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Emerging and New
? Debra G.B. Leonard, MD, PhD,
FCAP, Weill Cornell Medical College,
New York Presbyterian Hospital
? Patricia Deverka, MD, MS, MBE,
Center for Medical Technology Policy
Debra G.B. Leonard, MD, PhD, FCAP
Pathologists and Genomic Medicine
May 8, 2012
? Pathologists have an opportunity to lead in
Genomic Medicine and why this is important
? Today’s challenges to widespread adoption of
Genomic Medicine
? How Genomic Medicine affects all pathologists
? The College’s Advocacy efforts to support
pathologists in Genomic Medicine
Understanding of the Human Genome Combined with
Sequencing Technology Advances are Moving Us Toward
Genomic Medicine
Human Genome Project
Completed 2003
1 Generic Genome
Direct Patient Care
Improve Outcomes
Genomic Medicine is made possible
by ability to analyze individual
patient genomes
Genomic Medicine
(Personalized Medicine)
Individual Patient Genomes
Technology & Knowledge Advances
A Cancer Genomics Case: Diagnosis & Treatment
(Jones et al. Genome Biology 2010, 11:R82)
? 78 yr. old Caucasian male with base of tongue mass
? Mass resected, followed by adjuvant radiation
? 1.5 cm poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with
micropapillary & mucinous features;
? 3/21 neck LNs positive;
? 2+ EGFR IHC staining
? Lung nodules developed
? Tx: Erlotinib (EGFR inhibitor)
? Continued growth on therapy
? Consent for genome & transcriptome
analysis of lung nodule biopsy
A Cancer Genomic Case: Genomic-Based Treatment
? RB1 & PTEN loss associated with EGFR inhibitor
(gefitinib) resistance c/w erlotinib failure
? Up regulation of RET and RET signaling pathway
? Treated with sunitinib (RET inhibitor) with lung
nodule reduction & stable disease for 4 months
? Switched to a multi-kinase inhibitor (sorafenib) with
stable disease for 3 months
? Repeat genomic analysis of met suggested need for
combination treatment with RET, EGFR and mTOR
inhibitor therapy; not done
(Jones et al. Genome Biology 2010, 11:R82)
Genomic Analysis has the potential to individualize
treatment for each cancer to improve response
Genomic Medicine is Driving a Strong Global Molecular
Diagnostics Market with Estimated Annual Growth Rate
of 13.6%
World Market for Molecular Diagnostics, 2009-2015E
Source: ‘Valuation of Carried Intangible Assets’, Acuity Technology Management, June 2011
Genetics & Oncology Show Highest Growth with
Continued Growth in Infectious Diseases
Source: ‘Valuation of Carried Intangible Assets’, Acuity Technology Management, June 2011; The Future Of Molecular Diagnostics: Innovative technologies
driving market opportunities in personalized medicine. Business Insights report No: BI00021-012. 23 June 2010.
