactive, proficient, and professional approach to leisure property management known as the 3Ps. They ensure facilities are proactively marketed to attract users. Staff are knowledgeable and work to ensure facilities meet user expectations and needs. Three60 determines the competence of staff and providers to deliver services professionally rather than just making them available. Their quality management system covers all aspects of service delivery to provide best value and practice for clients.
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Leisure article part 3
1. Three60 Leisures approach to Leisure Property Management is determined by Proactiveness,
Proficiency and Professionalism, know as 3P's, thus:
Three60 Leisure does not sit back and wait; hoping people will attend a leisure facility they are managing. There
well trained and experienced facility team act in in advance of a future situation, rather than just reacting. This
means they take control and make things happen rather than just adjusting to a situation or waiting for something
to happen. The team will ensure the clients Leisure Facility is proactively marketed, attracting people seeking a
healthy and enjoyable life-style.
Three60 Leisures philosophy is influenced by the proficiency of their knowledgeable personnel. Most commonly
in reference to (1) the proficiency of a Leisure facilitys service delivery standards; (2) The proficiency the Leisure
Facilitys users in achieving the pleasure they are pursuing; (3) The proficiency the Leisure Facility in
demonstrating it is fit for purpose and provides the services users expect; and (4) Three60 Leisures personnel
being deemed proficient based on job-performance evaluations.
Three60 Leisure determines the competence or skill expected of its personnel and of third party service providers
in delivering the myriad of services presumed by a client when Three60 Leisure is managing a facility. Three60
Leisures attitude towards Leisure Facility management is governed by the quality and efficiency of its personnels
professionalism. In short the practising of an activity, especially in a Leisure Facility is competently delivered
rather than simply being available.
The three P's" ensure that Three60 Leisure creates and sustains a quality service as the heart of its approach to
Leisure Facility Management. Our Quality Management System (QMS) covers all aspects of service delivery
through regularly updated operating manuals and training to ensure that personnel understand what is required to
deliver a quality service for our valued clients and to ensure that legal requirements, and that the Continuous
Improvement of delivered services realises Best Practice and Best Value for the client. Specialist Areas that are
covered within the Quality Management Systems include:
Facility Development Food and Beverage Health and Fitness Health and Safety
Environmental Financial Human Resources Information Technology
Marketing Operations Operations Sales and Membership
(Hard Services) (Soft Services)