North American Genetic, Oncology and Infectious Disease Market, 2009–2015E
Genomic Analysis by Next Generation Sequencing is
Being Used in Molecular Pathology Practice Today
Next Generation Sequencing is the newest Molecular Pathology
technology and is being used now
Single Gene/Pathogen
Few Genes/Pathogens
Single/Few Mutations
Past and Continuing
Molecular Pathology
Gene Panels
Genomic Analysis:
Clinically Useful Now
Genomic Analysis:
Research & Future
= Genomic Analysis by Next Gen Sequencing
Research will increase
clinical use
Some Molecular Pathology Tests Will Move to Next Generation
Sequencing While Others Will Remain on Current Platforms
Current Molecular Pathology
Testing Examples
Molecular Pathology
? Viral Loads
? Bone Marrow Engraftment
? Deafness Genetic Testing
? EGFR Mutations
? KRAS Mutations
? BRAF Mutations
Genomic Analysis
? Cancer
? Specific
? Cancer
? Unidentified
Gene Panels Exome
Opportunities Exist for ALL Pathologists to Play Key
Roles Within Genomic Medicine
All Pathologists
All Pathologists
Sequence Data Interpretation
Reporting & Billing
Clinical Consultation
Sequence Data Generation
Molecular Pathologists,
Molecular Geneticists,
Industry & Others with strong
molecular biology or
genetics knowledge
The Cost of Genome Sequencing Is Decreasing Rapidly
and Driving Clinical Adoption of Genomic Analysis
Source: National Human Genome Research Institute
Cost per Genome Data Generation, 2001 – 2011
Cost for genome sequence data generation today is <$3,000
Early Adopters Identify Clinical Grade Databases and
Bioinformatics Tools as a High Priority Need
? Clinical Database(s):
oRequire significant time & money
o Need to define quality & submission standards
o Need to define access & IP issues
? Software Tools for Interpretation and Clinical
o Require significant time & money
o Many software tools being developed
oNo interoperability standards
o Will facilitate role for ALL pathologists in Genomic Medicine
Pathologists should be at the table in the development of
bioinformatics tools & should learn to use tools as developed
Opportunities Exist for ALL Pathologists to Play Key
Roles Within Genomic Medicine
What is the landscape
for ALL Pathologists
in the Pre-Analytical &
Clinical Consultation
Phases for Genomic
Sequence Data Interpretation
Reporting & Billing
Clinical Consultation
Sequence Data Generation
Clinical Decision Support Tools Can Assist ALL
Pathologists with the Pre-analytical and Clinical
Consultations for Genomic Medicine
Source: Grail Analysis
? Need clinical quality databases and software tools
? Pathologists must participate in development
Speed of Clinical Adoption Hinges on Several Factors
? Cost of genome analysis is rapidly decreasing
? Sequencing instruments now are clinically affordable
? Genomic Analysis is in clinical use now (small but growing)
? Research/discovery will increase clinical applications
? Currently, no specific CPT codes exist for Genomic Analysis
? Payers do not understand Genomic Analysis
? Can generate sequencing data in 10-36 hours
? Clinically relevant TAT available today for data generation
? Federal regulatory uncertainty today
? Quality standards being led by CAP with AMP & ACMG
Current GA Reporting and Payment Environment is
? No IT standards for reporting
? Interoperability standards
? Terminology standards
? Molecular CPT Codes under
? No GA CPT Codes available
? Payers do not understand GA
? Early adopters negotiating
coverage & reimbursement
with each payer for each
patient by early adopters
Sequence Data Interpretation
Reporting & Billing
Clinical Consultation
Sequence Data Generation
Current GA Regulatory Environment is Uncertain
? FDA held meeting to
understand early clinical users
needs & concerns
? No FDA position/guidance
? No CLIA standards for GA
? CAP Next Generation
Sequencing (NGS) Work
o NGS Checklist questions
o PT Exchange
Sequence Data Interpretation
Reporting & Billing
Clinical Consultation
Sequence Data Generation
Pathologists Have an Opportunity to Lead the Medical
Community in Genomic Medicine
? No single medical specialty is well informed about
Genomic Medicine
? Pathologists have the opportunity to be seen as
thought leaders in Genomic Medicine
? While Next Gen technology is rapidly advancing, the
growth of the genomics knowledge base will result in
a slow evolution of clinical applications
? Pathologists must have a genomics advocacy voice to
be seen as leaders in Genomic Medicine
CAP policy and advocacy initiatives preserve our role
and assert our leadership in Genomic Medicine…
? 100 new test-specific CPT
? CAP at the table on how to
regulate LDTs, including
genomic tests
? CAP advocating to knock
down laws that impede
pathologists from releasing
pathology results and
consulting with patients
? CAP is blocking state laws that
encroach on pathologists’ role
as a physician
? CAP is a plaintiff in the BRCA
lawsuit against Myriad
New Molecular Pathology Codes
Removing Barriers to Consulting
with Patients on Test Results
Preserving Scope of Practice
Resisting Gene Patents
CAP LDT Oversight Proposal

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  • 3. ? Debra G.B. Leonard, MD, PhD, FCAP, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York Presbyterian Hospital ? Patricia Deverka, MD, MS, MBE, Center for Medical Technology Policy
  • 4. Debra G.B. Leonard, MD, PhD, FCAP Pathologists and Genomic Medicine May 8, 2012
  • 5. Objectives ? Pathologists have an opportunity to lead in Genomic Medicine and why this is important ? Today’s challenges to widespread adoption of Genomic Medicine ? How Genomic Medicine affects all pathologists ? The College’s Advocacy efforts to support pathologists in Genomic Medicine
  • 6. Understanding of the Human Genome Combined with Sequencing Technology Advances are Moving Us Toward Genomic Medicine Human Genome Project Completed 2003 1 Generic Genome Direct Patient Care Improve Outcomes Genomic Medicine is made possible by ability to analyze individual patient genomes Genomic Medicine (Personalized Medicine) Individual Patient Genomes Technology & Knowledge Advances
  • 7. A Cancer Genomics Case: Diagnosis & Treatment (Jones et al. Genome Biology 2010, 11:R82) ? 78 yr. old Caucasian male with base of tongue mass ? Mass resected, followed by adjuvant radiation ? 1.5 cm poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with micropapillary & mucinous features; ? 3/21 neck LNs positive; ? 2+ EGFR IHC staining ? Lung nodules developed ? Tx: Erlotinib (EGFR inhibitor) ? Continued growth on therapy ? Consent for genome & transcriptome analysis of lung nodule biopsy
  • 8. A Cancer Genomic Case: Genomic-Based Treatment ? RB1 & PTEN loss associated with EGFR inhibitor (gefitinib) resistance c/w erlotinib failure ? Up regulation of RET and RET signaling pathway ? Treated with sunitinib (RET inhibitor) with lung nodule reduction & stable disease for 4 months ? Switched to a multi-kinase inhibitor (sorafenib) with stable disease for 3 months ? Repeat genomic analysis of met suggested need for combination treatment with RET, EGFR and mTOR inhibitor therapy; not done (Jones et al. Genome Biology 2010, 11:R82) Genomic Analysis has the potential to individualize treatment for each cancer to improve response
  • 9. Genomic Medicine is Driving a Strong Global Molecular Diagnostics Market with Estimated Annual Growth Rate of 13.6% World Market for Molecular Diagnostics, 2009-2015E Source: ‘Valuation of Carried Intangible Assets’, Acuity Technology Management, June 2011
  • 10. Genetics & Oncology Show Highest Growth with Continued Growth in Infectious Diseases USD MM 1,282 1,444 (13%) 1,628 (13%) 1,839 (13%) 2,080 (13%) 2,354 (13%) 2,667 (13%) Source: ‘Valuation of Carried Intangible Assets’, Acuity Technology Management, June 2011; The Future Of Molecular Diagnostics: Innovative technologies driving market opportunities in personalized medicine. Business Insights report No: BI00021-012. 23 June 2010. North American Genetic, Oncology and Infectious Disease Market, 2009–2015E
  • 11. Genomic Analysis by Next Generation Sequencing is Being Used in Molecular Pathology Practice Today Next Generation Sequencing is the newest Molecular Pathology technology and is being used now Single Gene/Pathogen Few Genes/Pathogens Single/Few Mutations Past and Continuing Molecular Pathology Tests Gene Panels Exome Genomic Analysis: Clinically Useful Now Transcriptome Genome Genomic Analysis: Research & Future Potential = Genomic Analysis by Next Gen Sequencing Research will increase clinical use
  • 12. Some Molecular Pathology Tests Will Move to Next Generation Sequencing While Others Will Remain on Current Platforms Current Molecular Pathology Testing Examples Molecular Pathology ? Viral Loads ? Bone Marrow Engraftment Analysis ? Deafness Genetic Testing ? EGFR Mutations ? KRAS Mutations ? BRAF Mutations Genomic Analysis ? Cancer ? Specific inherited disorders ? Cancer ? Unidentified inherited disorders Gene Panels Exome
  • 13. Opportunities Exist for ALL Pathologists to Play Key Roles Within Genomic Medicine All Pathologists All Pathologists Pre-Analytical Sequence Data Interpretation Reporting & Billing Clinical Consultation Sequence Data Generation Molecular Pathologists, Molecular Geneticists, Industry & Others with strong molecular biology or genetics knowledge
  • 14. The Cost of Genome Sequencing Is Decreasing Rapidly and Driving Clinical Adoption of Genomic Analysis Source: National Human Genome Research Institute Cost per Genome Data Generation, 2001 – 2011 Cost for genome sequence data generation today is <$3,000
  • 15. Early Adopters Identify Clinical Grade Databases and Bioinformatics Tools as a High Priority Need ? Clinical Database(s): oRequire significant time & money o Need to define quality & submission standards o Need to define access & IP issues ? Software Tools for Interpretation and Clinical Usefulness: o Require significant time & money o Many software tools being developed oNo interoperability standards o Will facilitate role for ALL pathologists in Genomic Medicine Pathologists should be at the table in the development of bioinformatics tools & should learn to use tools as developed
  • 16. Opportunities Exist for ALL Pathologists to Play Key Roles Within Genomic Medicine What is the landscape for ALL Pathologists in the Pre-Analytical & Clinical Consultation Phases for Genomic Testing? Pre-Analytical Sequence Data Interpretation Reporting & Billing Clinical Consultation Sequence Data Generation
  • 17. Clinical Decision Support Tools Can Assist ALL Pathologists with the Pre-analytical and Clinical Consultations for Genomic Medicine Variant Database Sequence Analysis Clinical Decision Support Source: Grail Analysis
  • 18. Bioinformatic s ? Need clinical quality databases and software tools ? Pathologists must participate in development Speed of Clinical Adoption Hinges on Several Factors Decreasing Costs ? Cost of genome analysis is rapidly decreasing ? Sequencing instruments now are clinically affordable ? Genomic Analysis is in clinical use now (small but growing) ? Research/discovery will increase clinical applications Clinical Usefulness Payment Uncertainty ? Currently, no specific CPT codes exist for Genomic Analysis ? Payers do not understand Genomic Analysis Increasing Speed ? Can generate sequencing data in 10-36 hours ? Clinically relevant TAT available today for data generation Regulatory Uncertainty ? Federal regulatory uncertainty today ? Quality standards being led by CAP with AMP & ACMG
  • 19. Current GA Reporting and Payment Environment is Uncertain ? No IT standards for reporting in LIS, EHR & PHR ? Interoperability standards ? Terminology standards ? Molecular CPT Codes under revision ? No GA CPT Codes available ? Payers do not understand GA ? Early adopters negotiating coverage & reimbursement with each payer for each patient by early adopters Pre-Analytical Sequence Data Interpretation Reporting & Billing Clinical Consultation Sequence Data Generation
  • 20. Current GA Regulatory Environment is Uncertain ? FDA held meeting to understand early clinical users needs & concerns ? No FDA position/guidance ? No CLIA standards for GA ? CAP Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Work Group o NGS Checklist questions o PT Exchange Pre-Analytical Sequence Data Interpretation Reporting & Billing Clinical Consultation Sequence Data Generation
  • 21. Pathologists Have an Opportunity to Lead the Medical Community in Genomic Medicine ? No single medical specialty is well informed about Genomic Medicine ? Pathologists have the opportunity to be seen as thought leaders in Genomic Medicine ? While Next Gen technology is rapidly advancing, the growth of the genomics knowledge base will result in a slow evolution of clinical applications ? Pathologists must have a genomics advocacy voice to be seen as leaders in Genomic Medicine
  • 22. CAP policy and advocacy initiatives preserve our role and assert our leadership in Genomic Medicine… ? 100 new test-specific CPT codes ? CAP at the table on how to regulate LDTs, including genomic tests ? CAP advocating to knock down laws that impede pathologists from releasing pathology results and consulting with patients ? CAP is blocking state laws that encroach on pathologists’ role as a physician ? CAP is a plaintiff in the BRCA lawsuit against Myriad New Molecular Pathology Codes Removing Barriers to Consulting with Patients on Test Results Preserving Scope of Practice Resisting Gene Patents CAP LDT Oversight Proposal